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Team Monkey

Josh B

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No, you just have an actual penis for a face so you have trouble sensing humour don't you my bum buddy. With your sexy tight arsehole. Rawr gimme some bum sex.

But how do I earn myself some of these points?

Repeated Pointless posts (posts which add no content to the topic) = 1 warning point

The harassment of other members* = 2 points

Repeated Abusive or obscene language = 2 points

Ill save them up in my head and one day you just wont be around any more :P

I hope one day we meet in real life to confirm my suspicions that you dont actually have a one.

Anyways, im off to play golf. Feel free to play around, just play nice Monkey (or go.... dare I say it.. outside (Y)!)

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Ill save them up in my head and one day you just wont be around any more (Y)

I hope one day we meet in real life to confirm my suspicions that you dont actually have a one.

Anyways, im off to play golf. Feel free to play around, just play nice Monkey (or go.... dare I say it.. outside :P!)

I've just been outside ;) So if someone continually harasses me do they get the same treatment or is it just make an example of someone, hmmm I wonder (Y)

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If Tom hasn't ever questioned himself paying loads of money to keep this place going, im sure shit like this will go a long way to making him wonder why he bothers.

Meh, its quite fun watching this place go downhill and another thing to add to the list of reasons why I shouldnt be arsed with it. Still ok for the odd laugh.. anyway, time for the pub :P

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If Tom hasn't ever questioned himself paying loads of money to keep this place going, im sure shit like this will go a long way to making him wonder why he bothers.


8 bags of Bassetts Sour Squirms, for the price of 2. Thats 8 bags, for about £2. That is much more of a bargain

You're a f**king nobjockey.

Wow, his nipples look pretty erect in some of those shots, damn fine

Tesco value milk or dark chocolate is great... so much, for so little money, and it tastes so good!


Have I made myself clear?

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