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Help Get A Trials Park Built.


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Although I live in peterborough and probably will not visit the trials park, if it helps... put my name down I'd be more than happy to help you guys out...

>_< (Y) ;)

Nathan Turner is the name by the way... :D (Y)

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Here comes the realistic one. >_<

It wont work.

How ever many signatures you get, how ever many names, they wont allow it. The health and safety risks for them are so great, and with the demands of our sport, upkeep will be another huge cost.

Then you have the factor that you will get bored easy, and go straight back to the streets, so even if you get past health and safety and planning permission, you then have to think about how to design a course that can easily be changed every few months atleast, which again is more cost.

Everyone has tried atleast once, and we've tried 3 years in a row, and have just given up now.

Until our sport is bigger and more widely accepted and recognised, it wont happen.

Good luck though. (Y)

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Here comes the realistic one.  >_<

It wont work.

How ever many signatures you get, how ever many names, they wont allow it. The health and safety risks for them are so great, and with the demands of our sport, upkeep will be another huge cost.

Then you have the factor that you will get bored easy, and go straight back to the streets, so even if you get past health and safety and planning permission, you then have to think about how to design a course that can easily be changed every few months atleast, which again is more cost.

Everyone has tried atleast once, and we've tried 3 years in a row, and have just given up now.

Until our sport is bigger and more widely accepted and recognised, it wont happen.

Good luck though. ;)

Dont mean to disagree with what your saying as i know its is very difficult to get the council to do anything like this, But it is posible a group of us got together in my village and got them to build use a half pipe (Y)

I think they got round the health and safety issue buy putting up signs to say anyone under the age of 16 must be accompained by an adult and anyone else useing the place does so at there own risk.

We went to the village parish council with our idea, We thought they would have more time to think (sort it out) than the main council. and they did sort it quite quickly

Good Luck to you mate (Y)

P.s Tell them this will help keep you all off the streets etc this may help

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I think simon was trying to make the point that trials bikes require a whole different set up from a skate park for example big rocks, large drops, rails... and so on and so forth.

These can prove dangerous in a public place like a park for instance. So big sharp rocks in a public park would be a health hazard and the council would not insure the park (how many people have seen little kids sliding down half pipes? >_< )

Unless its a private "trials park" i can't see it happening, but what the hey my names down.

David Fawbert (Y)

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