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Bear with me.....


Ok, so technically if you had a big enough micro wave you could beam micro waves into the tornado, this would heat the cold downdraft which is what causes the rotation that powers the tornado!!

So, giant microwave = bye bye tornado!


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X-rays (like other electromagnetic radiation) are generated by the rapid acceleration/deceleration of electrons.


Electrons emitted by a hot filament (like a light-bulb) are accelerated from a cathode towards a positively-charged anode target where they are stopped suddenly. The maximum energy and minimum wavelength are yielded when all of the kinetic energy is transformed in one step:

Emax = hnmax = eV

where h is Plank's constant, n is the photon frequency, e is the charge of an electron, and V is the voltage between anode and cathode. By substituting c = l n, where c is the speed of light:

lmin = hc/eV = 12,398/V (the de Broglie equation)

Figure 4: Voltage dependence of white radiation

For 30 kV, lmin » 0.4 Å.

Usually, the energy is lost in a series of smaller steps. Think of this as a series of collisions in each of which some of the electron's speed is lost and is converted to irradiative energy. This leads to a continuum of radiation with l ³ lmin, known as white radiation or Bremstrahlung.



Edited by manuel
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Hahaha, sorry Manuel but I am VERY confused, not because I dont understand how x-rays work but I dont get how that beats a giant microwave, haha?


EDIT: Just seen your closing statement, it was very convincing, I conceed defeat!

Edited by Davey
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