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Re: Charlies Ctt Topic In Tc


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In case you haven't been bothered by him already

Frames been sent 2 times.

1st courrie was ANC and it was delivered to worng address and returned to my self at work. Work has a postal office and is a big place and big stuff can take a week to get to you. There was a delay with ANC as it was one of two wearhouse in Bristol.

2nd was Fed ex/bisnues post. No answer was kept then returned back to me.

3rd was sent on friday via Royal Mail, cos it's big blah blah it'll be there parcle group. Parchle force say it could be Monday if you lucky but more than likely tuesday but as it was sent on friday nat 4pm it could be wednesday. Any latter is only due to staff shortages or other porpblems within Royal Mail.

Right this has been told to chalire via the muppet to get involved with this issue okay.

Also his dad.

Now who gave out my home address??

Only wankers that have it and i have to say wankers as they for giving it out which is illegal as you don;t have my say so and shouldn't be keeping it still are



A few agencys

My work

My doctor

Tax man

So own up as i want to know what you doing with it and freely giving it away which is ilegal and beings im not just living her my self you have 6 others to deal with.

Now i work for a very big company thats surports all the uni's in the uk and i'm bassed at Plymouth Uni.

I have a work phone, now thats work only. So you shouldn't have the number..again the wankers who only has it is




My work

So sidehop's and Noz are looking more than likly to of givn it out as Tarty aint a wanker but i've inc in the list as an outline..but he's no wanker.

Now Charlie has taklen it on his self to arrnage a gropu of reckless and totaly mindless bunch of wankersa, chav's, scondrals to come to the house i lkive at with 6 others to kill me. Now this was notyified to my self by a txt tio my work phone which a si stated is a no no. yetwhen on the phone to his dad he realatreated it too. Now thing is if these tosseers come and do that yeah cool but you've 6 others to deal with, not only catching me in as i'm always out wah twith my now 4th year old son, my new missis, mates, or at work or on call. Also did you know that for ever body pirecing thats damiged or removed phisycily from the body it's £1000 pay back to me for GBH let alone the normal payout on GBH and then there is force of entrance on to provate property.

Now this has all been notied to the police and my lanlord and house mates. So yeah that mean that www.trials-forum.co.uk is getting monitered due to a wanker named Charlie not listen to whats been said or over stepping the mark.

My own personal phone has been nicked. I have no need for it what so ever. I only need my work phone for work incase i need to get an engineer in, me to be called out on a job, call a tech adviser, call my boss thats it.

Right so er goes. The wanker to give out my name and address to own up and tell me why you did it.

Also the ones that have my number why you giving it out.


This is loged with Devon and Cornwall police as the threats, harasment thats happen and been made will and do stand up in coust and the fact he hwas publised it on a intrenet forum making it publicly known as well as msn a public chat service.

So own up who did it and tell me why.

Charlie you not so smug picec of shit...your frame my old Crescent Ilions will be with you wednesday l;atter is a fault of RM okay you little boy.


Then why did you post this up on the forum you dozy shit?

EDIT: Much as the comedy value of this post alone makes me want to leave it as is, I feel that as a "Responsible" mod I should probably cobble together some reasonable reply. As always with Pete, I will deal with this step-by-step.

Interesting Fact About Pete's Post #1: It is not illegal for someone to give out your home address, especially if you'd already given it to someone and not told them it was "in confidence" or any shit like that.

Interesting Fact About Pete's Post #2: Tom and/or Danny and the server would've been contacted if the forum was being "monitored". They haven't been. When the South Wales DH forum was being monitored after threats were raised (did you read the story of that in a magazine too to come up with this Pete?), the owners were informed and duly took it offline. Again, this hasn't happened here Pete.

Interesting Fact About Pete's Post #3: If you are claiming you are being threatened, we have posts on here of you threatening others anyway. For example, you've threatened to punch people out before, beat them up and generally cause harm. Therefore, you'd be implicating yourself Pete. I know, from your posts on here you're a complete tool, but I doubt even you would do that (Y)

Interesting Fact About Pete's Post #4:

Only wankers that have it and i have to say wankers as they for giving it out which is illegal as you don;t have my say so and shouldn't be keeping it still are

Tax man

Why shouldn't the friendly tax man have your address Pete? Planning some tax evasion are we? Maybe you should phone up the government and tell them they're "wankers" that have your address and shouldn't have it?

Interesting Fact (sort of) About Pete's Post #5: Having looked on the Plymouth university site, there is no mention of you holding a position there at all. Also, typically worker's contact details will be freely available from either the parent company of the employee or from their website, otherwise people couldn't get hold of you. That'd be a bit silly, wouldn't it Pete?

Enough "Interesting Facts" - to be honest Pete, you're only still here because of the comedy value of posts like these. However, your posts are beginning to get slightly tedious - I say "Slightly"... - and as such, you're going to be banned next time you mention that you're going to threaten someone personally or threaten them with legal action. It's just too much hassle having to point out the *massive* flaws in your arguements, to be honest.

Lastly, Pete - take note of the highlighted areas:

Please bear in mind, when you signed up to this forum you agreed to the following,

Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this BB. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email (You haven't done this at all Pete). We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this BB.

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Right when mumy thats women who opens wide lets daddy do his stuff then 9 months latter open up again and your sorry little ass apears yeah tells you not to get involved with so and so who's doing bad things as you will get inm trouble to and they say guilt by assoation yeah. Well this is it. Now you in for it.

I have as i need to get answers and being im in NMC not tc i can only do it this way no...logic si logic

How old are you? you sound like a little kid. if you had sorted this guy out and kept him up to date with delivery info then all this could of been avoided.

and btw you keep calling people wankers. well with nice mature posts like the one i quoted then i think it shows who the wanker is among us.

grow up, and sort your self out. your suposed to be a business man according to what you say, well start acting like it

Edited by chrishayton
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How old are you? you sound like a little kid. if you had sorted this guy out and kept him up to date with delivery info then all this could of been avoided.

and btw you keep calling people wankers. well with nice mature posts like the one i quoted then i think it shows who the wanker is among us.

grow up, and sort your self out. your suposed to be a business man according to what you say, well star acting like it

Maybe Pete's employers at Plymouth uni would like to know about his harrassing, threatening and lying to minors on an internet message board? (Y)

Oh, and Pete - that was a JOKE before you call in Drazic/your new solicitor...

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Now who gave out my home address??

Only wankers that have it and i have to say wankers as they for giving it out which is illegal as you don;t have my say so and shouldn't be keeping it still are



A few agencys

My work

My doctor

Tax man

So i put who has it that i know of outling it all. Why cos i can cos Charlie got these people in thats list involed and it got posted here

I find it unlikely that Charlie got your doctor involved (Y)

No wonder people dont like you if you go around calling everyone wankers and pointing the finger without any proof what so ever

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The people that i know that have my work number and home address can be declaired as a group of wankers as they have no right, reason or leg to stand for doing so as it's illegal to give out someones postal address without my concent.

I have a work phone as i work for someone not my self. I pay people to run a shop of mine, i work mon to fri 8:30 till 5 on call 24/7 365. I'm a Canon Engineer at Plymouth Uni in Babige building in the IT Surport office. This number that Charlie has been harasing with calls and txt's is Canon's phone and number not mine. You understand now. It's a work phone. Not mine not for you to get hold of and call, work only.

Now i posted here as i can't reply to his topic in TC and i don;t have every one on msn as he might have. So i need answers to get this sorted as my house mates are really pissed off that an 17 or 18 year old is that stupied to make threats like that to come round here and force there way in. Good luck mate. Ryan is one of the local winners at being one of the best body builders in Plymouth and packs a punch but nis fing huge.

I can point the finger at who i like and i listed the ones who i know have this and that so get you facts right mate.

Mark, Drazic is not me, duno how or who or why you think that. Maybe cos your are retared and stuff. He's a yank, lives out there and works there and we have nothing to do with each other any more as we cut the contract short when i sold my big shop as he wanted out and so did i.

Mark i work for Canon @ Plymouth uni you twat and with over 2000 staff not all are listed what so ever mate. If you come for a ride wer i'll show you all you need to know. fact it's all online but i'm not going to give you the ip's to look cos i don;t trust you. Simple as mate, soz.

Oh and the passing of someones address is illegal. It falls under lots of things but people can take out credit etc aganist it so thats fraud. So anyone gonna own up cos all i'd like to know is why you gave it out thats it. An experlation to it...

The law is on my side in this one. Charlie has been updated. My his goons that messgae me on msn. i had to block him when i was at my pc a si'm trying to chat to the mother of my son as he has not been well and to friends and trying to do other thing online and having muppets and Chrlies goones messaging me. I told them thery twisted it.

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Ryan is one of the local winners at being one of the best body builders in Plymouth and packs a punch but nis fing huge.

Oh and the passing of someones address is illegal. It falls under lots of things but people can take out credit etc aganist it so thats fraud. So anyone gonna own up cos all i'd like to know is why you gave it out thats it. An experlation to it...

The interent rules. Yeah, body builders who can pack a punch but nis fing huge are the most talked about ones aren't they?

I love it how you put three dots after a sentence to make yourself sound clever but the word these dots follow is "experlation". Oh you are amusing.

Involveness was too tempting.

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Fair enough you want to find out who gave your number out, But if you have a list of names who has your number why dont you take it up with them privately instead of coming on here? its like you want everyone to know about your situation.

Also if you live with 6 other people why are yuo scared of someone calling your work saying there going to kill you? They clearly dont have the balls to do anything or else they wouldnt be telling you about it first, So why are you getting worked up and worryed about it.

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Number and adress mate.

I have done and yet to get a reply out them but ehre names have been handed to the police.

I'm thinking of others, thinking of my house mates. Our house being barged into by these er goones of Charles family.

Fact is too many have got involved who should of not done so.

So one has made a big bobo by giving out my per5sonal home address publicly along with my work number to what they have attanied it by. All i'm asking for is who did it to come forward and say why...simple as.

You lot twist infomation you see, get told and what i say. Had it on a ride yesterday and a point was made and people put in there place and some left cos they felt bang out of order and guilty for there actions.

1st time anyone has had the balls and guts to ask me face to face. Insted of this poxy place (internet and tf and msn)

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All the name sin that list where requested by them as this has been made into a report so if you have any sense lee you would of though not to get involved in something that don't have your name for it now.

Okay i know you trying to help a mate out but in turn your not helping you self and he's bring you in and down with him. I understand your helping him out, least trying.

I know you say it aint you thats given it and yeah admterly i bleive you lee but still i know you have my number not 100% sure on my new address, i know you got my last old 2 for plymouth... but i still have to list you and let the boy's in blue know as you fall in a line and list that named as potenshal suspects. Soz

Like i said if you don;t wana get in trouble don't get involved. Guilt by assoiation (thing mumy & dady tell you about) stands in court you know.

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Look, I don't care what you say but I still don't know why you gave my name to the Police (if you even did)


Or address for that matter. I don't have your address anymore. I had it on my computer but when I formatted it I lost it. (Y)

Yeah, i'm trying to help Charlie out but I didn't even think I was that involved.

Edited by Siders77
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lee you muppet read what i put. it says the Police made a report of this threat yeah and needed possible names of whom had my number and address and yours was given as a few opthers and one with a rep of outstanding goodness of him..tarty. So don;t think it's all you okay yuor one of many.

f**k sake boy read the post no wander why you make things worse as do all the othjers er..me me me me

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Oh My f**king God!

What I'm trying to get at is that I don't see why you gave my name to the Police for "Giving out your number" when you asked me not to. You've asked me not to do things before and because I thought you were a good mate I didn't.

I guess I could just get on the phone to the Police and explain all so that my name's taken off of the list. (Y)

Oh and another thing, can you please stop talking down to me, I know you're older and everything but it doesn't make you look very good, in fact it makes you sound like a 10-Year-old. (Y)

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What I'm trying to get at is that I don't see why you gave my name to the Police for "Giving out your number" when you asked me not to.

You're not reading what everyone is putting dude. He hasn't said anything to the police. He's not reported anything, he's not done sweet shit all.

Pete Shite is called that for a reason, his whole life is a lie.

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All the name sin that list where requested by them as this has been made into a report so if you have any sense lee you would of though not to get involved in something that don't have your name for it now.

lee you muppet read what i put. it says the Police made a report of this threat yeah and needed possible names of whom had my number and address and yours was given as a few opthers

You're not reading what everyone is putting dude. He hasn't said anything to the police. He's not reported anything, he's not done sweet shit all.

I dunno if i'm getting the wrong message but it seems like my name's been given? (Y) Well, that's what Pete's saying anyway.

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