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Whats Your Highest Drop?

Ross Gardner

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Wow. Drops. So skillful. I hope your wallet can cope with the extra strain your bike is taking. Not to mention your spine.

yeah i went through a stage when all i was doing was drops. the highest i got was 9ft 2". they get boring. climbing up something and dropping off it. there isnt really much skill involved either. drop arent reallt to good for your joints, wrists and ankles either. me knees starting hurting off drops so that cant be too healthy.

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Well. I've slipped a disc, chipped my spine and had several other back issues and I'm only 21. Causing yourself unnessary damage, is erm, unnessary.

I watched that video with that guy jumping off a Lorry the other day. It's in slow motion and you can actually SEE the whip-lash happening. Seriously.

Now, if there is a get up before the drop, I can understand it. And large drop off on to sand or grass is always fun as the ground is a lot softer so the impact is minimalised.

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what you mean drops are unskillful it aint the hardest thing but trials does involve dropping off stuff like you ride uo to a ledga will you walk off it then so you don't get hurt there better for learning drop gaps and all that basically are something to do and I can get up stuff and go back down but drops are fun. Oh I've been going for about 3 months abd I've done about 6.5ft


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Yer ok you win :) what so just becuase it's easy you don't do them it's like skating pops are easy but there still something lol And thats like saying oh pops are easy but not compared to ollieing down a 20 set while doing a 360 flip. see what I mean there still a trials thing :P


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