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The times coming to be thinking of what I want to do after schools finished (Y)

Im looking to do something involving graphics/art...

Just been looking through a college prospectus booklet thing and I think Im gonna do 'BTEC National Diploma in Graphic Design'

Anyone else whos finishing school next year, what are you all doing?

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I went to an open evening at John Leggott college (local college I want to go to) and I am quite sure on doing Geography, History, Electronics and Design. After I have taken those subjects I have to go down the route of either the first two or the second two, so it kind of leaves it open for me. (Y)

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I did a BTEC ND graphic design course

I was ok, did the two year course with mainly deplomas, but I discovered graphic design was too much work for my liking. I HATED the computer stuff, that really gave me a headache, I just dont do computers.

The drawing bits were good though.

All in all, it hasnt helped me in my future career of a professional bum.

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I am going to do:

-As/A Art- Film and video (filming and editing)

- As/A Photography

- As Maths

- As Psychology

- As/A Music technology.

Can't wait.

Joel (Y)

yeah thats feasable (Y)

i started btec nd in media studys and hated it , mainly cause the teachers were twuntsâ„¢

so i dropped out and went and did a-levels

business studys

media studys

english lit

and systems and control

loving every minute of it

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I does;

- Maffs with mechanix

- fizzix

- fotografeE

- reziztunt mateerialz

- genrAl studeez

- Btec CAD

bO yEa!1

I take;

- Maths with Mechanics

- Physics

- Photography

- Resistant Materials

- General Studies

- bTec CAD

It's pretty good fun.

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i'm in my 2nd year of college doing Physics, Geography and ICT. Its going alright.... also took Biology AS but dropped it as i got a D. Ive applied for a foundation engineering course for uni, so i dont need maths to get in, and if i pass the first year it means i can go into a lot of science and engineering degrees, e.g. mechanical or computer science.

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In my first year I did:

As - Media

As - graphics

As - Photography

As - IT

Dropped IT cus it's absolutly SH*T!!!! really hated that subject, I like computers but that was just tourture.

So this year I picked up AS film studies and doing the other 3 as A2

It's alot of work but at the moment it's going proper good!

Really stuck in this year

But yeh I just wanted to do subjects that I enjoy instead of thinking o god I hate this subject and it just being a waste of time. Pick carefully, I nearly picked art but by joe im pleased I didn't!!! The work they do (Y)

All the best

Rob (Y) (Y)

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Hopefully, if all goes to plan, i will be going to brockenhurst studying:

D+T product design



and maybe phycology (sp)

Cant wait, school is shite lol.


I wouldn't take 3 coursework subjects, certainly not if you want any form of social life. Up to you I guess.

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i left school at 16, got offered an apprenticeship with rolls royce aerospace,

now in my 3rd year, ive got an ONC in mechanical engineering, now on my first year of my HNC in mechanical engineering, then moving on to do my degree, the best thing is i get paid to learn.........................

all fees paid for plus i get a wage each week :lol:


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