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Fears And Phobia`s


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I thought I would post this topic about fears and phobias, mainly because I myself have a fear of rails and some other moves as well. I think in general a lot of trials riders, no matter how long they have been riding, still come across things that they are not sure of and that they are scared to try. Now, these things don’t have to be twelve foot drops to skinny rails, all they are some times are little things, but, for some reason that little voice in your head says “Hang on a sec, what if I don’t make this?” or “What if I come up short? I’m not sure I want to do this”. That’s the point when you end up falling or not making the gap all because of that little thing called doubt, which in turn encourages fear, which then encourages phobias, and having a phobia in any sport is not a good thing.

Of course this is only my opinion on things. It would be nice to hear what other people think on the matter.

Thanks, Tomo :)

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Awsome post mate, im firstly scared of dodgey people skateboarding on halfpipes affraid that they will fall back and break their leg like i did :) (not trials related, but i cant watch people skateboard anymore enless on the tv)Secondly im pretty affraid of gapping to rails as if you try to kick of and your not fully on or your back wheel slips you kick and go nowhere and this can be painful, Finally backhopping round on large drops hate it!


Edited by Jeza
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Right well lads ever since iv seen the little clip "Faceland" i have been scared of doing a railo and knocking my teeth out but thats about it riding wise.

But i also get scared of watchin my m8s who arnt very good at trials and watchin them do things that i think are to big for them but they think otherwise. I hate to think what my parents are like watching me do this stuff.


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Big Dropoffs! (size remains secret!)

Roll to the edge, crank it up, hold your nerve and get the teqnique right...I am scared off heights though. :)

That and finally having to remove a bald Maxxis tyre from my rear hog rim (6 levers broken!)

Oh` and never getting validated. :-

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Big Dropoffs! (size remains secret!)

Roll to the edge, crank it up, hold your nerve and get the teqnique right...I am scared off heights though. :)

That and finally having to remove a bald Maxxis tyre from my rear hog rim (6 levers broken!)

Oh` and never getting validated. :-

thats a good one :-

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My biggest fear is my brake going when i'm going big, or my front tyre dropping out from the forks(it happened before and i faceplanted a curd :) haha)

A Kurd, lol a person from Kurdikstan, and yes it is a place. I've not laughed that hard for ages.

Keep it on the back wheel if that happens, or just go onto your forks?

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I did not hit a curd, i hit a curb though, i have hit people before lmao it's funny, what do you mean stay on my back tyre when it happens? (it only happened once on a friends bike to) but when it happened ages ago the tyre hit the frame so it forced me down! :)

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drops, i have such a fear of droppin the front wheel, am ugly enough as it is dont need to face plant!! and rails mainly comin up a lil short and the rear slipping off and me landing on the rail!!

oh and i catn do any thing if someones watchin especially if its on film..... dunno its strange!!

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used be shit scared of dentists, was petrified of goin for a check up when I was little but i've gotten over that now.

ummmm scared of sidehopping over roadside rails or onto them the backwheel, don't know why I just get ready to go for them and think what iff i hit my wheel when going over it or miss it while trying to get it to backwheel etc..


Edited by mr ailsbury
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Me too, haha, we're such puffs.

used be shit scared of dentists, was petrified of goin for a check up when I was little but i've gotten over that now.

I hate the dentist.... well more the injections in my mouth, i wont have them, i prefer to have dental work done with no anaestetic (sp?) The last time i went i had a filling on either side of my mouth and he did the grinding and all that jazz without giving me the injections cos i said no. It hurt, but i just prefer it to having a needle in my mouth.

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My biggest fear is my brake going when i'm going big, or my front tyre dropping out from the forks(it happened before and i faceplanted a curd :) haha)

yeah ive thought about that too lol. but my main fear is going for a drop lowering the front wheel to get horizontal then tryin to pedal and nothing happeningthen faceplanting concrete from a huge drop and gapping or drop gapping and my wheel slipping happened last sunday and i nearly got knocked out. i went drowsy all the colour went from my sight so everything was white and my hearing went for bout 10 mins and i walked with a limp for a week and my arse killed for ages aswell, NASTY

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