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Meeting A Girl Later On Down The Pub

Will Arnold

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aaaa you're gna poo yourself before you get there :o:P

only jkin lol :P

My experiance is dont talk to her until shes p!ssed cos then whatever I say doesn't matter. However I don't reccomend that

Just treat her like a normal person that you're meeting for the first time. Be nice, polite, by her drinks, talk to her, and try not to show your character COMPLETLY so that she'll meet you again to try and figure you out some more

Oh and don't be nervous ;)

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Have a wank before you go. Calms your nerves...and means if you do get lucky, you won't blow ur load just thinking about it!

True that...

Go ride your bike for a bit, then go home go hit up the 4 S's, (shit, shower, spank and shave, in the order you want)

have a drink before you head out, and best thing to remember/tell yourself

"She is going to be nervous as well, and she is meeting you there, so you shouldn't feel out of place because she actually want s to meet/see you."

When your there, go in say hi, introduce yourself, tell her she looks nice and ask her what she want to drink (do this knda all in one, it'll make the compliment be less anylised by her and seem spontanious, so it becomes just something you say as an observation instead of just a line.

The ask her about her first, girls love to talk about themselves, do this until you find some common ground and have at it....have fun lad

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Not a tip to calm the nerves, but if she at any point in future meetings, if it goes that far, which i'm sure it will, and she says "i love you", get up, and walk away. :turned:

WALK!! well till you get out of site then SPRINT till you can sprint no more, then JOG, til you can jog no more.....and so on and so on

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When you get there wait and see if she talks first then just listen to everything she says and try to remember it.

Laugh at ALL of her jokes.

Smile sensibly at her

Look into her eyes alot.

Buy her drinks

Tell her she is smart and say, really i didn't know that you're really smart.

Things like that just stay calm and don't get over exited or anything then everything will be fine.

If not punch her in the clam and run for your life!

Edited by spangler
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When you get there wait and see if she talks first then just listen to everything she says and try to remember it.

Laugh at ALL of her jokes.

Smile sensibly at her

Look into her eyes alot.

Buy her drinks

Tell her she is smart and say, really i didn't know that you're really smart.

Things like that just stay calm and don't get over exited or anything then everything will be fine.

If not punch her in the clam and run for your life!

LMAO :lol: dunno why that just made me laugh :)

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thanks for the replies everyone :)

it's weird, im looking at it as a, 'oh shit' kinda of situation, rather than a 'woo can't wait' situation. meh these relies helped alot, cheers.

also, i was just on the phone with her and she said that she has nowhere to stay ;) i offered my house as a place and she agreed :D

i just hope she is good looking haha!

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funny story, some girl gave sam@southtrials her number when we were out,(just lean't out the car window), but iti was mean't for me,

anyways she asked if i would go and met her but i had only seen her through the window for about 30 seconds, i went, when i got there just introduced myself, chacked she was who i was mean't to be meeting and we went for a walk (ended up about 10miles), but at first it was really akward, but soon got talking propperly, now we speak every night and day, and good friends


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lol ye getting in there (Y);)think you should pop down the shops for some rubber B)

when you first see her ask her how she is and be a gentleman. Also make sure you have 'protection' with you (Y) just make her feel comfortable and make sure you both enjoy your night. When you get back to your place grab her tit then lock her out :lol::D:P
Yes and yes.

I highly doubt you would get into a situation requiring 'protection' on a first date, but if it does end up in that situation and you dont have any supplies you will be kicking yourself forever :P

Has this femme seen pictures of you? How did you end up in these phone conversations with her?

I hope it works out for you! The last/only time I met a girl I had never seen before was when I was at college, lets just say it was not a pretty sight and the personality was even worse, there was litterally only a few minutes between meeting up with her and me finding an excuse as to why I had to rush off :lol:

Are you going alone or are you taking along a mate? Seeing as you have never met her before it might be a plan to go along with a mate just incase she is a middle aged pshyco...

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