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Brake Freeze


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You can either use anti freeze or put the orginal magura fluid back in to put antifreeze in put about a quarter of the syringe full of anti freeze and then the rest water and bleed through as normal.

You should change your brakes to antifreeze or fluid because it can ruin the seals (N) etc on the maguras

Cheers Mackey

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My brake froze for the first time ever tonite, o well was on the way home anyway.

It's really quite good actually, if it freezes it's a sign you shoudln't be out riding anyway cus it's so god damm cold!!!! :rolleyes:

Roll on forkin summer, ridin in shorts and T-shirt till 11 :)

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Personly i won't use anti freeze its really not good for the brake.

no it wont.

If you think about it, if you use the correct amount of anti-freeze mixed with water, then the anti-freeze becomes nuetral, and it wont even harm the seals or anything (most of the water bottles n pipes on a car are plastic or rubber...)

Baby oil is menna be fooking awsome, i might try it, but my water bleed it VERY awsome, it hasnt froze at all, and its been through 2 winters :) (hasnt got any anti-freeze in ether :) )

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use maggie oil. water is crap a few of my mates use it and theirs freeze quite a lot.

tell them to add a little anti-freeze / coolant to their de-ionised water next time they bleed them, that way they can still keep the feel you get with water, and not have to worry about them freezing, (Y)


Edit: Baby Oil? what like johnson's bath shizzle? how the hell did you discover that one? :blink: sounds interesting though, let me know how it goes if you do decide to put it in your brakes, good luck!

Edited by mike
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My mate's brake has froze up solid lol he's really worried, i imagine if you have your pads close enough to the rim it could crack the frame with the amount of pressure on the welds and it being like that for 6-7 hours non-stop. Just a thought, bet you're all paranoid and checking your mounts now lol ^_^

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I doupt that the frame would go, the brake cable might split, unless you were running the braided ones, methinks that the frame would die before they do, but i think the cable would die before the frame did (plastic vs metal) unless the cable was thermosetting, but it's to bendy for that!

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