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ensuring the WCS logo (main one) is actually centred on the page and not half hanging off the edge (the S) leaving too much space to the left of the image, bring the WCS log more centre would improve this. try different colours, the background has too much white and the the same colours, it doesnt stand out as much as it could, experiment with colours

thats my opinion


Edited by ben@hulltrials
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no offence but its looks rather amaturish. just looks like something that you knocked up in publisher in 5 mins.

the logo is also quite hard to read so maybe change the font(obviously you cant if its the company logo though)

i got a route one catalogue sat next to me and compairing it too yours doesnt look that good to be honest. sorry

the layout is a bit sketchy too, maybe include a couple of pics of products on it, eg a deck, some wheels or a tshirt as its a skate shop (they all have nice graphics so pick pretty ones)

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The main thing for me was just that the WCS logo isn't really highlighted. If it had a thicker outline so it was more visible that'd probably help, but it's just that at the moment it's not really eye-grabbing. Looks like you've done it by hand then scanned it in, so why not just trace around it in any publishing programme or whatever you're using and make the lines a bit thicker?

EDIT: Unless you haven't done it by hand, in which case just maybe make the lines a touch thicker and have the internal colours standing out a bit more?

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Angled text is OK, but that is too steep. You have to really crane your neck to read it. Also you've got 3 different angled bits, which are all at slightly different angles.

Without reading the small print, I'm totally unaware of what the flyer is for. Even after I've done that I'm still a bit confused. Is it just skateboarding hardware, or are we talking clothes, shoes etc?

And as for the colours, they are sooo early 90s. Take a look around at people's clothes and flyers for other companies. Get rid of the blue.

I also think it probably needs some graphic in there somewhere. Maybe a T-shirt or a logo or whatever.

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