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Coust Pads


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They are Ace pad's ask alext he has some,why are they £32 pound? are you getting front and back?

I have herd the majic pad's are the best and they are cheaper so it might be better to ge some of them.

Also the zoo pa's rock my mate tom has them and the are pefict but like £22.

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i've heard good things about majics aswell, and after all they're only a tenner so even if you don't like them you haven't wasted much money

they are available at all good bike shops.......that are called mjcycles

Edited by the judge
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They are Ace pad's ask alext he has some,why are they £32 pound? are you getting front and back?

I have herd the majic pad's are the best and they are cheaper so it might be better to ge some of them.

Also the zoo pa's rock my mate tom has them and the are pefict but like £22.

They would be £32 because there in the CNC'ed backings if your running them on a grind then coust pads are good from what ive heared and friends bikes, or on a smooth rim then get zoo pads cos they are the best on a smooth rim.

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Do not by them off Fatmike. Alex aka Miniman had some and how the hell Mike sleeps at night i'd love to know. The pad was cut so badly it's unture, the material wasn't even stuck in correctly. To me it's a money thing. Alex had to chnage his pads round after laods of ''dude you will land flat on your ass and die all cos of fatmike, hahahah''

If your gonna make pads put in the 110%. Cut right, make a jig, practisis, Glue it in not around, and quality control is key, test the pad, check it, but if it dont go right 1st time on one set don't mod it or try again, safty is paramount.

Sorry for my rant but my own words. I'm f**king discusted and apolaed at the 2 set of Coust pads i've seen made and how they have been allowed to be sent out a sin working, safe manner.

If Alex has the pics i think he should show. Along with Edwards

Pete Wright

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I hope the Coust pads I've made up into the various backings pass your quality test! Here are some photos for people to judge for themselves:

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You'd don't have to fork out as much money as people are mentioning to get your hands on some Coust pads. Put into Powerpad backings they are a very similar price to the other pads out there. The CNCed backings + Coust material will always be a very top of the range option, which work out cheaper in the long run due to cheaper refills and the capability to use any magura pad in the reuseable backings. Since the Coust pads are so expensive for me to buy, for the CNCed backings I actually loose money on the pads themselves, plus the user gets the making of the blocks into pads and the glueing all for free too (A skill that takes along time to develop as people have found). Having made many hundreds of hand cut pads with my trusty jig, (more than any other person in the world for sure!) I hope people will agree the quality is top notch and 100% safe.


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My Cousts from heatsink where cut spot on :)(Y) Nice one steve

They work reallly well on a medium grind, Ive got the power pad backins aswell and they lock hold and grab perfectly well for me.

Spot on pads. Certainly running them for a long time.


Edited by Tom Booth
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stuart son,

just get coust in plastic backing for 19 squid (Y)

or follow me and kev with koxx reds and you seen the grip from mine in the river ( and my grinds were smooth then ) great pads (Y) 18 squid

and then back to heatsink blues awsome hold on a good grind and thats what you have got cant beat thses on price there only 11 quid

hope i helped


chiz :blues:

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Heres mine, I got them a few days ago and they seem promising. I put a fresh, harsh grind on my rim to ensure they work well and they do. Not too loud, just a nice little assuring squeal to let you know they work. They are showing no signs of wear either, and I hev been srubbing the brake a lot for manuals etc.

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Well where to start...

When i had my coust pads on they worked OK nothing special didint really hold they had very good bite but that was about it..maybe i didnt give them long enough to bed in .

My pads came all wonky I thought nah they'll be fine , so i rode with them for like 30 mins . Then the next day went out for a full days of riding only to be told my pads where going to come out of my backings...

So i took them off puit them on the front and put my koxx browns from the front onto the back..So that's that.Got home thought well i may as well check if they where telling the truth about them just about to come out of there backings so i pulled on the material on one of the pads and bang came straight out,didn't even pull hard..

But fatmike has said if i send them back he will re-glue them for me but still..

And my mate has the heatsink ones.These look good and are all fine backing/cut wise yet his dont work for shit.

He has them set up fine , bleed's fine he has a fresh grind but he does use a try-all rim wich i think may be the problem but they dont hold for shit for him,the other day his sliped whislt he was hopping on the ground , now not being funny but thats bad but of course thats nothing to do with steve as he didn't design the material or owt so you know.

anyway rant over . :sleeping:

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Yes Alex, you wont regret buyign a set of coust pads they are very loud and very sharp they are one fo the best out there, if not the best bit pricy but hey. :lol:


so how much are these heatsink cousts then?

they are £32 i think

from stu (Y)

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I hope the Coust pads I've made up into the various backings pass your quality test! Here are some photos for people to judge for themselves:


Hi Steve,

Your pretty much the founder of this pad lark. How many topics have we had, let alone the number one convo on rides and eles where. Sorry i did get confused as i though Matty had Fatmike's Coust pads too but i have seen them again and they are PERFECTo A MONDO.

You've done this for a lot longer than most mate, i know you've put the time and effort in to devlop a skill and make soemthing that we need to work 110% all the time.

Just look at the material i sent you to put in some CNC backings so i could have the pimpest pads around. it's hard to cut as it's tough as hell yet you've done it, it's the backings spot and has yet to give any issues. I've done everything ican to test your backings and my material which in turn tests the fitting and they are rock solid. Only down side is my grind has gone and now i've just noted a wear rate, nothing huge but from new which was a good few months ago they've worn to shape which is normal i say but from the 6mm there now only 5.5mm, thats a .5mm wear rate. Oh and manny will say how anyoing my brake is when used cos of how loud she be. Koxx reds, nah, Plaz, nah, Majics nah. Mine are louder than Coust, Steves red's are on par with mine in the sound with out a doute but some say mine are louder. Then arguments beings into why and thats it's not right but differnt tiem and place for that.

Heatsink knows he stuff, i've put my life into his findings and production and i'll keep on doing it but i will always use my material as it works for me.

Fatmike...well rummor of the vid having sound turned up etc etc, just watch it for you self. Shame Alex don;t have a pic to show us of his pads

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