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Ashton Or Aorta


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Ashton all the way......my mate just got his one and i'm so jealous.It's such a lovly bike to ride,and it goes where ever you want it to,side hops are great on it too.I was origainaly gunna get 1,but didn't wanna wait till June (bein january at the time)...wish i had now :(

The aorta's look nice....it's the fact that theycome with a spare hanger that kinda puts me off em :-


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Good and bad reasons for both:


Looks a beast, apprently it rides real nice, its stiff and red looks the dogs. (Y)


LOADS of people have them now, and are coming out of stock quite quickly and costs more than the Aorta (N)


Looks brillaint as well, its cheaper and hardly anybody has it at the moment! (Y)


Its silver and everyone has silver frames, doesnt look as good as the ashton, and only comes in silver (N)

I would have the Ashton in red any day mate! Go for it! (Y):-:D:P;)

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my opinion is the following.......

if your getting an ashton becaue you think it will make you ride anything like ALI C or JAMES PORTER (both sponsored by ashton) after seeing there recent videos then


it will not make you automatically ride like either of these, who have both been riding ages and both are ace riders who push their limits.

DONT BE A SHEEP>>>>>>>>> get something different.

just my opinion. but you should NEVER get a bike, hoping it will make you ride like someone who has one. It doesnt happen like this.


* sorry if this seemed harsh to say, my rear windscreen went through on my car tonight so i just need to get it sorted and im a little grumpy :(

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if your getting an ashton becaue you think it will make you ride anything like ALI C or JAMES PORTER (both sponsored by ashton) after seeing there recent videos then

Then dont get the Aorta because they sponsered CLS and all the wanna bees already have pythons :P lmao lol

i saw the ashton tried and tested i guess

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  • 9 months later...

Well I would prefer the ashton! cause i am a rider who want to try different styles of ridin,

i wann sidehop tap and gap but also some 180°'s, spins and other streety stuff....so i chosed

the Ashton! And it was the best choice! (Y)

If you wanne ride comps and tap 60" walls....maybe the aorta is the better choice.... :-

So it is your decision not ours! ;)

I would clearly go for the ashton looks sooo beasty and rides awesome! B)

hope it helps dude!


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