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Very Pissed Off About Posting Messages!


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no need for the twat. you studying pschology at college and trying out your new found skills or just talking a load of pretencious rubbish. ill go for the second . anyway simon was being civilised and putting his points across clearly.

its a pitty that some pissant has to bring the maturity level down a peg or two

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if people are posting shite theyre posting shite. warn them then ban them like most other boards do (not trials related)

if the process is in place to stop people "causing mayhem" why cant moderators just ban people who are distasteful? dosnt make sense to me im afraid.

It's easier to pick out and validate the smaller amount of worthy pre-members than to ban every bloody pre member other than these, due to the sheer number of people like you who don't stick to the fundamental rules and then complain

this is the only board i have been on with a process like this.

Then you should have realised how much better this forum runs than most others surely?

The system is in place and it works, end of

as for being here a month or whatever, thats got no relevance im making an observation thats all, like i said earlier i dont really care i hardly come on here, im more interested in riding my bike than talking about it all day

Then for one you shouldn't be complaining if you hardly ever come on - especially when you claim to make regular contributions to the forum.

One month + few posts + no respect for the rules or other members = no validation. Seems to add up to me (and that's with further maths at A-Level so don't question the maths!)

...keep an eye on validation a bit more closely so to avoid any unsavory comments by pissed off members.

Have you ever tried to run a forum of this size whilst studying at uni?

-No? Then how are you to say that the Admin have the time for an area of the forum where they would mostly be wasting precious time?

-Yes? Let's see it!

...consider validation a bit more frequently than at present, or at least give pre members who seem to be disgruntled about the subject some idea on how to behave as to get validated...

There's plenty on advice dotted about, and if you stick to the rules then you are giving yourself the best possible chance! Seems pretty self explanitory to be quite honest...

its a pitty that some pissant has to bring the maturity level down a peg or two

Yes, It is, so why did you bother?!

Sorry guys, bit of a rant but this has annoyed me a bit too :-

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Well when i first joined, back in the day, I was validated in around a week. I didn't use text talk and i only posted to things i could help with (i.e. things i actually new about) and i think i made something like 8 posts and i was validated. It's really not hard to get validated you just have to show that you are a helpful and polite person and the people who need to see it will do.

Simple hints;

  • Use the spellcheck, this should get rid of any txt talk that you might be used to putting into your writing,
  • Be polite and friendly,
  • Only post something that is of some relevant help... posting something like "thats a mint bike there mate! :)" does not count as a post... you need to write in depth and explain things so its easy for other people to interpret so something like "I really do like the look of that bike because i like the way it looks so simple without having cables everywhere and other bits of otherwise unnecessary parts, though i would change the rear tyre because firstly i don't like red tyres and secondly i'm quite heavy so i would be inclined to to have a tyre with a larger internal air volume to soak up my heavy landings"

Heed these words and you too will be able to join the big boys as a full member. :D

Edited by Krisboats
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No if you could actually READ i was saying of when loads of members joined up (obiously in a ICT lesson or something) and posted loads of shit...... no i dont do phycology or anything but i am actually able to read other people posts before totally misinterpreting them :sleeping:

and yes i can say that i think you have been a twat in this thread because you have been

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I do not understand why people are still going on about this.....like many people have said there have been many of these topics before and nothing ever gets done about it....so what is the point 'just go to the fridge gets your self a can of beer sit down and watch the rugby' :D....ive stated my opinion but i wont argue it out as it is not worth it at all...because like i said nothing gets done about it....the admins and mods or what ever there called seem to state there opinion's quite clearly and explain as to why us pre-members that may of been on here for like a year almost arnt validated yet...even if you dont want to believe there explantions as to why this is what are we going to do about it?...nothing is the answer as we cant we can keep moaning but nothing happens except it makes us pre-members look to be stupid e.t.c.

so just chill and watch the rugby or even better go on your bike.... :D

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"For example. If a pipe in your house burst would you rather have only 1 room flooded or your whole house?

It's pretty much the same with the forum....."

id probably try plug the leak before it spilled over to the whole house and degraded the structural stability.


And that's exactly what the validation system is doing. :)

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(and that's with further maths at A-Level so don't question the maths!)

well ill forget my strucutrual engineering degree and bow down to the genius.

listen, i dont care to be validated or about pathetic forum rants, i was simply putting my opinion across that i can understand why members get annoyed. that was it, end of. if the topic wants to be dragged out then drag it out, remember i didnt start the topic just contributed to it.

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