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Stupid Questions People Ask


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Just wanted to see what stupid questions people have been asked when out riding? and what do you respond to them?


Q "How do you do that thing where you bike goes goes up there"

A "magic"

A "How do you sit down"

Q "Well i start by aiming my arse at a chair or good ledge"

Q "Does it hurt when you fall off"

A "No i'm a member of a special club were by when i fall off a magic fairy comes and catchs me or if there not there in time they nurse my wound and i feel alot better" or "not when i'm this high on pcp"

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LMAO, i always get the seat one, i might use some of your answers next time lol...i liked the

q. Do you want some oil on your brakes they seem to be squeking alot ?

a. Do you want some ducktape your mouth seems to be talking crap.


ive got a question but it isnt really to do with trials...this is a little chav kid asking by the way.

Q. do you smoke?

A. no

Q. have you got any fags?

A. yes i dont smoke and i have fags!

Q. gimme one

A. i dont have any

Q. you said you did?

A. i dont

Q. can you buy me some?

A. no

Q. why?

A. grrrrrrrrrrr :angry: ~*rides off*~



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haha well people in my city are pretty well educated, they don't go arround saying i've lost my seat...

a pair of policemen had stopped us, and one of them clearly didn't know why our bikes look silly so the other one explained

A.why don't you have seats ?

B.they don't need seats you dumbass

A.why not?

B.they ride trials, it just gets in the way!

A:what is trials?

B:hey you (pointing at a friend) show him what trials is...

A.oh i see...

had a chat and went on :D

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Ive had a few.

Q. Why do you where a helmet

A. to keep my Hair warm lol.

Q. Wow how did you get up that wall, Could you get up that building.

A. Yes sure i can.


A. Yes sure but i hurt my leg today sorry lol.

Q. can you do a wheelie.

A. yes but i would rarther do a manual or something better.

Q whats better than a wheelie?

A. this ( er do a gap or sumat)

Q. wow blood that was sick do it again.

A. Ahh sorry matey only do it once a day.

There some of the ones i have had in birmingham. But would they surely see how big a buildin was to th ewall lol. Do tehy not think im only human lol. I might start riding in a super man out fit lol.

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Just wanted to see what stupid questions people have been asked when out riding? and what do you respond to them?


Q "How do you do that thing where you bike goes goes up there"

A "magic"

A "How do you sit down"

Q "Well i start by aiming my arse at a chair or good ledge"

Q "Does it hurt when you fall off"

A "No i'm a member of a special club were by when i fall off a magic fairy comes and catchs me or if there not there in time they nurse my wound and i feel alot better" or "not when i'm this high on pcp"

i was out and about riding near some f***ing huge flats and i had tar on my rims and a man came out wid wd 40 and said put this on your rims cause im trying to go to f***ing sleep lol

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Just after school, I was gunna stay in town and ride with my mates, and I was waiting for them to come out, while I was talking to some other mates.

So teachers come along and say

"bloody hell, that must hurt when you slam your ass down on that!?"

me : "well I wouldn't know, I'm not stupid enough to slam my ass down on it :) "

Him: "oh, well where's the seat anyway? why hasn't it got one?"

me: "Has your car got air conditioning?"

Him: "no"

Me: "Why not?"

Him: "It doesn't need it"

Me: "Exactly."

Then he thought about it, got what I meant, and walked away.

Silly teachers :P

Oh yeah, I got the old 'Put this on your wheels! *holding oil or WD40* It'll make it stop squeeling!"

Me: "No thanks, I have some at home, but I want my brake to work, So I won't be putting that on it thanks :) "

Edited by Dan6061
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"How long did it take you learn do that mate?"

Q:where can you get them bikes from?

A:well,from looking at you..a garden shed ;)

One of them told me his cousin was ashley butler...

Q:why's your bike got no seat?

A:why's your bike look like you've just stolen it from a pikey?


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