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Junk Food


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I live on it, although I wish I didn't. I try and try to eat something good but I just can't be arsed.

Thing is on Monday-Thursday I'll be at work and just eat stuff from the vending machine, and I finish work at 5, leaving me about an hour or so to ride without being raped by coppers.

So I go out for a ride, come home, go on MSN/Trials Forum, probably have a beer and then go out with my mate, come back at about 1am, go to bed and wake up at 6am for work, buy which time at 1am I can't be arsed cooking anything and just want to sleep.

And if I don't ride I'll go and see my missus, well, she'll come down to my house, I might eat, might not, walk her back at like 11ish, get back for 12...bed again, up at 6 for work.

So in the afternoons I just never eat at all really, lol. Then on Fridays I'll finish work at 1, get home for about half 1, off to pub for a few if my mates off from college, have a meal at the pub and then probably go into town...get pissed, come home...hungover on Saturday, wake up about 2pm, out for a ride...home, have a drink, and go out again and probably have a few drinks again on saturday night and just eat jaffa cakes.

Sunday, sleep all day, laze around and probably have something decent to eat. I think an ethiopian eats more than I do.

Wow, you don't have Salt n Vinengar crisps? Unlucky, they are the best kind.

Wooo! Hold you horses there partner. I think Prawn Cocktail is THE best.

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The only junk food I ever really eat is chocolate but that is very nice so I don't class it as junk food. :- Also I stopped eating fast food and stuff like crisps + drinking fizzy drinks about 3-4 years ago now and I don't really like any of it anyway so it wasn't hard to stop eating crap/drinking fizzy stuff.

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I can eat more crisps in one go than any of you. That is a challenge, and a threat.


Can i get refs for crisp eating?

NO! i got to deliver free papers and they gave me a contract to delive packets of walkers crisips

however many uyou eat you cant beat how many i had on the wonderfull wonderfull day

made my lips alll swell through salt though

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NO! i got to deliver free papers and they gave me a contract to delive packets of walkers crisips

however many uyou eat you cant beat how many i had on the wonderfull wonderfull day

made my lips alll swell through salt though

My god. Did it hurt to crap after all that?

I have to say crisps are THE most boring junk food ever. People sound so excited on here by them, lol, my house would be like a brothel if you came around, I have lots of crisps but no one eats them.

Give me chocolate any day.

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i got a pack of crisps thorugh my door and was like, what the hell!

it was in like a carboard box round it - and had like on the back retrurn to

984 walkers factory



ss8 kf4

with garry linikers mansion written over the top

made me feel like santa was great and very filling :P

but no the round wasnt that big!!! lol

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just had 3 double cheeseburgers that jumped in my car on the drive home.....honest...., i'm feeling rather fat.

tub of pringles sat on my desk too, but i'm managing to resist. I'm sure pringles have heroin trace in them or something. Once you pop you really really can't stop.

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I am sorry but that's impossible. Still if you want proof, maybe we can meet on a london ride this summer and have a go?

Not too sure if a ride is that much of a suitable setting for a 'crisp off'.

End up with heart failiure half way through the day.


Edited by flipkickbs
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I used to eat proper crap, I was eating like Random choc bars, haribo and other junky sweets/food. But now I cut alot of it out. Refrain myself to 1 choc bar a day, if i go, one maccies a week. But now my daily food is more pastas and salads, with a bag of crisps and a bottle of oasis. Lovely :)


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Only Walkers though. The others taste of shit. :(

Seabrook's Salt and Vinegar ***. Much nicer than Walkers and don't have carcinogens in (I think that's an urban myth though). I like Prawn Cocktail, but they're not every day crisps. They're only for special occasions ;)

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erm i dont eat no junk food :-

so heres the usual daily junk food list:

before work i pop into the newsagent and spend ÂŁ2 on sweets/drinks

at dinner time i usually go to greegs for a sumwot more healthy approach = mexican chicken sarny

t time is usually pasta or sunday t (even if its not sunday :P )

then this is the time it usually happens, after riding ile be dead and want sugar, so let the fridge raiding begin.............................. B) THE END

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Well, on saturday. Here is a list of what i ate

2 large bowls of cherios

A mars bar

packet of softmint(greatest)

4 mc chicken sandwhich meals - macdonalds have them on buy one get one free. I normally buy 2 and didnt realise that they were on BOGOF. so i got 4...and i didnt want to waste them

got home and had a large donna kebab

Went to work. had a pizza.

God i am sooo hungry..brb!

but yea, thats what i ate. But i do tend to snack on pears and apples and fruit. And i only drink water. Im kinda strange like that.

Also, i dont seemed to have put on any wieght after eating all that. Maybe my digestive system isnt working and im not abosrbing any of it? I can only hope! :-

Well thats me done

From Lee

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Also, i dont seemed to have put on any wieght after eating all that. Maybe my digestive system isnt working and im not abosrbing any of it? I can only hope! :-

same with me, i've been trying to put on weight during the winter and i finished up weighing (sp?) less :ermm:

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