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Is It Worth Changing


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.........Ages ago, I decided to ride left foot forward or rather right foot back, to absorb the harsh flat landing at my local jumps….IDIOT! Then progressed to rhythm sections with minimal success, bars kept on turning in mid air! h`mmmm!

So I gets into trials, learns the basics, backhops/trackstands/pivots etc…took a while as well! That eventually turned into small pedal hops, drops/gaps etc, not great ones but I got em.

Now I’m facing problems with bigger stuff and pedal-ups…even slow rolling ones!

Now that I need to put some power though the bike and keep the bars straight, I’m completely crap at it! My bars turn left, the bike goes to the right...its a bloody mess and really getting on my nerves!

I’ve blagged it for as long as I can, but I’m actually considering starting over again with my right forward?

Today I tried to get my front wheel on something with my right putting the power down…no probs, bars straight, loads of power, cool! Tried a backhop and fell on my arse......legs where like, WTF.....it was bad!! :$

Should I persist? I know it’s a `you can only decide` kinda thing….. just wondering what you “I ride left foot forward, but I kick a ball with my right” folks think!

Oh` the horror! :D

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I'm an “I ride left foot forward, but I kick a ball with my right” person and I've never had any problems with things like that. The bars sometimes turn when the gear I'm in is too high though so it could be that, try changing down a gear. Might help (Y)

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There's nothing wrong with being left-foot-forwards, but if it's more comfortable the other way around then try that and see how you get on. Remember though that some people can ride well with either foot forwards, so it's probably something you can learn if you stick at it.

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It's weird.....I can get the bike on the back wheel with a little left kick etc, little jabs are fine, but when it comes to bringing it round 3/4 to put the power down combined with pulling the bars evenly, its like I'm afraid to put all my weight on the pedal or something!. :blink: Drives me crazy!

Another thing, when I'm on the back wheel most of my weight is on the right/back pedal....I have to force myself to put SOME pressure on the forward pedal!! And when I kick, its more of a flick the back wheel forward..with me not gaining distance, that can't be good me thinks!

Works so natually with the right, but the thought of re-learning to backhop seems depressing when I was having so much fun...at the cost of progression mind!

I'll try and ride a full day on the right...that's gonna be boring!

Thanks for advice!

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I'm a right footed but left-foot-forward bloke.

The deciding factor for me back in the day was that I couldn't hack trackstanding with the wheel turned to the left with left foot forwards or vice-versa; it had to be turned to the right, left foot forwards (my god I'm talking bollocks here). Anyway, I had problems getting the power down for anything involving distance. But two things happened:

1. I discovered that for pedalhops it's easier for me to start with the cranks actually vertical, so my right foot puts the power down, and as my left comes around it's back in it's natural position; in effect the last 1/4 of the crank turn is almost useless, it's just getting my cranks back to level with left foot forwards again. Sounds weird, but works for me.

2. Over time my left foot just got used to putting enough power down for farting about on the back wheel. At first I had the same problem, just felt like my left foot didn't want to move at all, it was too happy where it was. But I forced it to do it, and I've been doing it fine for years now.

Try and get used to putting a lot of weight on the forwards pedal when you're on the back wheel; that's how I ride. When I'm on the back wheel I've always got WAY more weight on the forwards pedal; therefore all I have to do is let go of the brake and the bike goes forwards. So maybe that's your issue; maybe you need to get used to standing on your forward foot when you're on the back wheel? Hard to say without seeing ye ride.

Video yourself as well, that'll help.

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From what i'v read, your more comfortable with your right so, use your right foot.

The best thing to do is just ride along and bunnyhop up a curb with a different foot forward each time. Which ever feels comfortable.

Normaly people don't really have a hard time deciding.

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It's all about how it feels, i'm right hand/foot everything, but i ride trials left foot :o

Purely because trying to do moves with the right foward is horrible..for me.

You can't post on a forum so someone can decide for you, it's all about you man :)

Good luck (Y)

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Thanks Jez, that's some good advice that rings true! MOST of your weight on the forward pedal....that's something I'm not really doing and I think I know what you mean about using the right to get most of the power down, finishing with your pedals level to hop...I'll try that!

Although I am swaying towards changing, as I can imagine it working better with the right...just can't backhop well enough yet:$ .

Today was boring with the right though, but I've got to improve!

Thanks for the help (Y)

roozor: I know man...I was getting desperate :)

Edited by Concussion
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It's all about how it feels, i'm right hand/foot everything, but i ride trials left foot :o

Purely because trying to do moves with the right foward is horrible..for me.

You can't post on a forum so someone can decide for you, it's all about you man :)

Good luck (Y)

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It's all about how it feels, i'm right hand/foot everything, but i ride trials left foot :o

It's all about how it feels, i'm right hand/foot everything, but i ride trials left foot :o

It really annoys me when people say that, it has nothing to do with it. And you said it twice, 45 minuets later. :closedeyes:

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It's all about how it feels, i'm right hand/foot everything, but i ride trials left foot :o

Purely because trying to do moves with the right foward is horrible..for me.

You can't post on a forum so someone can decide for you, it's all about you man :)

Good luck (Y)

same here, I ride left foot forwards, yet i write/kick right handed/footed. Its strange. Just try and see which one feels the most comfatable(sp?) and stick with it. PRACTICE!

From Lee

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