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Scariest Thing You Have Done

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as the title says whats the scariest thing you have pulled off? mine is probably a nosepick 360(or whatever its called) off a 6ft drop :D

WTF you dropped 6ft to front wheel didn't land on your face and 360 off.....

Mine i duno, uber step drop form 8ft up, lannded right back stressing my ankle full today

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hmm wouldnt be a nosepick then. the thing where you endo 180 and pull the front wheel off spinning another 180 before landing. im not good with trick names :$ :-

Well surely it would be a 360 drop off from the front wheel then?

Tapping and gapping from one side of a skip over the broken window, hoover, radiator and paint cans that were in the middle of it to the other side.

Once i'd done it the first time though doing it again was easy.

EDIT: the actual scariest thing i've done was side hopping over this really hot girl when she was lying on the floor. I so didn't want to hit her because she was damn fine and i'd been drinking for most of the afternoon. I made it and didn't hurt her though which was good! :D

Edited by Krisboats
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hmm wouldnt be a nosepick then. the thing where you endo 180 and pull the front wheel off spinning another 180 before landing. im not good with trick names :$ :-

It's just a 360 spin off..

Not one thing but big moves in comps when it's wet.. like when they put a big gap or drop and you don't know if you'll grip :( then there's pressure!!!!

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I havnt done much to show off about...basically i havnt got the confidence at the moment i need to ride with some trials riders at first as iam solo at the moment apart from my downhill buddies but they dont make me any better at trials...any one got any tips for building up confidence?????


Edited by earsy104
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I havnt done much to show off about...basically i havnt got the confidence at the moment i need to ride with some trials riders at first as iam solo at the moment apart from my downhill buddies but they dont make me any better at trials...any one got any tips for building up confidence?????


Just start on small stuff and work your way up (Y)

concentrate on the basics like balanceing, kicking to back wheel and turning on the front and back wheels, all of which can be done using lines on the floor, then go from there.. :shifty:

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any one got any tips for building up confidence?????


If you see a drop and think its not that high then when you get up it, it seems massive, stay up there for a while , just getting your balance and when you think your ready, go for it. On my six foot drop i was on the pallets for about 2.30 minutes then i got bored n a little voice in my head said "f**k it, 3..2...1" Then i hand landed within seconds :D

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Drops seem to be popular, that's what mine is too! IT was off a village hall roof, my highest drop so far. I was up and down for nearly half an hour, and as Sods Law states, I had the fooking squits! Purely coincidence though, It wasnt fear that made me poo! So I had to spend 80p on some toilet paper, and go for 2 or 3 shits before attempting the drop.

I also had one of those yellow card thins aswell, antisocial behaviour thing, cos the village cop spotted us while he was going past <_<


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Drops seem to be popular, that's what mine is too! IT was off a village hall roof, my highest drop so far. I was up and down for nearly half an hour, and as Sods Law states, I had the fooking squits! Purely coincidence though, It wasnt fear that made me poo! So I had to spend 80p on some toilet paper, and go for 2 or 3 shits before attempting the drop.

I also had one of those yellow card thins aswell, antisocial behaviour thing, cos the village cop spotted us while he was going past <_<


Now thats the meaning of shitting your self :-

I'v not done much big scare stuff but the scaryest thing that happened lately was trying to hook about 6 foot and not getting my front wheel up to the top. Didn't warm up properly and nearly killed myself B)

But o well what dosen't kill me makes me stronger 'sept maby crack cocaine but thats not going to happen.

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