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Having Your Ears Syringed...


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Well you probably guessed.... My ears have gradually gone pearshaped and no amount of washing / ear drops is solving the matter...

I'm guessing it'll come to hardcore jet washing by the doctor...

what's it like? I know it isn't painful, just wondering if anyones had it done and how long it takes...

Got my appointment on Monday! (Only a week??!?!?!)

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I had mine syringed about a month ago. My hearing had gone in one ear due to the amount of wax blocking it up! I was desperate to get it sorted out and I can honestly say it was the most amazing day to actually get my hearing back.

The nurse stressed to me many times to let her know if there was any discomfort, and at no time was I under any at all. There's a small container of water attached to a wand that she puts in your ear. The pump makes some noise but with your ears full of wax you can't hear much, just a gentle vibration and water sloshing around. When she stops the water, it takes a sec for the water left in your ear to clear, and then wow! You can hear again. It took a few goes of around 5-10 secs to totally clear each ear - The nurse had a peak in during the process to see how much was left as it went on. The whole thing was over in only 5 minutes. Aside from the joy of regaining your hearing you also have the fascinating chance to marvel at the amount of wax that somehow built up in your ear as it sits in the tank. Enough to start a profitable Candle making business prehaps?

I didn't think it would affect me so much but I was really on such a crest of a wave after getting my crystal clear hearing back again. I'd go back and get mine topped up every week if work were understanding!


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my right ear is a pain in the arse randomly blocks up and cant hear much. i went to the doctors and he gave me some olive oil stuff and that was rubbish. might have to go back to the doctors next time it plays up and get this done.

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I had mine syringed about a month ago. My hearing had gone in one ear due to the amount of wax blocking it up! I was desperate to get it sorted out and I can honestly say it was the most amazing day to actually get my hearing back.

The nurse stressed to me many times to let her know if there was any discomfort, and at no time was I under any at all. There's a small container of water attached to a wand that she puts in your ear. The pump makes some noise but with your ears full of wax you can't hear much, just a gentle vibration and water sloshing around. When she stops the water, it takes a sec for the water left in your ear to clear, and then wow! You can hear again. It took a few goes of around 5-10 secs to totally clear each ear - The nurse had a peak in during the process to see how much was left as it went on. The whole thing was over in only 5 minutes. Aside from the joy of regaining your hearing you also have the fascinating chance to marvel at the amount of wax that somehow built up in your ear as it sits in the tank. Enough to start a profitable Candle making business prehaps?

I didn't think it would affect me so much but I was really on such a crest of a wave after getting my crystal clear hearing back again. I'd go back and get mine topped up every week if work were understanding!


thats bloody interesting steve!

ive been thinking about posting this for a while now! as my hearing tends to go funny in my right ear every 6 months or so, following an ear infection 3 years ago

it usually sorts itself out, but this time it hsnt, and ive had reduced hearing on ym right ear for the last month or so, which has resulted in louder music and complaints from the girl next door :P

i get strange noises in it when i swallow, like the ocassional bit of air getting through or something, and if you scratch your head, i can sorta hear it 'inside' my head, if that makes any sense....

how do i get them syringed? can i just ask for it to be done? or does the doc have to try me on drops and stuff first?

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thats bloody interesting steve!

ive been thinking about posting this for a while now! as my hearing tends to go funny in my right ear every 6 months or so, following an ear infection 3 years ago

it usually sorts itself out, but this time it hsnt, and ive had reduced hearing on ym right ear for the last month or so, which has resulted in louder music and complaints from the girl next door :P

i get strange noises in it when i swallow, like the ocassional bit of air getting through or something, and if you scratch your head, i can sorta hear it 'inside' my head, if that makes any sense....

how do i get them syringed? can i just ask for it to be done? or does the doc have to try me on drops and stuff first?

Well if the music is getting the girl next door round, why turn it down? :P But anyways, i had mine done about 6/7months ago. IMO it is one of the best things in the world, regaining of hearing. It feels strange, but its remarkably fun, esspecially if you get a fit nurse! (Y) From Lee

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It's really common getting a build up of wax in your ears. I had exactly what you describe where it goes through phases of relative improvement as the wax moves around. Swallowing etc affected it. I definately had duller hearing out of one ear and the other one didn't work great either! It took a while for me to agree to see the doctor about what I thought was me going deaf. I guess I didn't want any bad news. A quick peak in my ears and it was a relief to hear (just about , after the doctor had repeated it a few times!) that it was just wax blocking things up.

The doc will give you drops for a week or so in advance which is quite fun. It's meant to help soften the wax in advance for the washing out, but I was doubting whether it would have much impact. The fun is you've got to tilt your head on its side and drop a couple of drops in. If you tilt your head back it all falls out so you've got to keep your head on it's side for a while before popping some cotton wool in to stop it coming out. So during the run up to the washing out (we won't call it syringing because that makes it sound like a nasty proceedure when it isn't at all!) you walk around looking silly with cotton wool hanging out your ears, and also able to hear less than ever! It makes the day your get your ears sorted all the more sweeter!

So I was back in a weeks time for the nurse to clear my hearing up. And what a fantastic day that was! I left with a skip in my step and was enjoying being able to hear every little sound that I hadn't for quite a while. My previous thoughts of having to learn to lip read and how to use sign language were quickly forgotten (Although learning sign language would be quite cool :) )

A revelation!


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Steve you described my situation perfectly... if I pull my ear down I can hear and then it pops closed again...

That was probably the most helpful 2 posts i've ever read on here!

Nice one mate...

(I've been using drops for a week already so maybe I can fast track it onto the operating table :D )

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i get strange noises in it when i swallow, like the ocassional bit of air getting through or something, and if you scratch your head, i can sorta hear it 'inside' my head, if that makes any sense....

Bone conducts sound fairly well (although not as well as the air and eardrum for normal people), and if your eardrum/outer/middle ear are all gummed up, then you will notice the sound coming through bone more. Your ears are compensating a bit for not hearing properly and making everything louder. You can test this with a tuning fork - It's called Rinné's test ;)

Steve you described my situation perfectly... if I pull my ear down I can hear and then it pops closed again...

Mine was like that 6 months ago. It sounded and felt like there was some water stuck in there. Anyway, I got some drops and used them. A couple of days later this big plug of wax came out :sick: But I could hear again so woot. So yeah, if the drops aren't working, just get them syringed. As Steve said, it's pretty awesome to get your hearing back if it's not been great for ages.

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My right ear f**ked up two days ago ('xactly the same time as the guitarist in my band - it's happened 3 times now we've both gone deaf simultaneously :S), and I'm tried to sort it now. I got some Earex stuff softening it up, so if it doesn't sort it's shit out I'm just gonna go and get them syringed again.

For me, the syringing was a bit wank. It hurt a bit when the nurse did it for mine, and it took a while to get the last bit out whilst having this mad loud pulsing, swooshing noise going on. Not so pleasant. However, hearing perfectly again afterwards was worth it.

Note: I rode to the doctors on my T-Pro to get it sorted, and riding home with squeaky brakes is shit when you can suddenly hear again. I pulled my front brake on (CRMs on a grind) and it was insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane. Well worth getting sorted out though...

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Mother Bear's an Audiologist, she says she's never had anyone in pain, and pretty much described the sensations Steve did above.

The water in the ear just feels like when you have a shower/go swimming and you meed to drain the water out.

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Sorry for the bump, only got back from koxx days today...

My ears were completely f**ked for ages, I tryed a few different wax removal drops with no success. I really should have gone to the doctors but kept putting it off. One day someone at work recomended I tryed out some Bicarbonate of Soda ear drops followed by getting my ears syringed if the drops didnt help.

These drops cleared loads of crap out of my ears! I havent had to get the doctors to syring my ears and havent had the problem since so give them a go. The drops should be available at a pharmacy.

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Sorry for the bump, only got back from koxx days today...

My ears were completely f**ked for ages, I tryed a few different wax removal drops with no success. I really should have gone to the doctors but kept putting it off. One day someone at work recomended I tryed out some Bicarbonate of Soda ear drops followed by getting my ears syringed if the drops didnt help.

These drops cleared loads of crap out of my ears! I havent had to get the doctors to syring my ears and havent had the problem since so give them a go. The drops should be available at a pharmacy.

And if you pour vinegar down aswell it makes a volcano ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seriously one of the best days of my life Tom! After the day I got married and the day Callum was born obviously.

You'll love it (Y)

Any updates mike? How'd it go?

Im booked in for next friday. Sitting here with 'Otex' ear drops in now, been fizzing away for about 20 mins now, quite pleasing in an odd kinda way..

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OOO I need to try this, i'm sure there must be a lil bit of crap in my ears, so only Marks has hurt? which means it has a slim chance of hurting me. I just don't like other people having that kinda control over me, having the power to suck brains out etc.

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