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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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harsh what you mean im being harsh it its all harsh lol

i really cant help that i cant het to her.

im 17 shes 19 :$ but like she is amazing we cliked from when we met and ide do anything for her she knows i would just i relaly cant get there

i like that idea not around where she lives lol get shot.

her phones off and i dont know why i think shes a sleep love her to bits i really do

whats happened is harsh. just realised that could be taken either way. i wouldnt worry phones maybe off as she needs sometime alone (Y) nothing wrong with her being a cople of years older.

sounding slightly gay, add me on msn if you want.

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edit: if dad knew about ot i wouldnt be a trials rider no more ide be a wheel chair rider

To lighten things up (sorry if it doesn't) With Chris King hubs?

sounding slightly gay, add me on msn if you want.

Me too, had quite a few emo friends being emo and stuff so i'm experienced with things like this.

Edited by Fat Pants
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To lighten things up (sorry if it doesn't) With Chris King hubs?

Me too, had quite a few emofriends being emo and stuff so i'm experienced with things like this.

lo ladded

im emo lol but i dont do all that depressing stuff unles its about my bike hahha

hell yes with chris kings lol.

im not like reaaaaaaaly upset or nufin because well i didnt know she was pregnant and nor did she. but its just sad and i am more upset that i aint there to cuddle her

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GRR, exactly why i hate life and the government/schooling.

Pisses me off when things like this happen, too much school work no time for yourself no time for f**king anything :angry:!

I probably wont get your add for ages or ever 'cos my MSN's gay and if i add someone it'l automatically put them on my block list and when i unblock you it says 'click here to add this contact now' then i click it 1000000 times it doesn't add the person.

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the last 3 girls i liked "just want to be friends" the last 4 girls that liked me are uuurrggggllyyy!! and i havnt had a relationship in 4 years (lookinng a my age you will realise this is not good atall). im just anoyed about that.

Dude whos bird had a misscaridge, listen to poopipe. its the rite thing to do.

Same here, f**ks me off.

Every girl i get to know, end up being f**king friends with!!

Is shit, does my head in.

The one girl i almost got serious with, said she didnt wanna spoil our "friendship", then why the f**k did she kiss me!!


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GRR, exactly why i hate life and the government/schooling.

Pisses me off when things like this happen, too much school work no time for yourself no time for f**king anything :angry:!

I probably wont get your add for ages or ever 'cos my MSN's gay and if i add someone it'l automatically put them on my block list and when i unblock you it says 'click here to add this contact now' then i click it 1000000 times it doesn't add the person.

hahaha gutted. LOl well i might be dropping college cant be f**ked with it lol. I dont like how everyones like you gota get a good job etc to be honest i wont live for long i can see ithappening lolso i just want to have fun because i could be ritch as f**k in 10 years but be like owww i wish i lived my life etc

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Don't quit college, fight through it and you'll have a pleasnt ammount of money for a ob, but make sure you ave a lot of fun when you do get out.

I think i'm gonna go to college, probably get really pissed off and quit and stuff because there's too much work to do.

I don't mind learning, it's just the tests at the end of it, and stuff.

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Don't quit college, fight through it and you'll have a pleasnt ammount of money for a ob, but make sure you ave a lot of fun when you do get out.

I think i'm gonna go to college, probably get really pissed off and quit and stuff because there's too much work to do.

I don't mind learning, it's just the tests at the end of it, and stuff.

serios dude i wanna go to college but my corse i hate it soooo f**king much., its public sevice to be liek a fire man etc thats what i wanted to be but now i hate it so much i get down and scive to ride :P

i might eitehr try and be a model ( sounds gay but wanna do it soo bad lol gdpay to)

or get a job and start again next year on a dif corse

i just wanna see my baby girl right now :(

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straight from the angry thread, altho part of it belongs in the happy thread, but most of it belongs in here:

me and hayley are over, in a rollercoaster of emotions right now.

last night, felt crap, got up this morning, went to work, got through most of the day but felt down. then went out for a drive to get some stuff, totally broke down an lost it in the car, was well close to tears. came back, had a shower, and hit the gym. was pissed off with stuff, so was an animal in the gym pumpin out mega sets.then was in the gym,and it hit me again, had to walk out the gym,get in me car and drive,just to try an clear me head.

was proper proper cut up on the way home about it.in tears and everything. not so much cos i lost her, but cos i lost her due to a stupid misplaced text at the wrong time. got home, aint really done nothing, and feel absolutely fine. not bothering me in the slightest right now.

crazy, been with and broke up with so many girls, but never felt this bad before,even though we split on good terms,but i think that makes it worse.

hell, we wer made for each other.absolute perfection. just a shame we wer made 7 an a half years apart.

makes me angry an sad an happy an greatful in equal amounts.just crazy right now.

keep thinking i never expected it to last this long, but never expected it to end either. shes said she might ring me on new years eve,but dont know wether she will or why,or whats gunna be said.

totally kicking myself for all the things i should of done, but didnt.

was the first girl in 2 years, who id entertained commiting with, she wasnt to clingy,but was there. she changed me, realised there was more to it than casual sex.and the only one who id thought itd be worth changing my lifestyle to be with. now shes gone, im a different person. now a new me, but just lost the new life and the new love i had to go with it.

and beau, dont lose her kiddo.

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i cant i dont have the money and my rents wont gove me it if i tell them why my dad will kill me and she said she doesnt want me to come up because she has loads of uni work. trust man i relaly would go but there really isnt anything i can do

so i sent her 20 roses sebnt to her door step.

i said let me come up shes like no i gota look after my horses etc and im like so please and she said ive got loads of work ill see you when im back at uni:(

u dont have money for the train but can afford 20 roses sent to her house?

Edited by Davetrials
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my gf is really streesd and keeps getting upset and because i live 60 miles away and dont drive i cant reallydo alot.

I have to wait till shes back at uni to see her:(

and to t to it found out last night shes having a misscarige (sp) i know i dont relaly want a kid but its still sad and its hurting and upsetting her and i feel bad.

I wanna se eher so bad i miss her sooooo much.

Beau did you pork her without proper precautions!?

She must be feeling absolutely horrible if she's having a miscarriage...

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u dont have money for the train but can afford 20 roses sent to her house?

mom did liek without me knowing hard to explain and didnt cost alot to send em cus mom gets it cheap cus like some work shit lol

cost me enuf to get there trust lol

and erm protection ye but rippage :(

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mom did liek without me knowing hard to explain and didnt cost alot to send em cus mom gets it cheap cus like some work shit lol

cost me enuf to get there trust lol

and erm protection ye but rippage :(

shouldnt that be posted in the "just got in and far to drunk thread" ????

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shouldnt that be posted in the "just got in and far to drunk thread" ????

lol sorry keybord is actually wank plus im a retard.

ill explain a little better

My moms work have like a flower thing like there part of john lewis thing if you know that its just a huge shopping place and she gets it all uber cheap thats why i did it lol. Going to see her next week

and i have a cute teddy bear to give her

a belt buckle

we both love penguins so i got her this penguin pillow thing tis ace lol

some chocolate

and a can of vimto ( you lot wouldnt get it with me her and vimto lol)

shes so amazing

spoke to her today on the phone she says she feels better she was in bed with my bright orange fox top on :) miss her so much.

anyways lol hope thats a little better

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Well i had the feeling she was going to dump me and she has :(

im so gutted i have not been to sleep for 2 days not one bit. I cried like a baby. She los our baby being silly and getting drunk i think and partying like a crazy girl.

And she now has exmas like the most important ones of her life and she got so stressed. She explaind and yes i am gutted but id would rarther her have said that instead of i dont like you or i cheated etc.

Owel i have my bike again now so i dont know> she said she will see what happens after her exams finish on the 28th of jan

she said she loves me and missis me and has my fox t shirt on to bed.

LOve her so much :(

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you wont believe it until you realise in a few years time, Probably the best thing that could ever happen to you.

ithe best thing did just happen to me i watched zoo 33 lol omfg lol im wet

adamant are wank though..

ye your right ahh well plenty more vaginas in night clubs

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girls :Swtf lol

so we aint going out shes just finished her bf iv just finished my gf an we been seeing each other nearly every night for a week

now i am really into her but shes was supposed to be going to uni next year so we're both a bit :S about long term stuff

then ast night she said she wants to take a gap year so she can do other stuff.

then she mentioned that if/when she goes to uni i shud go with her an get sumwhere to live together an me work there.

now id be more than happy to do all this but...... we aint even going out now :S

meh ill just keep seeing her (Y)

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lol im 17 18 in few months lol

meh wasnt to fussed to have a kid with ehr some reason. anyone else i detest lol.

owel she was special to me she wanst like other gfs

how can you be if it says sept, 1989 on your profile :S

Thought you left school in 06 like me?

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