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The World Cup Post.


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My dead legs last about 10 minutes, footballers are wimps.

Haha, i was so suprised by the amount of the times Equador brought on thier strecher team. And as for the other game, that was mental the ref had no control, I really wish someone hacked Figo though :shifty:

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that was beckham :lol:

and i think he shouted "lets f*cking give it to em lads!"

we need to beat portugal this year. I'm praying for England now.

I'm not exactly sure, but I think ITV get fined for everytime someone swears before the 9pm watershed. I think its something stupid like 5k by OFCOM.

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Why does every hate Hargreaves?

Because they only see him play for the last ten minutes usually. So he has to try and fit in, usually just to try and stop them scoring.

But he's been playing awesome recently, good on him i say.

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portugal v holland has been the most entertaining match yet! The ref had a tough job, because it wasn't a exactly a clean match, but he seemed to book people for crappy tackles and let the harsh ones go ot just missed them.

I liked it when the they showed a shot of all the sent off players sitting together chatting...

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Nar Figo has gotten off so he'll defo play against England i feel C.ronaldo will also play, and costina(SP) he's turd any ways so I don't even know why half of you's are on about him main man that out is Deco he was great against thee dutch.

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Arghh Bloody pasta eatin cheatin lil c***s the Italians r!

How bad was that ref! touch anyone and it was a bookin fukin shockin! World cup ref! :blink: i wud'nt let that lil stuck up shite ref a league one match!

The world cup is being ruined by cheats lyk Joe Cole , Robben , Pirlo cnt ever have a honest game of footy anymore!

The Championship is where its at! (Y)

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Goooooooooo Italy!

I have a bet on them (well, sweepstake), so if they get to the semis, I get at least a fiver. £60 if they win which would be damn nice! And they've got Switzerland or Ukraine in the quarters! So fingers crossed, I'm in the money!

But yeah, that match was pretty cool if you're supporting Italy. I thought they'd screwed it up when Materazzi got sent off, but then BAM! Penalty in the last 20 seconds!

And as for the Holland - Portugal game, I was amazed when the commentators said it was the worst match they'd seen in years. It was the most entertaining game of football I've ever seen :D

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