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Just Got Into A Little Brawl With Some Bmx'ers

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hi me n my mates were just down at my local mud jumps messin about and the other night these guys were altauring them and making a new big massive table top so i went dwn there this morning with my mates i was just trialsing on the jumps so what my mate has to do is just goes and destroys there table top which they spent ages on. i turned around and saw the lads that did the tabple top it was 4 18-20year old bmx jumpers a said to my mates sayin theres them lads that did the jump and i just stood there with my mates shovel in my hand even though i didnt do anything and them to litterally bobbed there pants and pedalled like mad and these lads were just blabbing saying were just trying to make these jumps better and i was like yeah what ever and they was like am gonna smack em and i was thinking am i gonna get smacked then they said yeah well f**k off then so i walked off with my bike and my mates shovel and then my mates were stood at the bridge trying to hide and saying what did they say and i was like they wanna smack you then i turned around then one of the bmx guys comes pedalling like mad and they was like sh*t then pedalled off really fast and i just went back to my house and start telling my story anyone else had somethign similiar like this before

thanks for reading andy

Hi, me and my mates were just down at my local mud jumps messing about. The other night these guys were altering the jumps making a massive tabletop.

I went back there this morning with my mates and I was riding trials around there. My mate then proceeded in destroying the other guy's recently built table top that they had spent ages building.

I turned around and saw the guys that built it, there were four 18-20 year old bmx dirt jumpers. I said to my mates ''theres those lads that built the dirtjump.'' I just stood there holding my mates shovel in my hand (despite me not doing anything) whilst my mates shit there pants and ran away.

The lads that built the jump came over and started saying ''we were only trying to make the jumps better''

To which I replied ''yeh whatever'' they then started saying how they were going to smack us and I was thinking ''am I going to get punched?''

They then said ''yeh well f**k off'. so i left with my bike and my mates shovel. I met up with my mates minute later. They were trying to hide under a bridge, I told them the story of what happened. I then turned around and saw one of the bmxers coming towards us at a trememdous speed. We then pedalled off really fast and I went home.

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That was a great thing to do.

Just what we need, a bad reputation for trials.

We need to piss off all other riders so they hate all trials riders, so we can get nomore people getting into this sport.

Good Job,, and thanks for helping the trials movement.

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Hi, me and my mates were just down at my local mud jumps messing about. The other night these guys were altering the jumps making a massive tabletop.

I went back there this morning with my mates and I was riding trials around there. My mate then proceeded in destroying the other guy's recently built table top that they had spent ages building.

I turned around and saw the guys that built it, there were four 18-20 year old bmx dirt jumpers. I said to my mates ''theres those lads that built the dirtjump.'' I just stood there holding my mates shovel in my hand (despite me not doing anything) whilst my mates shit there pants and ran away.

The lads that built the jump came over and started saying ''we were only trying to make the jumps better''

To which I replied ''yeh whatever'' they then started saying how they were going to smack us and I was thinking ''am I going to get punched?''

They then said ''yeh well f**k off'. so i left with my bike and my mates shovel. I met up with my mates minute later. They were trying to hide under a bridge, I told them the story of what happened. I then turned around and saw one of the bmxers coming towards us at a trememdous speed. We then pedalled off really fast and I went home.

Well done to you for doing that!

Now *insert members name* should go and copy that into his, deleting his one as well. (Y)

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n i wz al lik tlkin shit n den i relized dt i wz tlkin sht n no1 cared cuz itz al shit but i luk ard cus i stud up2 sum bmxers hu shuda smaked me der n den bt dent cuz dey wer mur senzible den me n shit cus im a fag ruin sht 4 uva people innit

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I thought everyone knew, and that it was a generally accepted thing, that if you do something to piss people off, they're going to get pissed off? Maybe it should be in the NMC guidelines or something...

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Any idea how long even a six pack takes to make?

Dunno how many jumps there were at this place or anything but im sure they spend twice as much time building and adjusting the jumps than they do actually riding them.

I used to do a bit of dirt jumping and when my trials mates came along and were 'trialsing' on them i was mega pissed off.

Do you get peeded off when bmxers and skaters wax the walls you ride on?

Anyhows go apologise and be polite and speak to them etc.


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Hi. Just today me and my mates were at some local dirt jumps, and we built this huge quarter pipe up a hill, a new lip on a jump and a hip. We heard a crosser coming, only to see him ride over our fresh smooth lip and churn the absolute crap out of it.

You seriously wouldn't belive how friggin angry me and my mates were, We spent nearly an hour and a half making it perfect and smooth. So yeah, with this table top trashing malarky, i would be extremely pissed off if someone (like the idiot on the crosser today) came and churned up or damaged my jumps.

To add to my anger, he turned around as he was riding away and gave us the finger. (N)

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hate to seem really stupid but how can you trials dirt jumps??

ive rode dirt before but from all the places ive been ive never seen anything you could trials apart from a odd drop off a table top but................

or am i confussed???? and building jumps is so hard as bucky said you have to pack down leave for jumps to dry and harden before riding - right type of mudds - perfecting run up drop in and angles - slopes upto ramps - flattening run up an landings soooooo much to do in my oppionion your a tosser if they were my jumps i would have prob smacked you for wasting days / week / months of building

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hate to seem really stupid but how can you trials dirt jumps??

ive rode dirt before but from all the places ive been ive never seen anything you could trials apart from a odd drop off a table top but................

or am i confussed???? and building jumps is so hard as bucky said you have to pack down leave for jumps to dry and harden before riding - right type of mudds - perfecting run up drop in and angles - slopes upto ramps - flattening run up an landings soooooo much to do in my oppionion your a tosser if they were my jumps i would have prob smacked you for wasting days / week / months of building

exactly what i was thinking

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Any idea how long even a six pack takes to make?

Dunno how many jumps there were at this place or anything but im sure they spend twice as much time building and adjusting the jumps than they do actually riding them.

I used to do a bit of dirt jumping and when my trials mates came along and were 'trialsing' on them i was mega pissed off.

Do you get peeded off when bmxers and skaters wax the walls you ride on?

Anyhows go apologise and be polite and speak to them etc.


Don't even get me started on people waxing walls! :@ In my town they wax this wall which is one of my local riding spots. Thing is never seen any of them riding it, Same old though you always get fannys spotting lines or something waxing the wall then not doing anything!

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Anyway I was hanging out with the jumpers at the local track yesterday,

great bunch of people (Y)

But admittedly i was on a beasty dh bike they they all wanted to go on so i suppose that makes things different...

At the end of the day they are just the same as you, its just they have chosen to ride one type of bike, you have

chosen to ride a different type.

I dont see why your going all "gangsta" threatening them with spades and evil spelling "n" stuff

Edited by adamtrials
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