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Bails, Funny Bails!


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What is your most funniest bail this year?

What has been your most funniest bail this year and have you got it on camera this one I found hilarious

Here is short clip of one of my most funniest bails that i have done, one of the only ones I managed to get on camera.

Ps Hope The Link Works (Y)

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hahaha. funny as h*** :P

I never get my bails on vid.. :(

but my funniest bail have to be when i were going to show some little kids how to jump on the rear wheel and the wheel fell of :P

I was going to tighten it, but totaly forgot when the kids came :P

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Sorry but i didnt really think that was funny at all, i'm not meaning this in a harsh way but it looks to exagerated/faked more than funny. Funny bails involve laughing or something random happening, good bails make you wanna cry because you feel for them so much.

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How about this bail then this was not faked what so ever its just my rear wheel would not get onto that bench it was all the benches fault.... I was about 5 cm away from having no children.

Now I almost felt that one that was low.

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didnt get it on video but i went to drop off a 5.5ft wall and my rear single speed cog cracked and ive gone over the bars almost taking my head out with it lol thank god for lids :S

yeah we went out for a day of droping and we thought we would start small but in the end we didnt realy drop that much we got a bit woried incase our engagement sliped >_<

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:$ i havent had any exactly funny bails.when i fall off i fall off bad...im in t33zr bail movie 8 i think

and i fall 10 feet from a gap drop (wheel out of placeage) and land where the sun dont shine..12 stitches all in all.some people may find this funny but i couldnt ride for a month :angry::((N)


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on the first to video's WERE ARE YOUR HELMETS...

my funniest this year hmmm,

must of been the other day when i was doing a drop gap to a drop again (if you get me), it was one of those things were any other day you could do it easy. anyway i did the drop gap but when i landed the gap my front wheel dropped leaving me to go over the handle bars and the first thing that hit my stem was the groin area :sick:

when i finally hit the floor i rolled a couple of times... then i carried on rolling in pain haha

i only have the footage on my mobile and i wouldn't know how to transfer it from my mobile to the PC and upload it.

thank you Greeny

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what.. i just watched neil's video for the first time, and that made me cringe in some parts, and in other parts of the video i felt sorry for him.

i mean though did you see how many back wheel's he got through and broken bike parts. some of the bails were funny but, the one were he hit is face against the phone box or was close to wasn't and if that was me it would of scared me to death also the final drop were his crank snaps and were he has to go into theater, i would be really up set because i bet he had to take quite a bit of time riding for his foot to heal properly.

but neil your an amazing rider and none of these bails phrase you all i can say is.. a true rider (no pain no gain)

but come on people in most of the videos i've seen most of the riders are not wearing any helmets, so come on people get your helmets on! they were design for a reason.

keep up the hard work (not the bails obviously) but the riding.

thank you Greeny

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funniest bail / crash i ever saw was my mate riding along very slowly turned the bars and got jammed on sumin, well... he ended up falling onto the end of the bars and it went through his trousers and boxes and left a huge rip!

LOL he had to turn his boxers around so he could ride home otherwise his family jewels would poke through the tear...

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