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Regular Disk Brake Compared To Hope Mono Trial 180mm


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There will be a lot more power from the Hope.

It will probably grab straight away, and will generally feel nicer.

Bessell's had some problems with him, lazy pistons, rubbing etc so I believe, he's now going for an Avid BB7.

I have a 160mm BB7 on the front of my mod. It's perfect.

Easy to set-up, takes no adjustment at all once done properly. (Y)

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There will be a lot more power from the Hope.

It will probably grab straight away, and will generally feel nicer.

Bessell's had some problems with him, lazy pistons, rubbing etc so I believe, he's now going for an Avid BB7.

I have a 160mm BB7 on the front of my mod. It's perfect.

Easy to set-up, takes no adjustment at all once done properly. (Y)

Go for the BB7 i run a 203mm on the front of my mod.. insane power. Dont bother with any other brakes ive had the mono trial 180mm and it was really tempremental. Doesnt lock half as nice as the BB7 and the hold wasnt that good either.

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Bessell's had some problems with him, lazy pistons, rubbing etc so I believe

I think the majority of Hope owners have had that problem. This brake is NOT worth 120 quid or how much it costs, nor are any Hope brakes. They're basically a pimp-like addition to your bike which you can easily find a substitute for. I've had mine for about a year and most of the time it's been pissing me off (what Dan wrote). Get the BB7, it's got the same amount of power if not more, and feels nicer.

I'd say they're the best you can buy if you're running a rear disc (which is why I got mine), but there's a wide choice of front brakes which you will be very happy with and which cost less.

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thanks for the links.

its kinda funny, but i noitced just now that i have the BB5 on my Front wheel. :lol:

all this time i am asking about AVID brakes while i have one on my bike.

anyway, i think its stops ok, but i am sure there is somthing more powerfull.

BB5 much weaker then the BB7?

and if not, is it only me that thinks its not powerfull enough?

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The shitz - that's a bad thing, surely?!

I'd say Mono Trial - I've ridden bikes with Avid brakes that are good, and lock, but I just don't like the feel of a cable. The Hope brake is smooth to operate and has good modulation, and also has a comfortable lever. Locked up fine if I wanted it to as well... all in all a damn good brake.

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The shitz - that's a bad thing, surely?!

I'd say Mono Trial - I've ridden bikes with Avid brakes that are good, and lock, but I just don't like the feel of a cable. The Hope brake is smooth to operate and has good modulation, and also has a comfortable lever. Locked up fine if I wanted it to as well... all in all a damn good brake.

The bb7 i got off bigman feels more fluid at the lever than my mono trial ever did. Infact my mono trial felt stiff in comparison. Get some decent cable and a decent set up and its f**king immense i really couldnt bum the bb7 much more through fear of swollen member.

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I have had 3 or 4 hopes, I have been dissapointed with them all! dont like how they feel, they would randomly stop working, the pads would get contaminated if they were in the same room as oil and they get cooked easily.

Avids on the other hand are more powerful, easier to set up, nice feel, more adjustable....they just out class the hope in every way, except two.....weight and strength. I have broken a few avids, that is their biggest downfall.....still waaay better than hopes though.

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I have had 3 or 4 hopes, I have been dissapointed with them all! dont like how they feel, they would randomly stop working, the pads would get contaminated if they were in the same room as oil and they get cooked easily.

Avids on the other hand are more powerful, easier to set up, nice feel, more adjustable....they just out class the hope in every way, except two.....weight and strength. I have broken a few avids, that is their biggest downfall.....still waaay better than hopes though.

Ali - where these hope trials, or others? I had a lot of contamination issues with older ones, but I've found these to be a lot less sensitive.

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