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Si The Physio Will Be At Exeter Event


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I'm amazed that your services aren't called upon more often , given that some of us like to ride bicycles quite vigorously sometimes , to put it mildly . I won't be attending the event , but can you tell me why my lower back seems to hurt less now it's cold outside , even though I ride just as frequently ? I thought the cold would be even worse for joints / cartilage ?

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I'm amazed that your services aren't called upon more often , given that some of us like to ride bicycles quite vigorously sometimes , to put it mildly . I won't be attending the event , but can you tell me why my lower back seems to hurt less now it's cold outside , even though I ride just as frequently ? I thought the cold would be even worse for joints / cartilage ?


dont know, will have to have a think about this one

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Simple...heat is a cure...cold...doesnt have the same effect.

hate to disagree mate, but ice constricts blood vessels that have been damaged in any internal soft tissue injury such as strain, sprain or tear etc.

this then tightens the blood vessels meaning that less blood seeps out minimising swelling and bruising.

swelling and bruising if excessive slows down the healing process

once there is enough healing of the damaged tissues after a few days then you need to generate increased blood supply to aid tissue repair as the blood has the nutrients to heal and will not seep out as the blood vessels will now have repaired, hence the ice first then the heat a few days after


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hello si,

i have crushed my middle finger at work about 5-7 weeks ago (can't remeber exactly) i had a pin put through it to releave the pressure 4-5 days after it happened. the finger nail is all black from the blood underneath, i was wondering what will be happening to it. does a new nail grow underneath and the original one falls off, or what? the nail looks like it is lifting up, it looks as if there is a gap between the nail and skin around the back and side of the nail.

here are a few photos of the nail;

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image

(p.s there is a bit of paint on the nail)

thankyou so much si (Y)

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hello si,

i have crushed my middle finger at work about 5-7 weeks ago (can't remeber exactly) i had a pin put through it to releave the pressure 4-5 days after it happened. the finger nail is all black from the blood underneath, i was wondering what will be happening to it. does a new nail grow underneath and the original one falls off, or what? the nail looks like it is lifting up, it looks as if there is a gap between the nail and skin around the back and side of the nail.

here are a few photos of the nail;

IPB Image

IPB Image

IPB Image

(p.s there is a bit of paint on the nail)

thankyou so much si (Y)

alllright mate, the nail will eventually fall off, dont force it off though, it will grow back cleanly if you let it come off by itself naturally but may take a few months


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My toe did that and it was loose at one side for about a year, until it grew out. It never fell off. But don't worry about it. The black colour is blood underneath it, which will disappear if you have a bath or whatever and get water under it.

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