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Anyone Here Do Weights To Increase Performance?

John planet x

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he wants him banned for giving totally the wrong advice. if anyone follwed what mr pitBULL said then they would be seriously injurred.

Stfu you twat. How else do you gain muscle then idiot? WAIT NO. your body some how generates new muscle?

This is worth a ban:

You are the biggest f**king retarded dick head i have ever not met. Its unbelievable how stupid one person can be at the same time as fist f**king their own arse in some strange ego clense... but you really do manage it. I hope you f**kin handicap yourself in the gym.

Your the biggest f**king weed on this forum, if i ever met you id throw you to the ground you dick head. WHY DO YOU f**kING THINK WHEN U DO REPS! THE LAST STRETCH IT IMPORTANT, f**kING IDIOT. you stretch to tear muscle.

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Stfu you twat. How else do you gain muscle then idiot? WAIT NO. your body some how generates new muscle?

Your the biggest f**king weed on this forum, if i ever met you id throw you to the ground you dick head. WHY DO YOU f**kING THINK WHEN U DO REPS! THE LAST STRETCH IT IMPORTANT, f**kING IDIOT. you stretch to tear muscle.

OWNED them completely biff :lol::lol:

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Weight training should alwys be performed slow and controlled. Most people don't realise that lowering the weight is the most important bit, not the lifting. I see so many people practically throwing the weight up and then just dropping it to the lower poistion again. You need to lift the weight and then lower it slowly. Resist the weight on the way down, this is what tears the muscle.

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Weight training should alwys be performed slow and controlled. Most people don't realise that lowering the weight is the most important bit, not the lifting. I see so many people practically throwing the weight up and then just dropping it to the lower poistion again. You need to lift the weight and then lower it slowly. Resist the weight on the way down, this is what tears the muscle.

YESSSSSSS Thank you! :)

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I agree with biff, the muscle tears in order for it to gain size, how else is it going to grow?? Will just end up like a massive air sack then.

Mate used to work at a gym, he was massive. He used to train himself until he was absolutly f**ked, then eat loads and rest for a few days. also used to take the bulking products.

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I Quote:

Feed your muscles maggots.

But no one said it wasnt,.. i even posted saying weight training creates microtears.. you mase well have just quoted my first post surely?

I think it would be best you stopped arguing against yourself.

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But no one said it wasnt,.. i even posted saying weight training creates microtears.. you mase well have just quoted my first post surely?

I think it would be best you stopped arguing against yourself.


What you just did, stop contradicting yourself. f**kingel your an idiot who knows nothing about Weight Training.

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What you just did, stop contradicting yourself. f**kingel your an idiot who knows nothing about Weight Training.

i was reffering to the fact you train till you burn up red.. which isnt tearing of muscle.. thats just retarded.

Why would you not do low weights? how many powerlifters do you know that can walk up stairs without having a mild heart attack. Training heavy makes you slow and in my opinion a lot less flexible. Since this thread was about increasing performance on a bike.. then training heavy is not what you need.

Try doing pull ups / chin ups at body weight for 15 reps 2 sets.. do that for a couple of weeks. Then switch to weighted pull ups / chin ups something along the lines of body weight + 15kg dumbell for 6 reps and 4 sets. Then try and switch back to the high rep training a couple of weeks after that. You will not be able to complete as easily the 15 reps as you could before.. why? because you have been training your nervous system as well as muscles to lift heavy. Not life volume. Trials requires total body training with high reps as well as plyometric exercises (i.e. fast sprints) to keep your explosiveness as well as stamina high.

Just being mr muscle does not make you a powerful trials rider.. and if anything it f**ks your cardio up completely. Take a look at the lanky f**ks around .. no offence but craig etc... tall.. thin... not built like brick houses. Why? because trials does not require it.

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chill out!!

if anyone is that obsessed about weight training go onto a forum or website about it and have a read and stop ranting!

i sujest for someone building for trials purpose do lots of reps of small weights of just sit ups push ups sual does the trick :)

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Back from work, check out my bad boys, that was taken just over a year ago. I only train once a month. Just be sensible when training no point lifting a PHAT weight when the tecknique is shite, a better result will come from a smaller weight and perfect teqnique.



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I wanna show off!! :lol:

Blurry pic...sos

you even get to see my pit hairs you lucky lucky people!

I am going to start going to the gym and maybe get a personal trainer to make sure I do the correct moves for the correct muscles and get me eating the right sort of food. I want to be bouncy like benito, so I'll learn som streches too.


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Legs: air alert 3 (you'll find it on google). Did it last year and it really improved my vertical jump. It's not good for your knees though.

used to be all the rage when i was into my basketball, thing is, back then i didnt have the commitment, now ive got the commitment, aint into basketball.

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Get yourselves a Powerball there awesome once you get used to them help build up fingers, wrists, biceps, triceps, pecks and shoulders. Also good for injuries help with recovery.

Did f**k all with me lol.

And i used to use it all the time for about 4 months solid.

Got 12000 rpm i think though :P

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Get yourselves a Powerball there awesome once you get used to them help build up fingers, wrists, biceps, triceps, pecks and shoulders. Also good for injuries help with recovery.

got myself a powerball, and yes they are good, but biceps, triceps, pecks(pec's) and shoulders. dont think my powerball did anything for me above the elbow, but forearms and wrists it did help with a lot, no longer get arm pump when riding.

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not built like brick houses. Why? because trials does not require it.

Damon for a start is a big build n hes unreal at riding. You said sprinting etc to train yourself for bike and sprinting must be the single sport that requires pure fast twitch muscle fibre so surely trials would be suited best to a body type trained for sprinting, you seen the size of dwain chambers??

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got myself a powerball, and yes they are good, but biceps, triceps, pecks(pec's) and shoulders. dont think my powerball did anything for me above the elbow, but forearms and wrists it did help with a lot, no longer get arm pump when riding.

Yeah thats is what i noticed when i got mine. It helped my wrists with bmxing as well, as i no longer get fatigue in them.

You can do different exercises with them to work on the different muscles, like try hold it in your fingertips to improve finger and grip strength, or tip the ball upwards and curl your arm, then rotate it anti-clockwise to work the bicep.

All the exercises that can be done with them are here: Powerball

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