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Poll: Which Games Console Would You Buy?

Louth Trials

Games consoles  

159 members have voted

  1. 1. Who has a:

    • ps2
    • Xbox
    • xbox 360
    • nintendo wii
    • gamecube
    • psp
    • ds
    • ps3

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having played ALL of them, i would say xbox 360 by a longshot, they are absoloutely amazing consoles, Well worth it.

Got it in one for me.

I Got a new one this christmas (i did previously have one last christmas but it's a long story), and it has some awesome games out now, and they seemed to of resolved a lot of the problems they had at launch, so 'tis all good (Y)

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I have both of the current rd Gen consoles the 360 and the Wii and I can say from a "Seen in inside" point of vue (<<is that how you spell it?) , that the Wii and the 360 have the same Graphics card but the Wii does not use it to its full potential, but I don't think it will be like this for long and they will start using them better. The many features that are just "Cool I want that" type of things. If i had to chose it would be the 360 just for the fact it has a DVD and more online functions.

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Wii and 360 do NOT have the same graphics card but the same graphis company designed it.

The wii has a Hollywood chip made by ATI.

The 360 has a Xenon made by ATI ( I think its Xenon, or Xenous something like that) Also known as the R500 to many.

Different cards same makers.

I have a 360, love it, its just good all round everything in one, one online name with all your game points etc, lotsa really good games, snagging up alot of exclusives and making ps3 exclusives go multi platform, alot of developer support, not amazingly expensive. Some really good packages out now, some places doing 360 and 2 games, second wireless controller for around £304, top games, such as Gears of War and Project Gotham Racing 3.

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The Wii or the DS.

The inginuity of the Wii is yet to bee seen, and it is definately gameplay over graphics, so much fun, and everyone loves it, even my parents played it on xmas! Well worth its bargain price, and their will be some excellent games. 360 is 3rd on the list but i wouldnt buy one, even if i had the money. PS3 is shite, nothing about it to make you want it, other then the "AWESOME GRAPHICS" which th 360 could reproduce...... And DS is the Ultimate take anywhere handheld console!.

Nintendo rocking this year!!!

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Would have backed the Wii, but the sheer dissapointment of Red Steel, and the fact that there arn't any other games I really want for it, mean that I would easily have to back the 360, it's total beast, good graphics, and having completed the story on Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter today, I'm looking forward to a few games now, such as Forza 2 and GRAW 2. Just gotta' complete Rainbow Six Vegas now and I'll have completed al my games. I think completeing two games on Normal difficulty in a week is pretty good going. But GRAW is such a good game. :rolleyes::P

Edit: Hahaha, who did that to the poll?

Edited by Haz
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A couple of weeks ago i would have said the wii.

But when my friend let me borrow his i found myself bored of Zelda,Red Steel and even wii sports. So i went downstairs and played on my normal xbox. I guess the novelty just wears off after a while.

However, i love the 360, so i voted that. Just waiting till these updated something or others that are supposedly coming out for the console.

Edited by yoyoyo
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Deffinatly the wii got mine and I fooking love it.

Its just so damn playable and fun.

xbox 360 is a bit shite imo just same old games with a bit better graphics

You need to get your head seen to young man.

How can anybody create a better console than the richist man in the world ???


360 for the win....

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Wii and 360 do NOT have the same graphics card but the same graphics company designed it.

The wii has a Hollywood chip made by ATI.

The 360 has a Xenon made by ATI ( I think its Xenon, or Xenous something like that) Also known as the R500 to many.

Different cards same makers.

Yes, I agree totally, but both of these chips are over-clocked by the manufacturer and they both, if pushed can go to 550 Mhz, saying this, I wouldn't recommend trying to do this, because you would get very silly spotty graphics :sick: . I hope I have'nt started a big argument but this is what I read on the all knowing IGN website.

Edited by mark145
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