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Dont you Just Love It?


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Been riding all day today and I am absolutely knackered! Though I really feel I've achieved something now and can see myself improving nicely :lol: although I ache like hell! How do you guys wind down after a hard as hell day? Besides the fact Ill probably fall asleep on my computer in a min!

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Been riding all day today and I am absolutely knackered! Though I really feel I've achieved something now and can see myself improving nicely :lol: although I ache like hell! How do you guys wind down after a hard as hell day? Besides the fact Ill probably fall asleep on my computer in a min!

I usually go out in town with mates and get wankered in bars/clubs. Seems to work for me, i get drunk easier when i've been riding which significantly reduces the cost of the night as i can normally drink quite a lot (which is expensive).

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Only kennard could come up with that! It was inevitible.

I kind of have a little routine:

Get a pint of strong vimto, sit down, down it, wash my hands and face because they are all scabby and sweaty, if its a sunday, sit down and have a huge roast meal, chunk of fruit cake and a cuppa, and watch top gear. Otherwise just have a massive nosh up and sometimes go for a warm down kind of ride in the evening. (does anybody else get addicted to riding? like you HAVE to go out?)

Then its sleep :turned:

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