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Banned Frm Favourite Spot!


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On friday me and my mates where banned by the police from riding at out favourite spot. the reason for this was because of damage (a colapsed wall) but this happened over 2 years ago and this is the first time they have said anything. They haven't told us what would happen if they caugh us there but i can pritty much figure it out :ermm:. What do you think about this incident? has it happened to you.

Edited by mr ?
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On friday me and my mates where banned by the police from riding at out favourite spot. the reason for this was because of damage (a colapsed wall) but this happened over 2 years ago and this is the first time they have said anything. They haven't told us what would happen if they caugh us there but i can pritty much figure it out :ermm:. What do you think about this incident? has it happened to you.

would they be the wall that tossers found funny to push over by anychance tossers being riders i know and now dont really like to ride with because the cause trouble and get us banned bringing a bad name?


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Take them to court (Y) i would. I would fight for my sport...

They cant ban you from riding your own sport... just plead guilty to damaging the wall, you might geta fine for it... but, thats the most they gonna do... just plead that you dont have ANYWHERE to ride your sport... because the coucil wont supply you with somewhere... then the council will cough up... Thats what my uncle has told me to do if i get "banned" from riding, or the sort... (hes a police man...) lol

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On friday me and my mates where banned by the police from riding at out favourite spot. the reason for this was because of damage (a colapsed wall) but this happened over 2 years ago and this is the first time they have said anything. They haven't told us what would happen if they caugh us there but i can pritty much figure it out :ermm:. What do you think about this incident? has it happened to you.

Keep riding there, if you get caught say well its smashed up anyway it can't be smashed anymore or say would you rather us ride our bikes and have some fun or go out and cause trouble (Y)

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On friday me and my mates where banned by the police from riding at out favourite spot. the reason for this was because of damage (a colapsed wall) but this happened over 2 years ago and this is the first time they have said anything. They haven't told us what would happen if they caugh us there but i can pritty much figure it out :ermm:. What do you think about this incident? has it happened to you.

If you broke the wall, im glad they've finally got you. I don't understand why you're annoyed, if you vandalised it, expect to pay the price? :blink:

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Happened to me and a few mates up at county hall in worcester, we're planning to write a letter to the council saying how any damage caused to these walls would be significantly less than the cost of them having to build us a trials park, problem is theres not enough riders in the area to get them to build one so they tell us to go to the skatepark instead. Simply because they don't understand why we do what we do.

if i were you I'd get as many people to sign a petition as you can, I'm sure theres a website that can help you with this- for the mean time just ride there anyway, if you get chucked off, s**t happens.

Oh yeah and they cant make you leave without a court order, as long as you aren't! causing damage. (even if its private property)

Edited by afroman
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Im relay not allowed to be seen with my bike any where near our town center. Even when I'm pushing it they approach me and give me shady looks but i guess my going mad at them for telling me off for being on a bike when a group of stoned 14 year olds had just walked past didn't help my cause but i just thought they needed advice with their priority's lol.

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The police will not be able to ban us from riding where we ride because we ride in the middle of no were lol, i would just keep rideing the spot until the police came then u just ride away they cant really stop you from doing sports if you havent broke the wall in the first place, tel them were to go lol :lol:

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This happens to me anf my friends every week. The good thing is that all the policeman in braintree are useless and they never do anything. they tell us to go away give uys a writen report and all we do is go and ride again once the copper has gone. If you keep a look out when riding your favourite spot you can see if there are any cops then just leave straight away if there are.


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The police have got much more important things to do than lay the law down on us, unless you give them good reason.

The key to being able to continue riding has got to be to avoid coming onto the radar of people who might exert their power to scupper your fun. Plus when you do, try and part ways in a fashion that will minimise clamp downs.

Surely you'd expect that taking a wall down will put you firmly in their sights. If your polite and apologetic and listen to them then they are more likely to help, rude and they'll be gunning for you in future wondering which wall will be next!


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haha id laugh me and moorey and few others were out last night in hadliegh and dan was tryin a wheelswap from wall to electrical box and birdman told dan to get down because a police car was at the lights so i put away the cam and dan got down and the police drove slow past us and said thats well good

its the same with everyone though boys your just vandals, you start throwing stuff and make a mess and you wonder why you get chucked off and maybe get fined. you need to change your attitude, couple weeks ago we all road appleton school and instead of shouting at the care taker sayin f off and all this we all chatted to him for about half an hour and being polite and it helps and it shows that your not complete dicks to be honest

treat people and property like you would want people to treat you and your property

hope this teachs you a lesson

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An important thing to remember is to not dwell in a spot for too long.

If your riding somewhere in the middle of a busy town (lets say Chelmsford town centre on a Saturday), get to know your limits of how long you can ride. In this case Chelmsford town is about about a minute.

Or perhaps if your riding out side some kind of establishment, assess how many people walk past the area, what kind of business is it etc, and give yourself a min/max time to stay there.

Usually it is due to being in a spot for too long, so just remember to keep on moving on when your out and about.

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On friday me and my mates where banned by the police from riding at out favourite spot. the reason for this was because of damage (a colapsed wall) but this happened over 2 years ago and this is the first time they have said anything. They haven't told us what would happen if they caugh us there but i can pritty much figure it out :ermm:. What do you think about this incident? has it happened to you.

This Ginger kid Jamie who we were riding with was on a bench i was sitting on my back wheel talking to Shit Head (one of our mates) and police saw Jamie on the bench.

The Coppers gave the copper top (get it HAHA) Me and jason this little slip thing that had our details on and we were like WTF?


Apart from these lady police officers that are helping us get a trials park built :P

This happens to me anf my friends every week. The good thing is that all the policeman in braintree are useless and they never do anything. they tell us to go away give uys a writen report and all we do is go and ride again once the copper has gone. If you keep a look out when riding your favourite spot you can see if there are any cops then just leave straight away if there are.


Hi Reece :P

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not being funny but you lot don't even ride your so called "Fav riding spot" you just thro stuff and nick things your all chavs on bikes ill say it now and ill say it again when ever me and rick and that ride progress there seems to be no trouble your giving out a bad name for us all buck up and start riding or ditch the bikes n be chavs don't do both because your giving us a bad reputation i no all you lot from progress and the only one's i get on with is dan and sometimes reece just stop making things hard for your selfs lads.

Jack (Y)

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theres nothin to ride in progress n e way lol well the top is great but you always get kicked off and its open 24 hours but meh not gonna ride like and hour to ride a wall thats like 32 inches let them ride there as we dont so i couldnt care there getting the fine im not :P

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'least the spot is still there.... my favourite... and pretty much only half decent local spot was knocked down and replaced with grass and flowers!

as you can probably guess theres been some nice skid marks left (Y)

i reckon you should just keep riding that place. your not exactly doing any harm. whats an asbo? chavs have them as fasion accesories, cant be that bad.

alan ;)

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'least the spot is still there.... my favourite... and pretty much only half decent local spot was knocked down and replaced with grass and flowers!

as you can probably guess theres been some nice skid marks left (Y)

i reckon you should just keep riding that place. your not exactly doing any harm. whats an asbo? chavs have them as fasion accesories, cant be that bad.

alan ;)

thats why people get into trouble and get moaned at maybe >_< think before you act sometime?


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not being funny but you lot don't even ride your so called "Fav riding spot" you just thro stuff and nick things your all chavs on bikes ill say it now and ill say it again when ever me and rick and that ride progress there seems to be no trouble your giving out a bad name for us all buck up and start riding or ditch the bikes n be chavs don't do both because your giving us a bad reputation i no all you lot from progress and the only one's i get on with is dan and sometimes reece just stop making things hard for your selfs lads.

Jack (Y)

I really dont no what your talking about we ride progress road all the time because it is very local to us and we never damage anything on purpose.

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