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Partz + Koxx Days


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Basically I've got shit loads of footage, and I think I've got enough for a long video (15 minutes) but Im sure most of you dont want to download a 150mb - 200mb video

( A ) So what Im thinking of doing is doing 2-3 videos of smaller chunks but the same footage. We did our trip in 2 sections really, as me and Will rode Dunkirk for a few days first, and then koxx days. so maybe a video of dunkirk and then 2 more of buthiers?


( B ) I could just sod that idea and make the 15 minute biggie

Your choice guys. What do you want? Please make the first bit of your reply ( A ) or ( B ) to make things easier for me ;) as you cant do polls for some reason :S



Edited by PaRtZ
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Why not do both?

An unedited version of the footage (maybe just cut out some of the real crap/speed it up) and then 2 or 3 smaller 20-30mb files showing the highlights of the trip and riding, maybe two sections riding and one of banter so if people dont want either they dont have to get it....

edit: if I have to choose I say B, i'd rather see it all and skip the crap myself, something I might think is real interesting you might think is shit.....

Comp vid's don't need good editing because it's about the riding.

Edited by jake1516
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just a quick bump, I've finished the dunkirk section now, and exported it and when encoded with DivX at 1100kbps (piss poor to be honest) its 62mb as its 8:20 long

Still want a mahoosive long video guys? :P

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just a quick bump, I've finished the dunkirk section now, and exported it and when encoded with DivX at 1100kbps (piss poor to be honest) its 62mb as its 8:20 long

Still want a mahoosive long video guys? :P

good. now get the buthiers section done!!!!!!!!! :D

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OK I've decided its B but I'll do a low quality version and a high quality version. The low quality version will be piss poor in comparison so I'd suggest if you have broadband then get the high quality version and just be prepared to wait a bit longer as it helps with the whole feel for the video

I'll make a new post when its done..... 3 tapes left to capture lol

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