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Brisa B26d

that NBR dude

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Sweet, I remember a review of these in MBUK a few years ago, am I right in thinking it has a rear disc mount?

It does, it has one on the chainstay (that only seems to fit magura disks) and one that bolts onto the dropout (which isnt there) hence why I've had to go back to a magura

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It does, it has one on the chainstay (that only seems to fit magura disks) and one that bolts onto the dropout (which isnt there) hence why I've had to go back to a magura

I thought so, I remember a picture of the caliper being mounted between the chainstay and the seatstay, to protect it from crashes a bit more.

I also remember seeing a megamo stock, which was the first bike to have a front freewheel, the reason for which was so that you could change gear without pedaling, as long as you were moving. Well thats what it says, I'm looking at it, its rather interesting! These old school bikes seem to have an enormous seat tube compaired to modern stock bikes.

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The words Old School spring to mind. I almost bought one, but decided a giant was better, cos it came with more free stuff.

Cant beat free stuff.

80% of the people on here wouldn't appreciate these kind of bikes. They dont understand the old skool way of trials, and how, many years ago, this was ahead of the time!

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80% of the people on here wouldn't appreciate these kind of bikes. They dont understand the old skool way of trials, and how, many years ago, this was ahead of the time!

They're not that old really, especially those b26d's. I always wanted the original Brisa (Yellow like Adam burns had!), but never got one 'cos I got a Zebdi instead as they were cheaper. I like yours, anyway.

For ages I had a desktop on my computer of Nelson Reis sidehopping a huge cotton reel, was proper big. Whatever happened to him?

EDIT: This is the picture I'm on about (Clicky - it's the top one)

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Haha i remember that pic, yeh he was an awesome rider.

I had brisa B26D in white. At the time it was an awesome frame, but i had a got on it quite recently and actually the geo sucks. The back end is about a mile long.

Didn't break though (Y)

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