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Virginia Massacre


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Damn that is pretty f**ked up :( poor kids man. The dude looks just like my friend from college haha got the paper in class today and we had comments such as "Mav, you still packing heat!?" Tutor was having a laugh an all haha funny shit. One's thing for sure though, I would have loved having this kid on my team in CS or some shit haha BOOM HEADSHOT!

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I heard a quote from a spokes women at the campus on the radio and she said, "if the lecturers and students were armed there would not have been so much bloodshed" w.t.f :blink:

I think the American constitution needs a re-think, the bit that says "the right to bare arms".

Reminds me of when I was seeing a small punk band just as the war against Iraq had started and they opened one song with, "This song goes to all those people who believe in waging war to achieve peace, I mean, it makes sense, the worlds gunna be pretty f**king peaceful when we're all dead."

I think the American constitution needs setting on fire and they need to use f**king common sense instead of some ancient piece of paper. I don't see how they can claim to be an advanced superpower when there whole society is based around some mouldy old piece of paper. It was written years ago by some guy who agreed with slavery. F**king get over it and get with modern life.

Edit: too tired to spell stuff right first try. time for bed.

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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Exactly. Most humans are wankers, animals can't be wankers...they can't even wank for a start.

No, I am pretty sure that at one of the house parties i went to a while ago the dog was wanking. He wasn't scratching, he was getting horny and trying to shag everyones leg and then starting beating his nob in a scratching motion.

Bloody funny stuff.


I don't know how, but I haven't actually heard much about what happened. Obviously without even looking into it, I know it's very sad, and very sick.

A horrible way to die.

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People like him must have stupidly big balls to do that...Anyways...Ive looked into it and fount some info..Actually lots.

he was mental

who knew the shooter?

Video he sent to NBC

Did you know someone actually did get arrested on that day? also someone else threatend to do the same thing the next day..but he got delt with..Arrested.I think he also tried to plant some bombs too,But none was found.

Edited by nickyw
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Exactly. Most humans are wankers, animals can't be wankers...they can't even wank for a start.

thats not true - everyone's seen that picture of the walrus

angelina jolie is not ugly - ali is either thinking of the wrong person or likes boys.

You can't link this sort of thing with gun crime in the states as a whole.

Shooting people during an armed robbery, as part of gang conflict, contract killings etc. is the act of a reasoning person - it has a purpose whether it's pleasant or not. I'd be fairly confident in thinking that most gun crime centres around that sort of thing and is therefore committed by sane people.

This act on the other hand was perpetrated by a raving f**king loon and there's no defence against that. Pretty much anyone can go spanish at pretty much any time - I imagine most domestic type gun murders are committed by people who've never been nicked for anything in their lives, have no history of mental illness and have never fired their perfectly legally obtained gun outside of a firing range.

If he hadn't had a gun he'd probably just have knifed people and set fire to the buildings - fair enough, less people might have died but do the numbers really make any difference? one dead innocent is enough to upset me.

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thats not true - everyone's seen that picture of the walrus

angelina jolie is not ugly - ali is either thinking of the wrong person or likes boys.

You can't link this sort of thing with gun crime in the states as a whole.

Shooting people during an armed robbery, as part of gang conflict, contract killings etc. is the act of a reasoning person - it has a purpose whether it's pleasant or not. I'd be fairly confident in thinking that most gun crime centres around that sort of thing and is therefore committed by sane people.

This act on the other hand was perpetrated by a raving f**king loon and there's no defence against that. Pretty much anyone can go spanish at pretty much any time - I imagine most domestic type gun murders are committed by people who've never been nicked for anything in their lives, have no history of mental illness and have never fired their perfectly legally obtained gun outside of a firing range.

If he hadn't had a gun he'd probably just have knifed people and set fire to the buildings - fair enough, less people might have died but do the numbers really make any difference? one dead innocent is enough to upset me.


Maybe we're all just soppy dollops :blink:

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Is that supposed to scare me at all??

he was a nutter, people like that intrigue me, just the fact of how they can just do that, i love how the human body/ mind works.

EDIT: was abit harsh threatening to murder him with a machette

Intrigue and respect are completely two different forms of mental attitude towards someone or something...

You can be intrigue'd by them but when you say you respected him for killing over 30 innocent people who had done nothing wrong it's totally against common sence and human decency to make out "he was a good person"!

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I was going to bring that up too, guns don't kill people, people do. Guns don't go hunting on their own. Obviously a gun is just the tool of the trade, but guns are always going to be around

I read a comment earlier, about making them harder to get. I very, very much doubt it will stop anything. Ok, people sell guns in America, most sellers will be 100% legit and carry out all the required background checks, thats because they'll be members of the NRA and it will carry a heavy prison sentence...also, who wants the guilt of selling a gun to be used in a school massacre? The only ones selling guns illegally are the dodgy ones selling them to dodgy people!

I dont think anyone with the intention of shooting 30something people in a school, robbing a bank, murdering an enemy etc is concerned with prison sentences or the cost of a gun, even if it is that little bit more harder to get hold of.

Its a bit of a hot potato really, there are many, many gained to be made but their completely unrealistic in many senses...its like trying to completely outlaw cocaine off the planet.

Just to point out that Virginia is one of the states that doesn't execute background checks on private sales.

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There is a guy at my work who always wears camo and has a well known obsession with guns, (his office is covered in firearm pictures,) I spoke to him about guns a few weeks ago and he told me he owns an arsenal that fills his entire house! Luckily they are decommisioned guns from Vietnam and WWII ect.. I asked him if he had any working guns and he told me if he had a working gun he would come into work on a killing rampage! EERIE silence followed and I never spoke to him again. This guy obviously has the same morals and social respect as that asshole from Virginia but dosent want to die or go to prison. I really wanna beat this guys face into the floor just for thinking like that, I know I should get to know him a bit better to clarify what hes like but I can tell he is a sad, twisted willy. Its a shame no action could be taken to prevent the massacre 2 days ago, just like I cant prevent a massacre at my work, he hasnt DONE anything wrong...yet.

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Hey guys, thanks for all the comments so far most of them have been really respectfull and sympathetic. Keep them comming (Y)

I haven't just posted this post to thank you, i also wanted to share this video with everyone that has just been released today of the killer.

Virginia Tech Killer Speaks

Edited by mr ?
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Has any one watched the reverse speach one? Geeze it seems so real and yet interesting.

Yea...and to be honest, what a load of shit.

Don't know what he was thinking with that hammer pose thing...proper MySpace.

Edited by anzo
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