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In Town And Hooligans Attack


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4 middle age girls pushed there silly little pram into my bike i say piss off then all of a sudden out of nowhere they grab glass bottles n smash them on ours arms and throw rocks/stones/bark at us. what hooligans. what shall i do spit at em do it back or just leave it be the bigger man lol .

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4 middle age girls pushed there silly little pram into my bike i say piss off then all of a sudden out of nowhere they grab glass bottles n smash them on ours arms and throw rocks/stones/bark at us. what hooligans. what shall i do spit at em do it back or just leave it be the bigger man lol .

Are you/your bike ok ?

blidy woman drivers eh !!


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I hate people that do stuff like that :angry: . the other day me and my mates where out riding in southend town when some loud mouth bitch started screaming abuse at us, this was apparently because one of my mates looked at her.(what a nutcase :S )

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One of my mates got punched by a group of lads a few weeks back, and then last weekend, on the way home from riding, I see the lad again. He tries pushing me off my bike then says something about me wearing a helmet, I just laughed him off and said he would regret that later. We saw him today, followed him and then my mate 'selby1' kicked off at him and he ran off into a pub. I really do hate people that see people on bike and automatically dont like us. Unlucky mate just take them out next time, ride straight on into them as fast as possible, then see what they say :D

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One of my mates got punched by a group of lads a few weeks back, and then last weekend, on the way home from riding, I see the lad again. He tries pushing me off my bike then says something about me wearing a helmet, I just laughed him off and said he would regret that later. We saw him today, followed him and then my mate 'selby1' kicked off at him and he ran off into a pub. I really do hate people that see people on bike and automatically dont like us. Unlucky mate just take them out next time, ride straight on into them as fast as possible, then see what they say :D

Next time me and my mate will kick them as hard as we can riding pass them this game is could the kiking game lol plus you get to kick them anywer back of legs will do they aint going to be getting up

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So your going to kick some girls. Shame on you (N)

they are moree like men you should of seen them

It was probably an accident, you had no right to tell her to piss off since you weren't fully aware of the situation.

they see me and laughed thenran there silly pram into my bike so i think i did

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Bloody women! Two sweet old dears with dogs walked by me today and said "we where waiting for you to jump off that rock, then fall on your face... then we would of laughed", they where pissing themselves! I shouted "evil old bags" and they laughed even more!

...must be the sun, or their menstrual period?

...hang on, they where like 70! :-

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i was out ridin a park bench with a friend when a lil chav girl and her lil chav boy mate walked up to us. she asked us to to get up and ova the bench again so we did and she kept saying your crap your not falling off and tried getting us to do stupuid stuff and filming us from her phone to see if she could get us falling off. we didnt do anything she was saying and she started an argument with my mate. she was loosing the argument and said if i was a boy would you hit me to which my friend replys immediatly yes. she said if my friend hit her then she would get her little boy friend mate to beat both of us up. she asked how old we was and said to her mate you would beat em up init and he said no there like 3 years older than me lol. anywayz its stupid people like this who really annoy me, minding our own business and idiot chavs trying to mess things up!

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Spitting in the pram would have seen them off for sure. Or running at them making a high pitch fire engine noise and swinging your arms around like a monkey.

If their gonna be unpredictable, scare them by being even more so ;). Its like the whole non-disabled person parking in a disabled car park space. Get a microphone and make weird noise and shout out they aren't disabled and they nearly always get in the car and drive off. There was a thing on tele about it :lol:

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