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How To Get Higher On Sidehops?


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Hi, i have been trying sidehops and i am stuck on only one height and cant get any higher due to the fact that whenever i go for abit higher sidehop i normally just bail out before pulling up,partly because i think my front wheel wont make it onto the top and i will fall, anybody got any tips on how to just get that little bit higher?



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Make a super hero noise.....


on a more serious note.. i think you just have to go for it, if you can side hop you must have the technique, just exaggerate it even more and don't worry about getting hurt. if your worried about falling, you'll never know how high you can get,

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Exxagerate the move, fold your legs to the maximum, and by that I really mean to the maximum. First it will be difficult but it will be automatic soon. Then try to get as dynamic as you can standing up again. You can practice this move with skipping rope. Just fold your legs to the max at every jumps and you will progress loads in terms of height.

When you finally get this move dialled at the highest speed you can, tuck to the max when you are up the wall. This is difficult and will hurt your legs big time but it will help you getting some extra centimeters. To train that you can just jump by foot on top of palets. You will automatically fold your legs at the top of it, so it will train this move.

Then get this motion as fast as you can and you'll do awesome sidehops. My coach told me to do this every day in the week and it works really well. He is a french champion if that can help you get motivated.

Edited by Canardweb
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I found the correct tyre pressure helps too.

Im running mine quite soft compared to what I used to which was solid.

Nice amount of bounce in the bike.

But like everyones said, exagerate the move and you will see improvements very quickly

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Ah okay, thanks guys, would it be better to land flat when doing sidehops or landing on the front wheel and pulling the back end up, at the momant i land on the front wheel


you will generally sidehop higher if you can exaggerate all movements and land on two wheels. thats what seems to go down these days anyway. but i can't sidehop to two at all!

edit: and as for tyre pressure, it can affect bounce loads. but if i were to run a good side hopping tyre pressure then all my other moves, gaps etc, would result in a lot of folded rims!

Edited by T-Limburn
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Ah okay, thanks guys, would it be better to land flat when doing sidehops or landing on the front wheel and pulling the back end up, at the momant i land on the front wheel


I can only sidehop to rear. All other forms of sidehopping either fail epically or I pussy out.

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