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Everything posted by Rebelistic

  1. I think I have an 04 Pure (stock), that I sometimes ride as a spare. (last used it to tide me over when I cracked another frame) Still going strong
  2. Yeah I may well find that. I want to experiment though. I might have to spend some time on the Fourplay to get used to it but I feel it will be more fun. I've watched quite a lot of BMX videos lately and was half tempted to try a BMX but figured I'd probably find a Fourplay to be a good compromise and I wanted a bike with decent brakes etc. I've been able to regularly switch between trials, DH and jump bikes without any great problem before. My level of riding isn't that good though, but I enjoy mixing it up a bit. It'll be fun to experiment anyway
  3. Interesting read I've just got a myself a fourplay frame to build up as I fancied trying something streety however I'm still gonna ride my cannibal too for natural/pure trials. Not sure how I'll get on riding two different bikes, I might end up preferring one over the other.
  4. Pretty much. Unless I'm only riding local. Trials bikes usually aren't suited to long distance.
  5. Rebelistic


    Yeah when you buy soya milk (or orther products) it's worth checking how it is sourced and that it's GM free. This is mostly the case in the UK at least. BTW most soya (especially the unethical kind) is grown for animal feed. Yeah I find most brands of soya milk taste bad on their own, I like 'So Good' though, Alpro for tea/coffee. There's also lots of other kinds of milk (rice, coconut etc.)
  6. Rebelistic


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactose_intolerance Maybe more than you would think, maybe different ethnic groups are effected differently. I love soya based cheese n soya milk in tea and coffee (don't like it on its own). I probably have far too much of it
  7. Rebelistic


    I apologise if I am mistaken about the antibiotics, that's what I heard happens. I may be getting confused with what happens in America. Quoting me and saying "it's total bollocks" is a little rude but never mind. Most of what I said is true, we probably disagree on what we feel is fair treatment, that's why I said it was my opinion. Watch out for the mega dairies that may soon be popping up in the UK. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocton_Dairies_controversy
  8. Rebelistic


    Here's my opinion: Milk is bad. It's intended for growing calves not adult humans. Therefore they have to take out (skim) a lot of fat just to make it 'safe'. I beleive over 50% of the population are lactose intolerant, this doesn't mean they have massive obvious allergic reactions but may well mean they have some unwanted side affects. Some of those damn 'milkstash' adverts actually feature people who are known to be lactose intollerant. It is known to cause mucus build up (on my freediving course they advised against consuming dairy products). Cows on factory farms live in quite bad conditions and are often sick. There is a permitted level of pus cell that are allowed in milk. Cows are routinely given antibiotics (not just when sick) and this contributes to the evolution of superbugs like MRSA etc. (the abuse of antibiotics). American milk is probably even worse as they give their cows hormones to make them produce milk. The milk marketing people have done a great job of convincing people that milk is healthy but I really don't think it is. There is just a lot of money in it for them. Dairy cows live in bad conditions and have to be imprgnated to produce milk (like humans). They then have their calves taken away for the meat or veal (veal is very cruel). The mother cows are very distressed by having their calves taken away. Vegetarians often drink milk but theres no avoiding it, buying milk contributes to the slaugter of cows. Dairy cows do not live out their days in peace when their milk production drops they are killed. It is a cruel industry. I admit I'm biased. I don't use any animal products because I feel the production is cruel and I don't wish to support it. I drink soya milk in my tea and coffee and I like it better than cow's milk. After nearly 10 years of not drinking milk I find it smells horrible and I can't imagine wanting to drink it again.
  9. http://www.trashzen.com/faq.php#geometry I prefer shorter bikes really, 1070 is about my limit.
  10. I think trials is a great workout. Obviously if you stop for a fag every other line then it won't be so good but if you ride constantly, don't put your feet down between moves etc then it really works you. I find with 'normal' exercise I get bored and there's not much to focus on other than how tired I feel whereas with trials I get carried away and soon realise I'm dripping with sweat and totally knackered. For CV I guess you just need to keep working so you maitain a high heart rate. if you specifically want your ride to be more of a workout then try doing more endurance type riding like get up and down the same wall/rock constantly till your too tired to carry on. Maybe invest in a HR monitor watch so you can set a target HR etc. I think it's good to mix things up though eg. do some swimming so you get more CV without putting stress on the joits like trials probably does.
  11. Interesting discussion ) I'd be interested to read that thread about evolution and selfishness if you know what it was called or where it is? I'm all for free information and free internet. It's a very complicated issue. I hope they don't get more control. I try to support smaller artists while I'm happy to copy from the bigger ones as they don't need any of my money.
  12. See you there dudes My foot/heel is nearly better too It's really really pissing it down atm Might bail on this one if it doesn't dry up!
  13. I'll be there, should be a good day Give me a shout if anyone wants a lift from Leicester? don't know if it's really worth it for such a short trip to Loughborough as it takes me longer to drive round leicester than to drive to Loughborough lol. Sure, the more, the merrier. PM if you need a contact no.
  14. Yeah there's a quite a few of us from Leicestershire. There's often rides going on on Saturdays, check the member organised rides section as the're often on there
  15. I'll be there if weather's ok ) Not sure if my santa costume still fits though Edit: Bugger, got a nasty cold so I'll skip this one. Have a good'n!
  16. Rebelistic


    Ha that's me I can't remember exactly where that quarry was, found it when we were looking for Stanage Edge. I liked Sheffield as a place to ride. My rear brake sounded aweful then, I'd recently ground the rim. It's not so bad now.
  17. Are your brakes set up ok (decent pads etc.)? I think one finger braking is the way to go
  18. wow...is the only word that springs to mind That side hop is just un-human.
  19. Nice! The Ozonys Cannibal? I've just ordered one today. Good to see one in action, looks like it must ride really well!
  20. I should be about...Might have a new toy by then too ;-)
  21. Cool, just noticed this. I'll join you guys. 11:30 start sounds good, I can have a lie in for a change Not been on a group trials ride for far too long, been too busy downhilling.
  22. I should be up for this one, not been on a ride in ages! Good to see you're still riding Kris!
  23. I've got a Cannon G10 with the Cannon UW housing for it. It wasn't cheap (was about £500 in total 2 yrs ago) but is pretty decent. The G11 is out now but I don't know how good it is. The case is ok to a depth of 40m. Do you do any depth freediving? I did the Triple Depth competition in Egypt this year, was awesome Oh I love freediving
  24. I think a healthy diet with plenty of fibre/wholefood would mean there's no need for one (unless like the topic starter you're on painkillers etc.).
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