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Everything posted by aener

  1. Ok - digging up an old topic for those who asked to let them know how it went. I decided to go for it. Got a set of SD7s, an XTR booster, cable, heatsink CNC V pads (x2 sets), bolts from Rich (Karsonlevoret) and he chucked a lever in for free! (Totalled £50 posted) Didn't fancy spending £30 on Heatsink adapter if there was a chance the cable would clip on my tyre, so I got a legend of a guy called Ed Potts (Dave85) to make me a custom one. He made, fitted, and set up the whole thing for £20 for me. A post from the man himself - as he has the bike, and I don't get it back 'till tomorrow - will follow. When I get it back, I'll be sure to whack some pictures up aswell for you all
  2. If it's brand new, and skipping like crazy, send it back and get a replacement. No point trying to fix what can be replaced for a perfect one.
  3. Is the headtube angle really abrupt, or am I just used to seeing bloody Pitbulls? I like it. A lot Different to most any bike I've seen. Think it would be infinately better with dual disk though. Love how big the tyres look with black rims. I know you can't - what without the mounts 'n' all - but still... I'd like to see it
  4. +1 Really good effort there mate
  5. If it can't be trued, just buy the widest front rim you can find?
  6. Mod 2 just takes it on Mod 3. Both are lush - but 2 is... ...lusher. Hahaha
  7. The BB area doesn't look so bad to me now. Would still prefer it to be solid, though the first picture looked as though it had only the top and bottom strips. May stand up to more abuse with 3 strips.
  8. Can't view it. Someone convert to .mpg*, wmv or likewise please.
  9. Goo. As for the capitalisation thing - Echo is written in capitals on frames etc, yet that's not pronounced E.C.H.O. As is ZOO!, and HOPE. ZHI - for me - is the first sound of a "zee", then "he". Much like "Zhee". Czar is "K-Zar" in much the same fashion as above. These are all mine - not saying that's how it is.
  10. Might be a stupid idea, but @ Synergy: Is your booster rubbing atall? (If you have one)
  11. Been thinking it's probably easier, due to only having to tihnk about side to side balance - rather than all ways. I'll start practicing both, so that I have the capability when I come to bollards etc. Thanks people All cleared up.
  12. Right - Been watching videos, then riding. Noticed that in videos, when they go for a sidehop - they'll stall on the back wheel for a bit, then go. I tend to stay on both wheels next to the wall, mini-pedal hop onto the back wheel (moves forwards about 8"), sink down into the bike, and then go straight away. Is the first method more effective or something? Everyone seems to use it. I tried searching, but couldn't find anything. Is it a technique you just find more useful when you gain experiance? Flipp
  13. aener

    Quote Price

    To someone wanting to upgrade from a T-Vee or something: £180-£200 as above. To someone new to trials, wanting to get into it with a slightly higher level bike than a T-Vee: £220-250 Not saying that's what you should charge - I'm saying that's what I think they'd be prepared to pay.
  14. Excellent. Riding was immense, as was the intro - but I found the main bit of the video quite boring (as a video - the riding was great). Overall value:
  15. There's no "Guim7" in there? EDIT: Noice.
  16. Ok. Looks like I'm going for: Avid Ultimate Lever+Arms (using standard pads, then switching to Heatsinks in CNC Vee backings later on) Oddysee Linear Slick Cable Heatsink Adapter Echo V Booster Is this gonna rub my tyre? Really don't want it to, for all this money. T-Pro, with 47mm Hog rim, and CreepyCrawler 2.5, with the above brake set-up - yes/no? Experiance would prove useful please. I don't mind if it's close, so long as it doesn't actually rub. Cheers all - and would prefer replies from people running rear V on mods. Think it should fit, as the '07 Onzas come with Vees standard?
  17. Yes - ground rim. I've also found these. (Top link... the one with "Save 33%") Should do shouldn't they? With those, it'll be a £100 set-up ish. I can upgrade to the heatsinks at a later date if I really want, but surely those should work? I have money now, but I don't wanna spend what I don't have to... Thanks for speedy replies.
  18. Had maggies from day one. My front one's been fine, but the rear has been a never ending story of seal replacing, and wasted money. I've used the search on all of these questions, but not much of use came up First off: I know there'll be an overwhelming vote for maggies, but I'm sick of them. How would any of you rate Vees? I'm coming into some money soon, and am thinking I'll play it safe, and get some Avid Ultimates (the £70 ones on tarty - lever + arms) with an oddysey linear slick cable, and some CNC Heatsink Vee Backings, and transfer my snowy material. Second question: Will this setup work? I've heard that the some Vees take up a lot of space, and won't fit around a wide rim (I've got one of the 47/48mm hog rims, on a T-Pro). Third question: Where can I get some of the adapters that go on my frame, and let me run Vees? I've seen really simple ones, and even though I'm coming into money, I'd like to avoid spending £30 on the Heatsink ones if possible. Fourth question: I'm fairly sure it should, but will an Echo 4-bolt booster work if I just use the two lower holes? Finally: I've read you need to boil the pads in water to remove the material. How do I get them to stay in the CNC backings? Do they screw in? Or is it an aroldite job? Opinions, and any advice regarding this setup will be much appriciated - please don't say "Get another maggie and treat it properly", I've treated them all very well, and I'm not even a harsh rider Speedy replies prefered, but not essential. Cheers, -Flipp
  19. aener

    Koxxdays 2007

    What's the first song? The one with the bikes on sale, and the actually fairly good BMXers? Love it - want it. Great video
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