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Everything posted by ted

  1. It was indeed a good read. My friend should see this, he listens to his ipod on full volume (sound check off) for about 3 hours a day .
  2. Gusset slimjims . They've got such a nice shape.
  3. Yes, its true that alot of 'chavs' wear burberry and live in council houses, but it's also true that alot of people who live in council houses aren't chavs. The only way I think you can tell whether someone is truly a chav is the way they behave and how they choose to spend their time. I'll admit there are trends between certain lifestyle choices and being a chav e.g. clothing styles, choices in music. But these are by no means proof that someone wearing a hoodie and diadora trainers is going to smack you if you ask him the time. Those people who truant from school regulary, binge drink during the day and attack passers-by for no reason better than they felt like it. Those people are what I consider to be chavs.
  4. Let the blisters heal a bit and then keep riding. Soon callouses will form on your hand and it won't hurt anymore. ..or wear gloves.
  5. Haha. Does anyone remember those little playmobil pirate ships with the toy cannons on? My freind got 4 of the cannon balls stuck up one nostril. Its one of those times where you know you should feel sorry for them but can't stop laughing .
  6. Magura can sue the designer of this brake if it's too similar to theirs. This brake can't use any of the features that magura has patented.
  7. I'm not keen on the lever but it looks interesting.
  8. Seconded, I love those cranks .
  9. You have to pay . Here's the only vid I could find of it: utube
  10. Hehe i saw that too. I kept flicking between it and the program about a boy who could see without eyes (very impressive by the way). He makes this clicking sound with his mouth and then he could pick up the echos off objects around him. It's similar to how bats 'see'.
  11. Of course! The celeb BB this year has recieved something like 9 million viewers every night because of the trouble in the house. Thats 3 times what they normally get. The editors don't care about anything except ratings .
  12. Good old Barry Scott. Does anyone know if that penny thing really works?
  13. ted

    Blue Or Green?

    Yeah it's definitely blue.
  14. Im off to see these two at the leeds met. Quality bands .
  15. Isn't that a road bike hub?
  16. Find the music from this advert .
  17. ted


    All Australians came from england originally anyway and thus australia is just an extended part of england . So, through my twisted logic i've come to the conclusion that england wins either way .
  18. Haha, you actually had me convinced.
  19. I'm sure magura's calling it's lawyers as we speak . I prefer how they look compared to maguras but they're just too similar for my liking. I think i'll stick with my tried and tested maggy for the moment.
  20. ted


    Slightly off topic, does anybody have any experience with the virgin fair usage policy? I've had virgin as my isp for about 6 months and about 2 months ago my internet speed suddenly went rubbish at peak times. I assume they've put me on their fair usage policy. At the moment im on 6GB per month which isn't really supposed to cater for things like CSS etc. I was wondering whether upgrading my line to their 'unlimited usage' package might do the trick.
  21. I think its: Never be lonely - The Feeling.
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