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Papa Manual

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Everything posted by Papa Manual

  1. Sounds like a load of hassle just waiting to happen...... Then again, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I'm helpful. I'll get my coat.
  2. I think my mum (or anyone in my family for that matter) would bitch-slap me if I bought them kitchen accessories for Christmas. Different households different prezzies I guess. I've got more people to buy for than ever and I'm completely stuck.
  3. They're pics I took of Sam (Nichols_Sam) at a school demo we rode in the summer. We were being paid in beer so ultimately things became silly. Two different pics, just very similar.
  4. Out in the sticks in the northern part of New South Wales. One day...
  5. I can see the position you’re in. I’m currently doing a job that I could stick at and do my degree at the same time. It might take me a little longer, but the experience I gain by working at the same time would put me in good stead careerwise, assuming the entire financial industry doesn't collapse. However, I want to go to Uni to experience a load of different things and have time to follow my interests at the same time. Getting laid more would be nice too, which I know isn’t a myth. Guernsey is too small and incestuous (especially for people like me). I think potential ‘shags’ at Uni just avoid stinky spotty stoners who sit around on their arses all day, which a good deal of university students are *waits for backlash*. If I work and do my degree at the same time, I’ll be in the position I’m in now which is constant study. My average day consists of getting to work between 730 and 8 in the morning, studying through lunchtime, finishing at 6 and going to college until 9 then back to work until 11 to study. Even the two working days in the week that I’m not at college, I stay at work and study until about 9 anyway. It sucks serious balls. If I were in your position with your aspirations, I would seriously consider university. If you check out the news at the moment the motor industry is being hit the hardest out of any other. 37% fall in sales of cars this year, based year-on-year. Aston Martin, to use your example, is threatening to axe a third of its workers. I think the education university will give you, depending on the specific degree you’re doing, will give you more scope for employment based on the current market than what an apprenticeship would. I think the current global downward spiral will easily last until about the time you graduate. You also have to think about your job security whilst being an apprentice, given the current shitstorm.
  6. I did the same, no homework/coursework etc. I still don't know what I want to do really, despite uni plans. I'm having to study something I hate just to get in. I always tell myself that when I do finally work it out I'll be all the more determined to get there just because of how long it took me to discover it. I don't think you can force this sort of thing. For now, as long as I'm moving forward in some sort of direction that's cool. I dunno, I'm tired.
  7. I had a wicked time from 16 until about 18 (anyone remember Roadtrip '03 !). In the process I made a lot of friends, lost a lot of friends, alienated a good deal of my family and wrote off my Mini Cooper, the car of my dreams. I've held on to it and am more intent than ever on getting it fixed than ever. I also f**ked up school big time. I went from a A/B student to a D/E student in the space of a year with the help of drinks, drugs and skiving. In the end I quit and worked in a builders merchant for a while. Ended up digging myself into a bit of a hole, quit that deadend job and started in finance. Now I'm on insane money and have a wicked career ahead (if I want to be a finance whore forever - I don't) which I'm throwing away next September to go to uni and study law. The last six years years in six and a half lines. Definitely 17 - 18 . I definitely intend on studying and doing well . I've done the lash-up/flat out bodily abuse/reckless spending already. I finally feel ready to actually sort shit out.
  8. I hate quotes in signatures however that may have to be my exception.
  9. I'm at work and not entirely sure how much of a good idea watching that video would be.
  10. Is that experience talking? I'm more of an X-tube fan. Looks like Leeroy has made the UD. Linkey.
  11. Haha, gay hardcore. Now we're talking .
  12. I think The Sun were the first national paper to publish the story, so it's probably their doing.
  13. The guy actually drinks drank at a pub about a minutes walk from my flat. Yeah, I kind of agree about three years being a little excessive. It costs about £40k a year to keep someone in prison over here. Surely they could have just bought a lock for the stable! Oh yeah, I thought the blanked out eyes on the horse were a nice touch.
  14. Sounds good. You'd best learn to ride without your stabilisers off then . But serrrrriously, I'll be done with study then so I'll actually have time to ride. Look forward to it. Might even be able to get Luis out.
  15. I couldn't agree more (other than the murderous element). Bring on the buggery.
  16. Don’t you guys spend most of your time screwing young boys and burying them? I’m not a Guernsey local so I don’t give a shit what anyone says . Far worse can probably be said about Nottingham where I originally come from anyway!
  17. Fancy f**king a horse? Come to Guernsey. I've heard that a few of the prison officers have already stashed a load of hay in his cell . Oooh, rumour has it the horse recently died too. Not enough foreplay and too much horseplay hehe.
  18. Getting back to regular gymage. I got to the point where I was going every other day until I had to start studying again . No more than a pint a night during the week (except Thursdays). Thursday is the new Friday. Turn down offers of pot. I’ve got good at not going looking for it this year, however I usually give in if it’s offered. Can’t afford the expense and the laziness. Pass these f**king exams. Choose a good Uni, rather than just a good town with a Uni (or both if possible). I’m thinking about compromising with UWE… Ride daily once I’ve passed these f**king exams. Manage money better. Start making my sarnies in the morning before work again. Clean my flat once every two weeks. Steer clear of relationships. Get my driving license back. It’s about time… No more than one cigarette a day during the week. See my friends more. Just generally get my life back into order .
  19. Dave Hemming was in Guernsey with Clive Gosling (Cannondale’s marketing manager at the time) in 2000ish with Martyn Ashton. I remember Clive's was doing a running commentary of Martyns demo whilst Dave was just kinda tooling around on kids bikes. It was a cool day. My friend Mat owned the only Cannondale Ashton ‘replica’ on the island and he won the competition and got another one. Everyone thought it was rigged hehe.
  20. Nah, I reckon he's just out for some dollerrrrrr.
  21. I think he’s getting at the fact that it is not specific to the intensity or type of exercise, so has no real bearing. My flatmates see excercise as walking to the shop......
  22. Unless you bought one of the lime green T-Mags they released.
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