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Papa Manual

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Everything posted by Papa Manual

  1. Papa Manual


    Screw it, he's said sorry (for whatever it was he did wrong...) so let’s just leave it. This is probably one of the only times I've missed being a mod 'cos I'd be closing this about now before it escalates.
  2. Papa Manual


    Maybe we should all just forget about any of this and chill the f**k out. I can't see how such a big deal has been made from all of it.
  3. I really should put my arse in gear and get around to taking my test again. I lost my license nearly four years ago and have had a year to get it back. Lazyyyyyy.
  4. Many happy returns and all that.
  5. I've ordered some stuff from Amazon and it's taking a f**king age to arrive. All the stuff from Amazon Jersey got here quick (for obvious reasons), but all the stuff from England is MIA.
  6. Saxondale is ok. I liken it to Jack Dees latest attempt at milking the most out of his career. Anyone remember the Sunday Service? Microwaved teletubbies and such like...
  7. Maybe it's what you haven't. I love all of you .
  8. Ask 'Alex-Mitchinson' where the best places are. He's from Jersey and 17. Not sure whether he drinks though.
  9. If you're going around St Helier I think you'll find them fairly strict on the boozing. If you look old enough then you may get away with it. I was in Jersey a few times last year and got IDed a fair bit. I'm 22 (21 at the time) but I don't really look my age. I suppose they're probably just as strict as they are in a lot of town centers in England. No where is very far in Jersey, and there's loads of pubs, so you could probably find a few places that'll serve you. I got battered in a pub called the Southampton near the boat terminal when I was 15 and no one really gave a shit. Bit of a hole though.
  10. There's a few Jersey lads on here actually. I'm from Guernsey which is just across the water. The drinking age is the same as the UK, 18, and drinks cost pretty much the same as they do in England. St Helier is the main town and if you were anywhere else you'd be f**ked for anything to do. I've had a few good nights out in Jersey to be fair. There's a couple of reasonable clubs I suppose, although not the variety you'd get in a town/city in the England. It's not very big!
  11. Poor boy. You sound confused... Stop being wierd and/or not normal.
  12. I made 60%ish on Lehman Brothers in March/April time over the course of 24 hours. I was more than happy with that, especially with not having to pay tax on the gain. Good ole Guernsey. It's all about the risk/return ratio. That was massive risk, but it paid off somehow (luck rather than judgement). Returns of 900% are more likely to be made in the bookies.
  13. Or composing themselves in preperation.
  14. I think it's worrying how many people are suddenly interested in this thread now they're breaking out the pics! Closeters.
  15. Well, I don’t think there’s much of a mainstream problem in most developed countries. The majority of the people I work with are rugby players or ex-army (or both). They’re fairly testosterone fuelled and ‘red-blooded’ yet they don’t have a problem with my sexuality in the slightest. When it’s just me and one of them, sometimes I get quiet little questions like “So, would a guy do that the same as a girl would?” followed by my answer and a look of consideration, then another hushed question . I think school can be a bit different, although I know a couple of people who go to a local secondary school and they’re out and loud with minimal hassle. Considering this is Guernsey (anal sex between and man and woman is technically illegal!!!), I think that’s pretty cool.
  16. Probably because of people saying (for example in my homosexuality thread of late last year) it's unnatural. Everyone has a certain amount of curiosity in them.
  17. Furthering an addictive habit is what it's all about. Ah yeah, I was suggesting a 15/20 minute run but my sentence failed.
  18. Go for a fifteen or twenty minute RUN, capping it off with a spliff and a warm drink. I'm not trying to be in with the kids by mentioning the devil weed; I just think it's a method that works. I barely touch the stuff these days as I haven't any sleep problems and prefer to keep a clearer head in general. If you don't smoke, make a yogurt.
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