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Everything posted by dave85

  1. dave85

    Neil T Clip 7

    Bottom of the title page, click on the disc thingy.
  2. Also good for reading water gauges on steam engines and finding my way into tents after too much cider. I'm loath to get something better simply cos the torch is that good haha.
  3. Nokia 1100 So basic it can't really annoy me
  4. dave85


    Yes, no point having something that beautifully made only to shut it away in its case and show it off to the great unwashed.
  5. Get the whole lot as you had it before, but have your finger close to the hole in the slave cylinder (pad movey bit). When you press the lever in, let air come out, before you let the lever go put your finger over the hole, then let the lever out. Repeat till air stops coming out.
  6. dave85


    I like watches, for their functional beauty more than their place as the trappings of wealth. I wore a plain simple Smiths pocket watch (no jewels, 30 hour movement and glow in the dark hands and dial) for ages because it fitted my top jeans pocket perfectly That and its a damn sight nicer to read a nice big dial than squint at the digital screen on my phone. I wear, on the very odd occasions that I need to look smart, a Rolex Oysterdate that my uncle gave my father in the early sixties. Its NOT showy, infact its very understated and few people recognise it as a Rolex, keeps time well and is an absolute beauty to clean and work on. The clockwork is superb, almost fully jeweled but its very sensitive to oil so works best in summer haha. Got a nice scratch across the glass circa 1965 from when dad came off his Thunderbird I downright refuse to wear anything quartz, they're just too good at telling the time and there's no warmth or soul from them.
  7. dave85

    First Car Wtf

    The 1.5 diesel 106 is an abomination. Good on fuel but a complete tank and not very nice to drive at all. If you're really skint, well its got 4 wheels and a roof and will get you about, but you'll soon want shot of the thing.
  8. No, it shan't unscrew, all the forces through the sprocket wether you are going forwards or backwards act to tighten it. I understood it so it can't be that bad. Consider the name Everton Ribeiro, not English is it? Now get your head out of your islandic arse and consider that his English is probably considerably better than your Portugese.
  9. You're obviously in a priviliged position, so get your finger out and decide. eeeny meeny miney mo it if you have to, just dont f**k about.
  10. I've seen it happen to Cane creek, modus, and DDG headsets, its nothing unusual
  11. Does this mean then that I can call you all the kind of c**ts under the sun, insult your family, parentage, ancestry, ability in the bedroom and reading age and you'll not want to thump me?
  12. So bluntly, you've been screwed for being on the wrong side of the fence?
  13. heating 4.51 appliances 1.2 travel 5.27 hmmmm, f**king miles off I reckon.
  14. Most replies are conveniently forgetting that in such a small sport, having such a well known and listened-to figure as Wayne slagging the authorities off will do nobody any favours. Musil may even have felt it verged on libel, its not unknown for forums to be shut down over libel claims. It isnt childish to react like this, and im sure it was done within the consitition of Biketrial. Just try being in charge of something, and have your best efforts slagged off while trying to get through a difficult period. It takes the patience of a saint not to lose your rag, I can assure you.
  15. Pity he chopped in his common sense to get that.
  16. Tartydykes? I might actually have to get a job someday, making bits for bikes is a good 'un but unfortunately its not the most lucrative trade (10 quid in my pocket for five hours work today). I'm just glad I can live comfortably and contently on a pittance, its a lot nicer than working under crap conditions to try and keep a flash car and a fast bird running.
  17. It would seem you have to have photogenic children if you want a lost one back.
  18. That's Balcombe isnt it, over the Ouse?
  19. In all the trauma of building wheels, the spoke lengths are the easy bits I find.
  20. As a matter of interest, what is it?
  21. You need the slowmo or else you wouldnt hear every seperate bit of his bike complaining like f**k and breaking
  22. Cos you've got your mouth open and your ears shut half the time perhaps?
  23. 4. On levers with leverage adjustment, wind it right out so the cable is furthest away from the pivot. Less power but less squidge, its a trade-off.
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