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Everything posted by Fish-Finger-er

  1. face it man, if your not gunna dose it, it dont matter what the hell she thinks of you, if shes keen she'll text back, if she aint, she might think your a bit of a stalker, but if you've lost touch already, it doesnt really matter what she thinks of you.
  2. just went and had my bodyfat percentage measured (7 point caliper), bang on 20%, which is roughly what i expected from comparing myself to body fat pictures on the web. if i lost 2 stone of fat and didnt gain but didnt lose any muscle, id still be obese on the bmi, but like 8.5% body fat, scary stuff.
  3. if you can thrash out 5 seperate exercises for a single muscle group, good chance the first ones not hard enough. Dont really do much bi/tri work individually. tend to get enough out of compounds, then just do an isolation exercise at the end. just starting back after a few months off, todays routine looked like this: squats 4 sets at 12, 10, 8 7(was meant to be 8) bent over rows 12,8,8 military press 10,8,8 lat pull down 10,8,8,8,8 (mate turned up half way through, so did an extra set to keep him happy) leg extensions 10, 6, 6, 6. flat dumbell bench, 10, 8, 8 deadlift 8,6,4,2. incline bench 12,8,8. rope bicep curls 12,8,8. In that whole work out, theres only 1 bicep based exercise, and 2 more compound exercises that include biceps, but I reckon tomorrow, theyll be sore. main thing for mass, is always lift heavy, and dont neglect deadlifts and squats even if you just want the arms to grow. for what its worth, i dont think pump helps with mass at all, give me a siezed joint at work, and a 4 pound club hammer, 5 minutes later, ill have pump to hell in my swinging arm, when i was on the tools, this was on a daily basis, do i have 1 popeye style arm from this, no. to be fair i rarely get the pumped look at the gym ever.
  4. aye man, if she wants to give out a valentines blowie(every girl does), pm me her number, ill sort it out.
  5. i reckon shes gunna let you watch her piss on a stick, then watch your face when she gets 2 blue lines.
  6. Yea, proof that you can shag around, be past it,and be welsh, and still be shit hot at football,if i had a wife, id let him shag her. Havent seen any of the other goals from the day yet, got MOTD2 on sky +'d though(as well as ski sunday, and six nations games from today, thats my tv up till wednesday sorted)
  7. Your really not. Anyone watch the united game, im a united fan, so a lil biased. But I think the result was about right, maybe united got a lil lucky on penalty decisions, but I think chelsea got lucky too , only 4 shots on target the whole game.
  8. rainbows are fairly easy( do it properly though, with one foot behind the other, not side by side) just start by doing it standing, either trying to flick the ball into your ass, or flick it up,spin 180 and do it into kick ups, once thats solid, its a case of throwing it higher and forwards, which requires almost a pre loading of the front foot,so when the ball comes up, youve got that bit longer in the air to throw your legs higher and under you, and then get them back to the floor. never ever tried a proper rabona, done the whole movement using the side of the foot to throw a pass off to the side but thats about it.
  9. if im honest, by freestyle skills are probably better than my actual football skills, and i never really developed them. but I did play a lot of basketball, and in my opinion there is no thought but into how you move with a basketball, its all done by instinct,which crossed over rather well to football(bearing in mind dribbling a basketball, is the upside down principle of keepie ups). Now i realise you may as well go practice keepie ups as go dribble a basketball, but for learning how to pass a ball through your legs and kinda sense where it is/rather than looking for it, a couple of hours of basketball dribbling might not go amiss. Another thing we had to do was spin the ball on our fingers/elbows etc after a hard training session, penalty being the first person to drop the ball would have to do 50 press ups or the like. and whilst spinning the ball on your finger is a pretty useless skill in the game, it does actually teach hand to eye coordination and teaches the body to react to movement etc rather well. which is something you can practise whilst sat in your room waiting for world of warcraft to load.
  10. in no particular order. Simpson helicoptering my face :$ having your GF's mum walk in whilst shes straddling your face as you lick the kebab. totally forgetting you nailed a girl on the beach on holiday, whilst wearing a condom, doing a smash and dash as people were coming, then 20 minutes later going to the bog back in her hotel, only to not pay attention and fire a water balloon across the room. full on singing to miley cyrus in the works yaris with the windows open, unaware there was a car full of big cool people in a convertible next to me.
  11. in no certain order: 50 shots of corkies in 3 pint glasses for £20 neck a 2 litre bottle of cider in one go,for £2. eat a 3 month old white choc chip cookie for a domino's pizza. drink a bottle of brandy before 6am in exchange for a bottle of buckfast(it was 5.30am at the time, and i didnt need the brandy, let alone the buckfast) i also once bet stupidly that i couldnt swim an estuary for £20, I took the bet, and the money,put it in my wallet, stripped to boxers and did it. only to find once i reached the opposite shore, my mates had ran off to the pub, with my clothes, and my wallet containing their £20 and my £30. by the time id got back and found them, theyd "lost" a shoe, spent £15 texting people that i was gay, spent their £20 on beer and bought me a plate of the gayest cocktails known to man with my £30.
  12. if you need some ram, and can wait a bit, give me a shout in a week or so, i leave in the morning at 6am, and am away till the 28th, but ive most definitely got 2 x 1gb sticks that where in the machine before i upgraded.
  13. aye, to be fair i stuck at it about 6 days... Im working 60 hour weeks and i just didnt have time for it/ functioning on 5 hours sleep, going to grab a lunch of broccoli and chicken had less appeal than shooting my brains out at that point in time. reasoning behind the bread was to keep me sane.rather than nutritional value.
  14. this. and walking with weights. nothing like getting 150 kg on the olympic bar, deadlifting it, then walking with it across the sports hall,then back again, and again, till your hands bleed. quick update from myself, going skiing on saturday so not doing anything till february, but hopefully by then all the gyms will of quitened down, so i can rejoin a decent one that doesnt want to turn itself into a health club every few months and replace squat racks with cross trainers. training at home with limited weights is actually quite refreshing, in that you have to set yourself new challenges rather than just trying to whack an extra plate on the end.
  15. yea but on average, everyone has slept with one person.
  16. aye man, ive got an IQ of more than above average, and to me any girl who sleeps with loads of lads, isnt a slag, shes a target
  17. I honestly think girls lie about it way more than guys... well once guys get past like 18/19(age, not numbers). went on holiday this year, girl i know slept with 9 people in a week,and i wouldnt even class her as a slag. you honestly reckon her new BF knows that number?? half the girls, didnt even tell their mates they were on holiday with they'd had sex,let alone anybody else. With the advent of facebook, its well too hard for guys to play numbers down,but girls can get away with it, because were way too lazy to play facebook detective. in my last relationship, started out as a one night stand,within days I'd admitted a false number of partners(as had she), it took her about 2 weeks to figure out i was lying, couple of looks at facebook,and conversations we'd had, and she realised id mentioned more girls than the number i told her id slept with. took her about 3 weeks after that to come clean to me. as for the maths, by the time we die, totally leaves this situation open for some necrophilia.
  18. for 5 weeks before ibiza, i must've rattled through 15 tins a week easy. I dont know what constitutes mercury poisoning, but unless a symptom was dropping weight like hell, and being able to dance like a champ, I didnt suffer from it
  19. it would weigh more, as itd be pressurised, helium still has a mass, as the pressure increases so does the mass,eventually its mass relative to its volume exceeds that of air, and it then has an actual weight on the scales in the regular unpressurised atmosphere.
  20. interesting concept, I wonder if that could be made to work on bike frames, maybe fill the tubes with helium at like 10bar, and youve got a bike that weights nothing, possibly?!?!
  21. on the subject of specials, imo the north pole, bolivia, botswana, the us and vietnam episodes were truly epic. they had some real eye opening moments in them, but also enough humour, the last 2 appear to of been purely for laughs. (the india episode more so)
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