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Everything posted by georgieporgie

  1. If you have vees, it may be cheaper to buy new cables, pads and get a grind (or not depending on the pads?) As it seems many of the top street riders are going "back" to vee. They can have power witch surpasses maggies if set up right
  2. Pretty pointless, but a challenge none the less. I would not be seen in that... ever. I think monty need to invest in a better washing machine, this one's shrunk everything .
  3. I got fed up with snapping plastic hoses so invested in some braided. Cant tell the diffrence really but it doesnt brake (well it does but not in that sence:P)
  4. yeah it is, maybe it's just too small? in this case, for low price get the echo lite 1030 or the dob witch is mental light for the price. i really like my gu typhoon it's reall flicky and pretty light.
  5. Awesome mate, and you've moved to my favorite stock good luck with atomz and keep up the vids!
  6. awesome, we have to ride soon ! Were doing felixstowe tommorow if you could get down or up Like the echo, but ryan crisps is still the nicest
  7. amazing speechless, hense the completely useless reply.
  8. Trashers KOXX Marco Hosel Basic spec +echo bashplate Martins Echo Lite Echo lite frame Echo lite forks Fsa PIG headset Monty stem Try-all rage bars bb7 rear maggie with heatsink cristmas pads (MENTAL!) hope xc on tryall rim Rear viz rim on onza ronnie rim echo forged cranks try-all freewheel maxxis creepycrawlers My GU Typhoon Echo lite forks GU 07 frame cane crap headset monty pr stem try-all rage bars magura lousie front 180 disk rear maggie with heatsink chistmas pads front onza drilled rim wih t master hub rear monty 221ti hub on koxx rim gu cranks monty freewheel fsa bb All ride amazing Comments welcome Check riding pics to see them in action
  9. georgieporgie

    Zhi News

    Fair point, but im to stupid to think of it like that.
  10. was.. ok Music was terrible, but you warned me so thats ok I like the little kid climbing to post at 1:03 (SORRY IF THATS A RIDER ) good riding though
  11. Charles fried and martyn stebbens .... and me being a dick on the post thingy imageshack has raped my pictures Comments are allways good Cheers
  12. Nice little vid Front end looks pretty low on that thing for your hight, perhaps a hig rise stem ?
  13. Do you like anything ? I think it's lush I think i prefer the dob but it's still nice.
  14. here you go MORE PICS i still cant get the pics bigger anyone?
  15. georgieporgie

    Zhi News

    I much as i hate to say it. I think i agree with this. only with bionic though as zhi have some nice frames The b3 is just a LE and the b1 and b2 are adamant. Anyone that just copies a frame isnt highly rated in my mind.
  16. it's so messy i think i might like it probably because it's a gu, anything else it would be skanky. possibly tone it down slightly?
  17. Even though I was only on youtube... some of the best filming ive ever seen there I always thought skate vid's were so much more creative, now it seems were catching up.... yay Awesome riding too
  18. update tonight! New bits : phat pads cnc echo rear wheel new style maggie forks cut down! George
  19. looks good. annoying i couldnt come stupid wheel (FACT : monty hub = brie ) Next one for sure!
  20. Signed, were trying to get one built down near us. And the council are fully behind us. It all depends on the council around your area really. Good luck.
  21. lol i got exactly the same then gave up
  22. Seriously well done. I dont no wether i could have done that even though i have done countless course's (scout's ect..) You truely are a hero. And i no i would have stoped if somone had thrown up in my mouth, that bit really made me think. Really gripping read also. Well done.
  23. You ever planning on riding it? I dont think i could. (try-all brown tyre's me think's)
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