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Everything posted by TheChai

  1. Recognise some spots from Sheffield there! Nice one, some big moves that really do not look big on camera...
  2. Food for thought... I will be interested in finding out possibly from the forum or some other measure of what the trials population is in the UK at the moment. Get data for 5 years ago and 10 years ago. Really how much has our sport grown? Compare that stat to Pakour and BMX or skateboarding or anything else that is a sustainable sport at the moment. When I say sustainable I mean able to grow naturally i.e. more new riders starting and less stopping. In my time in trials. I have definitely seen more older riders stop than new riders start. The next question would be why. And I think the answers are obvious. Expensive bikes, accessibility etc... there are most certainly more Now why is there so much focus on competitions? Why is there so much focus on the rules of the sport or what is right? Surely the immediate problem is that at the moment it simply is not an easy sport to start. Why don't we try and focus on those aspects of the sport instead? What Mick Mitchell is doing in Barrow farm is an excellent example and so is Dexx Trials. We need to be supporting these and creating more of them. Once the sport is actually growing sustainably, than money would be a side effect. Who wouldn't want to sponsor or start business in a sport that is growing? A thing I see far too often in competitions is the bitterness competitors seem to have for each other. People within the sport should help each other grow, encourage improvement. I have been to the worlds and to be honest it seems to me that there is far too much bickering and unhealthy competition where you wish the worse for your opponents. I personally just have fun. I came drop dead last in my first world cup and am proud to say I tried and will be going again this year.
  3. I am there. Bet its going to be freezing.
  4. Amazing Flip! Hook to manual and the wall ride to wall ride gap between the angled walls did it for me. I unconsciously made weird noises after watching those clips. Fall at the end was harsh! Keep up the riding dude!
  5. Hello all, A few of us from Derby are thinking about riding Higgor tor tomorrow from around 11 am, we will probably be starting at the peak and heading down towards some streams later during the day. Join us if you are about!
  6. Loved it Steve, makes me feel I need to do more riding! I thought the rolling gap from the pipe was pretty impressive! So smooth! (55 secs in )
  7. I didn't know what to expect when I came along especially with the weather and all. Was great to see a big ride in London again, massive thanks to Ian for dedicating the time and effort into making this actually happen! Thanks to the sponsors as well! Was very impressed with the amount of goodies that were given away! All in all extremely glad I didn't let the weather keep me in bed!
  8. Not sure if any of you have seen this yet, but such an inspiring talk by Skateboard legend Rodney Mullen, been skateboarding since 1970's. In comparison Trials has such a long way to go! Its only just beginning!
  9. I got a soft spot for that song. Sweet video Dave!
  10. That is next to the millennium bridge in London near city university. Its a good spot, the rail rolling gap is near there too. Might be able to ride London this week. Going to make use of this weather!
  11. Thanks for the comments so far guys, I want to try and be at both Radfest and Tarty days this year! Akuska-Was it the still or the moving cameras? It was filmed by a quite a few people, I actually quite liked the clips where the camera was chasing me. Made some of the less highlighted moves good to watch. The rolling gap was one I made a big mess off before, I am glad I got it down now. Glad you guys like it!
  12. Many thanks to Marino for his support over the last few years and also to Qualitybike who has agreed to support in the future! This is my 4th video for Marino, it is a compilation of various clips throughout 2013 put together over the last few months. Thanks to those who have contributed! very much appreciated. Do enjoy the video! I have tried to include a few more technical moves in the video but as usual they never come out well! I will be aiming to get more videos out this year and will be getting much more riding done over summer! www.marinobike.com www.qualitybike.net
  13. Howdy all, I am going to be in Bristol from 10th to the 16th! Who would be up for evening rides?? Say from 6pm onwards?? Please pm me your numbers so I can get in touch when I am there!
  14. An hour and a bit for me but if the weather continues like this I might pop down
  15. Howdy! I am looking for riders up for 2-3 hour sessions in the evenings on weekdays. Around 5-9pm? I have checked out Downham market and there seems to be enough there. Feel free to recommend any other areas. Ideally something like 30 mins from Marham. Get in touch!
  16. Coming weekend guys! I will keep up with posts on here.
  17. Thanks for the replies guys! I will do what I can to make it worthwhile lol. I saw video of Charlie and sam riding somewhere near Norwich, all natural. I will do some driving around once I am settled in. Riding by the coast during winter is going to be tough!
  18. Will be up in Castle acre for 3 months and these are the next two closest cities. Does anyone on here ride either regularly??
  19. Thanks Guys, my neighbour seems to have a little camera fingers crossed its not a dummy one.
  20. Hi all, This bike was taken from my garden in Derby last night/this morning, please keep your eyes peeled and if you do come across it Ebay/gumtree etc please let me know! Much appreciated.
  21. Good stuff Ross! The intro was awesome! Some nice lines too! The location with the ruins looks like an awesome place to ride! Hopefully see you tomorrow dude?
  22. P= angular velocity X torque Angular velocity-the speed your legs can turn your cranks Torque- the force your legs put into your cranks The faster you move your legs and the more force you kick with the more power you get. Longer cranks give you more torque at slower angular velocity Shorter cranks less torque but faster angular velocity Assuming leg strength is high and constant, then power is limited by angular velocity.. So shorter cranks if you have the strength to kick them I hope that helps!
  23. Slightly late notice, am thinking of heading down with my gf sometime in the morning or afternoon.. Heading to the rocks near Rock a nore road? Drop by if you happen to be out!
  24. Awesome Bella! Nice hook in Nottingham dude!
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