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Everything posted by sayshell

  1. sayshell

    Chain Snap

    1 word for you. KMC Z510-HX
  2. im 100% sure its made of 6061 t6 aluminum.
  3. no it its't for example if I decrease the fork rake by 20mm the wheel would move back 20mm. If you increase fork length because the fork is not perfectly staight down but on a 70 degree angle the wheelbase will also increase. I think frame length would be more useful when buying a frame because you could just compare frame length and if its 5mm longer then your wheelbase is also 5mm longer, provided you don't change any components. Wheelbase is just a current measurement of frame length.
  4. if you turn your bar left or right the hub will tilt left or right. Your fork must be perfectly facing forward to get the right number. It just seems a lot simpler and more consistent to me. For example what if you don't know your wheelbase and are not running a standard fork on your frame? You can't figure it out. With this number you could compare it to any bike.
  5. why not measure wheelbase like this?? From rear hub to center of headtube (measured from the outside of the headtube) . This measurement would be very consistent. Here is a diagram to explain better Error with current method of measuring... the following things effect wheelbase but don't effect frame length.. -fork length -fork rake -headtube angle -if the bars are tilted even front tire size will effect the number
  6. everything works perfect except the engagement system XD If they could make them not skip they would be the best hub ever. They are lighter than profiles and a tenth the cost.
  7. I finally switched to echo this year. One thing that stops the leaking is make sure the barb fittings are really tight in the caliper. I have only had it a month but its lighter than my magura by about 35 grams and feels 100% exactly the same, so I guess its better. (keep in mind this is a review of the sl not the tr) when I owned a tr I switched back to magura in a day. The echo tr lever is no good, it makes your brake super spongy and in my opinion and probably weighs more than a regular hs-33.
  8. isnt the echo sl the same thing as an urban but with square holes? Why not buy that? It might look ugly if you make them into squares if you have a coloured rim because then you will have silver streaks between the rim tape and rim. Its a cool idea though!
  9. get a kmc z50hx or the z610hx the 510 is better. They are the same chain the 610hx is thinner. Out of every chain I have used it stretches the least and it never breaks and comes in many colours. You can buy them at pretty much any bmx shop or off tarty bikes. From using every chain ever made I would say it has the best strength/weight ratio the only thing that is comparible in strength are chains like khe collaspe which are way way way heavier.
  10. http://www.biketrialstation.com/newsfans.html I am guessing they are another sister company of neon or zhi their frame is insanely light. Anyone know anything? I can't find their website.
  11. yeah usually when you loop out in a crash you absorb most the impact with your but but it looks like your head. Your pretty crazy, good luck with your next attempt!
  12. Hey does anyone know if they are still a functioning company? I sent them a bunch of emails from several different accounts and they haven't replied to any. Do they sill even make bikes anymore?
  13. you knew i would reply to this hahaha. I am too old and injured to be good at riding, so I try to focus more on the entertainment value. Whether you enjoy the style or just think its funny and ridiculous either way you would be more entertained. So why complain about it? You didn't pay for it or have to watch it. Ok i promise no more replying to my thread. But I feel compelled to answer inquisitive comments. Last reply... DOne.
  14. No, I have only been trying big companies like bionic, neon, etc.. Thank you for the help! I think mielec was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!
  15. Is that a serious question? You just google search 5 words of the lyrics and you can find out what any song is. Now you know the trick hahaha.
  16. ive never even heard of any of those Ill take a look. Ive only been trying companies that already make trials frames. yeah I can. I don't buy anything except rent leaving me 1100$ a month to spend on bike parts.
  17. to answer your other question I have broken a frame. It wasn't the same one I am running now but the one I have now is the same material and weighs even less so I have trouble trusting it. The inspired is great very controlled feeling bike but I am more into something super light and maneuverable. I liked it a lot its just not what I am looking for. This thread has lots of comments because I reply to most of them.
  18. I will try to break this down. sorry for the 10 page essay but I really don't think people are listening. first point I agree but I need some changes on my bike. Hopping down stuff scares me because I expect my frame to snap and it deterrs me from trying. Every frame i break is the exact same point always, so it just needs to be a bit stronger there. second point well I obviously disagree, but it annoys me how people don't even try to like other people's style. I have never once made a negative comment ever on anyone's video and if I try to like their music taste I usually succeed. If I don't like the music and video style then I make my own video the way I want. If you were interested in the style and gave suggestions on improvement I would listen but you are just saying drop your style. You complain about lack of variation even though that is exactly what style is... doing tricks you like not just as many as you possibly can to make people think you are good. I am sorry you dislike TGS videos but I think they are awesome. Next off I will explain the variation of my riding by analyzing variation it self 1) trick variation..... (doing a completely differnt trick, example 180 vs tailwhip) 2) combination variation.... doing a manuel 180 is not the same trick as a 180 or a manuel its a new trick 3) linking variation....... combining tricks together into combos. Example if you pedal kick a medium sized gap and then sidehop a medium sized ledge in the same clip it becomes good even though neither of the tricks by them selves would be good. 4) terrian variation...... doing a 180 up a stair set or off a skinny is a very different thing. type 1 I am lacking in because I have a defined style where once I start the first trick in a line, I will continually do tricks till the end of the line without pausing to coast. If you are allowed to coast then you can simply land the first trick and then cut the clip off if you don't make the second. I have to make everything in a line or it doesn't count for anything at all. Almost everyone lacks in this type though. You could say the TGS of bmx is 360, barspin, tailwhip. type 2 I have a moderate amount of but I have another rule where I don't do any tricks where I take my hands or feet off the pedals/bars which limits this type type 3 and 4 is what I concentrate on. Manuel 360ing off a deck with no pre-turn at all is a lot different than a bank with huge amount of pre-turn or a gap drop down stairs. No 2 combos are the same all the curb tech is extremely different. Same thing with TGS videos.... gap dropping onto a rail is a lot different than gap dropping over one. third point I have given bmx many tries. You call me stubborn when it is you who is narrow minded. I have tried modern bmx geo probably every day... everyone I ride with is a bmxer. You have never tried my bike at all, you have tried a 200lb walmart mod with bmx bars and you probably rode it for what a good 3 minutes?? not my 18.9lb because which I spent the past 3 years refining the geometry. If you slap a bunch of random parts together of course it will be garbage. Every bmxer who ever tried my bike said it was amazing even mtnbikers say it feels great and the geo doesn't hurt my wrist. When I ride bmxes within 10 minutes my wrist hurts really badly I have to stop (I have a tendon problem in my left wrist) this bike is a doctor, I actually heal my wrist more by riding it than by resting it. I thought my wrist was ruined for my life but thanks to wonderful geo my wrist is slowly recovering. Not open to different ideas? I have ridden 26" 20" 24" trials bikes, bmxes, and mods with suspension I have tried probably every set up you can think of including an inspired fourplay. fourth point on proper technique?? Actually I don't bitch crank when I ride but I do kick the pedals subconsciously sometimes. What does that mean? When I originally learned all the tricks I would bitch crank to make them and do them at .01 kmph. I got so used to it that now I still ratchet the cranks sometimes but the gearing isn't engaging as my ratio is too low. Actually you couldn't be more wrong. On a bmx it would work and only on a bmx because the gearing is high enough that it would engage. Next off why would I buy a bmx for high gearing, and then switch back to a mod? You can just run high gearing on a mod lol. Next off I already explained I want to get back into static spin tricks (stalls and stall spins) but I can't due to some minor problems with my bike set up. Right now I have to either run a pure street set up or a pure trials set up but with a few extremely small modifications I can do both. This is my last response to anything related to getting a bmx or why I want a hybrid, unless it involves knowing where I can get one. (hybrid) I feel I have over-explained my self sorry to come off as a jerk I am not angry or anything writing this just explaining as bluntly as I can. thank you! I had no idea such a product existed. That solves one of my problems.
  19. because I need a bike that can do both. I contacted every frame manufacturer in the world and offered them 5-10000$ and none would even consider it. So looks like I will have to learn how to weld my self hahaha.
  20. what amazes me most about danny mac is how he still has so much balls for his age. A rider with as much technical skill as him doesn't even need balls to make a crazy video part but I guess he really likes pushing the bar. Either one of two things are true. He really really really wants to make the lines hes trying or he is just crazy. Or maybe a bit of both. As you get older I find you loose motivation to go big. You loose those emotions that get you all fired up now I would only try stuff where I either have a 100% chance of making it, or if I fall its the kind of thing where you can't get hurt so I usually end up just doing tech.
  21. thanks for the suggestion! However I have snapped the stock version of the monty frame and the monty bars so I have trouble trusting them. Also the geo is a fair bit different than what I am currently using and I don't think I would like the feel of it.
  22. the riding was mindblowingly good! You have insane skills and you got balls the perfect combination. I would get rid of the fish eye if I were you. Your riding is so big it will look huge without it. They make everything look too fake. You shouldn't say stuff like that to random people though its kinda mean though I do approve of all the other random clips.
  23. most my footage is on youtube you can look under usename desvio2000.
  24. Ironically I got hurt worse on the fake crashes than on the real ones. When i fell off that 2 foot wide skinny my hand landed on one of those dentist rings and punched a hole in it. The dumb clips are usually because we goto a spot and if I don't like it I just screw around. I think it should have been 2 seperate videos because Chad's crashes were pretty crazy. its a crashes and blooper section so its 50% crashes 50% just random things
  25. ! Sorry for making so many posts recently but I thought this was worth putting up here some of these were awesome. Enjoy!
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