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Julius Czar

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Everything posted by Julius Czar

  1. Those frames are just the nicest and most beautiful things I've ever seen... So slick and smooth...
  2. "forks: yes it has some" haha Nice bike man, looks clean
  3. Yeah, god knows why they discontinued them, they were great
  4. Sorry to burst the bubble of deep quotes guys, but a thing I always do when I'm bored is tap the bass drum sequence from the breakdown of a song which is quite complicated, always like trying to get my feet to do it all in time Edit: quote from a friend, stupid as hell: "always eat pies with a fork"
  5. The small print is merely there to cover their backs, so when you "get the bill" as you said and you complain they can say, "well we mentioned it in the dark and deep corners of your telly pixels, although you may not see it long enough or clearly enough to even make sense of what it even is, it's there, so when it comes up as an issue between the poor customer and the evil money lender/scammer, the customer, who has just signed their life away, doesn't have a leg to stand on. It's absolutely disgusting and shouldn't happen, but the law states that you can't lie about what your selling, but that only means you can't lie, so these companies can bend the truth as far as possible even to the point where your not actually sure what the truth is about the product/service. I just think you need to be wise to it, and steer clear from any short term loan service, because I've heard nothing but bad things about them, and don't just make decisions on impulse when you see an advert for any service offering money or anything alike, because it should be something that you take lots of time over and you should be completely clued up when it comes to a decision as big as that.
  6. Sweet vid man, wish you had your bike when you were at thinkbikes on Thursday, could have shown us how it was done
  7. The ska reminds me of the old flouro T-mag, like it
  8. Looks sweet man, did you spray it yourself?
  9. Just watched your vid on Facebook, what were you doing at the end to get your cranks off? Looked interesting
  10. Hey guys, mate of mine needs a 14mm axle for his profile, for a Bmx. I've looked on a few sites and can't find any cheap, does anyone know if any other axles work with a profile? Or if anyone on here has a cheap one can you pm me please? Thanks, Kieran
  11. Really good watch that, I liked the fact that it wasnt all amazing riding, it made it all a bit more interesting to watch
  12. He looks like he eats axle's for breakfast
  13. Really liking that, nice to see an old tgs monster, instead of all these high bb superlight bikes
  14. Ah, I see. Fair enough, bike looks really nice
  15. Is it me or is the rear rim black in the first two pictures? Sorry if I've missed something
  16. Ah, I see, thanks for the info, I just gathered i would have been Danny Mac with all the recognition he's getting atm but fair enough! nice to get a bit more recognition (albeit half a second) but still, its some hehe.
  17. Hey guys, was watching the telly the other day and this ad came on, and there's footage of someone on a blue 24" (like an inspired) looks like Danny mac or something, it's only like half a second of him on the front wheel spinning round but I thought it was worth a mention anyone else seen it? You guys probably aren't media geeks as I am, just a thought Kieran
  18. Wow, massive riding! very good
  19. Good man, nice to see them still being put to good use!
  20. Oh wow. I love them frames, I started on a base t19, bomb proof but really light, great fun
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