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trialsking 55

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Everything posted by trialsking 55

  1. i remember seeing this ages ago and i think people will have alot more now so... i have 4.24gb in my vids folder
  2. if you've got any nitromors try that as it might work but i'm not sure. because they kinda have a layer over them
  3. i'm just over 7 1/2 stone and i run probably around 15-20 psi in the rear and a bit less up front :ermm:
  4. i'm riding novice :"> . my second comp ever yay! only 40 mins away from me (according to autoroute) :ermm: i'll be on the black monty x-lite 04 wearing a red and white met helmet with two globe stickers on it :) should be a good comp
  5. laquer made my frame go cloudy once polished. just leave it and polish every few months :ermm:
  6. this isnt an idea but would the people who sign up be able to upload vids?
  7. i had halo but it said my comp wasnt good enough so it was in wank mode all the time :ermm: i like unreal tournament (played it at my mates) and cs:s looks pretty cool :(
  8. hi i want a first person shooter kinda like quake with a really good online multiplayer with lots of people on it. as you can tell i'm a bit of noob so can someone please help me out?
  9. i had a quando from supercycles on my megamo :o
  10. really enjoyed that (N) good vid (Y)
  11. :D lmfao you can't see owt or i cant see owt ;)
  12. i have some platic pipe on my d/t dont look to bad but does thd job and is light and cheap
  13. monty 221ti. the only mod to be backflipped ;)
  14. i was expecting some uci machine lol. looks very noice
  15. that was mint, very well filmed and very well edited. i wanna subscribe now but i'm poor.
  16. when they start to go stiff like that it's usually a sign that it's almost dead if the chain is loose etc. but seen as yours is new i dunno
  17. i have a ti and i love it for it maniouverability and it's flickiness and it's just perfect for me as i feel very in control when riding it. the only thing i really like when i go on pythons is that it feel easier to kick up stuff. maybe thats got some thing to do with the fact that my freewheels almost dead.
  18. i've never sat up so fast when i saw this post. yay (Y) :( :P :unsure: . its not as big a file i thought it would be
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