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Everything posted by hugh_b

  1. Hey guys, who's doing round one of the ymsa champs at bracken rocks next weekend??(25th march) I'll be riding a 26" for the first time in competition and it's my first uci trial,also my first trial since andorra world round in 05!!! Should be good though as i only ride uci now when practicing so i cant wait. If you havent already entered hurry up and do so, you'll be missing out. cheers-Hugh
  2. hugh_b

    My Limey 2

    sold the adamant, always wanted one of these and i wanted the option of running gears-dono if i'm gona do brits yet you see. It rides amazing, got ymsa next weekend on it so should be good
  3. hugh_b

    My Limey 2

    ok guys, i'll be home in the week next week, i have the ymsa next weekend so it'll be all prepped for that, ill take some good pics then. So keep your eyes peeled!! cheers-Hugh
  4. hugh_b

    What Pedals

    i'm using the magnesium wellgo pedals, these are the same as the onza ones and a few other makes-think they are "pattern pedal". I'm pretty sure ive seen these around in white. they also weight bugger all and ar pretty sturdy. I have been riding uci on my 26" though but they have had some nasty nocks but they are holding up good-touch wood lol.
  5. hey guys, got my limey 2 built up just about lol! Everything was going good until i tried putting the chain tensioner on with the chain, really out of line. I've had to grind down the mech hanger so the rohloff sits inline just, took ages to get it right Then another problem, wacked the longest try-all bb in but the left hand crank hit the rear brake calliper only to find out it's the wrong size bb, by this time i had groun the back of the crank down so it didnt rub, all built up and rideable but need a new bb before the other one collapses!! Anyway here she is:
  6. looks loverely bud, so glad ive got one on the way
  7. dani is riding a prototype at the moment.
  8. hugh_b

    Adamant A3

    nice ryan, hope your pleased with it, the adamant is sold!! so we wont be matching lol
  9. yer i may be there, have to see if i have the new bike done by then
  10. Hey guys, can i buy white rim tape like the try-all stuff-had a look but cant find any other colours apart from red, yellow and black. What else is avaliable that would be suitable? cheers-Hugh
  11. hey bud i have the long mod stock a1. one word-awesome, very nice on the back wheel, nice for tapping, just nice really lol. Easy to chuck about and ive come from a 20"!! I'm selling mine as i want to try a limey 2, yes i'm a bike tart. It's 2 weeks old and basically new condition-£185 posted!!! setup- onza 30" carbon bars, onza 100mm x 5 degree rise stem, one 10mm stem spacer, echo control forks, 175mm tensiles with 18t tensile freehweel and 15t rear sprocket on adamnt fixed hub.
  12. ive got a nice adamant a1 mod stock, 2 weeks old, had 4 rides, basically new. £185 posted!!
  13. ive got one and it's great!! I do now want the option of running gears incase i want to do the odd brit round but i'm not really interested in biu anymore and just want to ride uci where you dont need gears, so mine is up for sale, that and i have always wanted a limey 2 lol. Theres less to hit on one, lighter beacuse of the missing parts. They are alot less hassle to set up. A pretty good idea f you ask me. I believe they are doing a brit round class now so you can ride them.
  14. haha, bad luck bud, wish i'd stayed now lol
  15. good luck bud, go get that bike back
  16. hehe, no i just searched it on goggle and everyone said to do this.
  17. i can almost gaurentee the car jack idea will work bud, bolt croppers normally dont and hacksaws wont. -Hugh
  18. hey bud try this, either get some bolt croppers off a mate or if you have some or...this is gona sound crazy but does work: get a car jack put it between the lock, keep jakin it up and up as hard as you can-eventually bang the lock will break. cheers-Hugh oww and once you have jacked it right up give it a heft smack with a hammer. cheers-hugh
  19. who did you buy it from? go to them first then if no joy go to the importers nse-www.koxx.co.uk
  20. freewheels normally have bugger all warranty due to them being one of the parts which get the most abuse and wear quikly. However it does sound faulty so send it back, gotta be wort a go? cheers-Hugh
  21. no just jet wash the disk off aswell, incase there is a bit on there.
  22. get some dirtbike cleaner (muc off) really attack the freewheel with that covering it and trying to get it between the actual cog and the lockring then jetwash it all out for ages. should come clean.
  23. ive had the new monty freewheel on my 07 ti and it didnt skip once, got some sand in there from the beach and it washed out fine, it was awesome, great pickup too. I'm running a tensile on my 26" and thats amazing too-maybe better!
  24. if it's faulty and not doing the job it was intended for then yes you should by right get another, it's quite clear it's not just yours, look how many people on this forum have had trouble with them. Dont let them palm you off with- "it's your fault" and "it's been ued for trials" if it's really mucked up then you shoud get another. I know bike companys dont like covering things like freewheels as they are a part that wears considerably faster than others and they do recieve alot of abuse but for £50 it's gota work! You mayaswell try sending it back. whats there to loose?
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