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Everything posted by Bondy

  1. ahahahahaha im sorry that had me in hysterics, dear o dear, go ukraine!
  2. hahahaha your spelling says it all me being football retarded who are CCFC? EDIT: i am just generally retarded and didnt notice the 'cardiff city FC' in your sig
  3. and you shall be coming to union in september wont you callum, yes james i will be playing for the colts in september, good good
  4. Basically what 'Pissin_on_the_fence' said. Union: Rucks, mauling etc League:Basically have uncontested scrums no rucks and mauls, Team that has the ball has 6 tackles and if they dont score a try or a get a penalty and have a further 6 more tackles they usually kick on the 5th to try score or just make the other team have more ground to make before possession is handed over. Every time someone is tackled the defending team has to retreat 10 metres. Instead of rucks and mauls when a tackle is made in league you have to 'play the ball' between your legs to the guy behind you. They also have 13 (union has 15) players. Oh and if you tackle someone in league they have to be 'held' in the tackle long enough before the ref shouts tackle otherwise the guy can keep on going.
  5. http://www.myspace.com/the_bond i've only just made an account and cant really be bothered with it at the moment but add me anyway so i look like i have more friends muahaha
  6. meh i've played both rugby league and union now but still prefer union. As much as i enjoy watching league as it is good for just generally putting a high tackle on everyone and is faster paced i just prefer union . Newcastle falcons for the win i wish haha
  7. Rugby wont win because football is just too popular, its a sport where you can just go out and have a kick about with friends and have a laugh, you can hardly have a quick mess about game of rugby with your mates. I play rugby alot and me and my friends usually just go out and play football when were bored especially in the summer. IMO rugby is better though, some people say its just a bunch of men hugging each other because they actually havent played the sport and dont have the slightest idea when playing or watching it. Football i will watch only when england play just to laugh at there demise when they get knocked out (no doubt they will end up winning the world cup now ive said that). Footballs just soo pathetic now with the whole ''oh ive brushed my leg against you im going to do a platoon worthy dive on the floor and writhe in pain for a bit''. so football for playing, but rarely watching and rugby for both
  8. Bondy


    go for it, i doubt you would once you were actually there and were going to do it. Kinda like people who self harm and want to kill themselves they wont do it properly because there too scared that they would actually die, so are just attention seeking whores instead.
  9. Bondy


    nice uplifting topic Ugh death is the only thing that really shits me up and thats only because its inevitable and it will happen to everyone at some point. Just seems weird and too much to comprehend when you think the world etc has been going on for soo long yet we only take part in its time for such a short period. I think its too far fetched that we somehow live on in any kind of way, once we die we just die thats it, theres nothing to it, basically like the hours from when youre asleep to when you wake up i dont remember a thing and find it surreal that 6-8 hours have passed yet it feels alot quicker. death is basically that just a sleep that you dont wake up from. The only reason i believe there are things such as heaven etc is just to give people false hope to ease there minds that something good may happen after death and that it isnt just the end.
  10. Depends if youre there just to lose weight or build up body mass and what part of the body you want to build up? ive always found i havent needed to bother with my legs as trials gives them a good workout as it is. At the moment i run 2 and half miles every 2 days. Then just use dumbbells and a bar on my bench and just exercise my arms and back, chest etc. If you want to just tone your body its best doing low weight with high repititions of a weight and the opposite to bulk up. Dont know if thats really helpful but oh well, i'm sure someone else knows more
  11. go to a sig design website? www.leetweb.com
  12. Bondy


    Been messing about with a football for the first time in ages instead of being egg chasers like we usually are and just had a laugh really and now im feckered
  13. oh sorry man, ive had other stuff on the go recently, im uploading it now for you, should be done soon as long as nothing messes up. Sorry its took so long.... Bondy Linkage - will be here when done! EDIT: i'll upload the other one 'demo - vid' if im still awake after the other is done or ill do it tomorrow
  14. Bondy

    Come On England!

    i fell asleep watching it i knew it was 1-1 last time i checked i think
  15. 7:00 - Woke up got ready for college 8:15 got bus went to college 11:30 got home from college 12:00 went to bed as i had 2 hours sleep last night/this morning 16:00 got up and went to my mates house 17:30 went to other mates house 18:30 went to rugby training with mates 21:00 came back from rugby ate dinner and just kinda moped around for a bit 00:52 going to bed! then the annoying morning routine starts all over again
  16. The game sonly like £20 just go and buy it. but yeh make sure you can run the game, need a decent processor etc and atleast 1gig of ram and a decent graphics card to run it smoothly What are you guys names on bf2 then? Mines - [MER]Bondy www.bf2s.com for stats if anyone wondered how to look theres up
  17. wow really good riding, loving the 24'' action looking scarily smooth. Great video
  18. Yeh i play it, only had it a few days, my mate told me to buy it as it was good, i will be on tonight at around 9ish for a little bit, got loadsa college work to do first.
  19. For those who still read this thread youve probably started off an argument now lol! anyway ive uploaded more, cant remember which ones but they are there.
  20. I reckon the placebo effect works. I woke up on sunday with a rugby match to go to with a banging headache thinking oh great im probably going to come down with something like the flu now and here i am today with nice full on flu well apart from the fever part thats gone away now thankfully. After waking up i just started getting more symptoms and the more i thought about becoming ill the more ill i became. Or maybe it was just a co-inkydink.
  21. what ones do you have.. there mine not all old ones, got any others then go for it EDIT: just to let you know the 'Craig_Python' videos are his zoo vids ive just renamed them
  22. If youre going to upload some, do you fancy saying which ones as theres no need for us both to be uploading the same videos
  23. Heres the link, check up on it now and then and i will add some when i get the time to I've done a couple http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/Bondy tell me if it works alright.
  24. Have you got all the ones you wanted? I have most of them, some oldish ones aswell, i can upload them for you on tv.isg.si if you want?
  25. Not too keen on it really. Really like the grunge work you did on your website though, its really good Good to see youre trying new things though
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