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Everything posted by Bondy

  1. It's on the dirty sanchez dvd aswell, showing it, i wasnt too sure whether it was real as it totally put me off the show and probably others so was kind of a stupid thing to put it on the dvd. They will tell them when to laugh and stuff it was weird.
  2. Bondy


    It's the freddie krueger man, just give him a red n black jumper with that hat and he's sorted He's already down with the chopping up people part. It's an odd programme. Interesting for some i assume though.
  3. Bondy


    I cant even remember what ones ive seen, can someone refresh me what happened on season 4? If im right he wouldnt be in the 5th season due to what happened on the ones ive seen? (wont say what happens just incase people aint seen it yet)
  4. Exactly, minus the breaking of things. I play COD2 and everyone i play is a cheater online, only when they kill me of course and it annoys me, and laggers grrr. Yet if im killing everyone im happy.
  5. Hey Luke, sorry to hear about the bike! I'll make sure i keep an eye out when im around town, no doubt its a stupid bunch of chavs and will more than likely be around town on it. Hope it turns up soon
  6. It's a tenner, why not.... I'll get one, sounds good
  7. lol nice one, sounds like fun it was a pretty stupid thing to do though Well, dont put your fingers in a spinning wheel with a disc brake, i did that with gloves on luckily and only got a nicely bruised tip of my finger and a cut. Although im sure some people on here mustve had worse experiences with that
  8. Bondy


    urgh the flu sucks i had it for about 6 days two months ago with a nice temperature of 103 a majority of the time, which was fun. I just sat in bed going 'muh', just drink lots and it got better eventually. Good way to lose weight aswell if youre looking to lol.
  9. Bondy

    Xbox 360

    Well i wont be getting an Xbox 360 after what i thought of the original xbox, i just really didnt like it . Graphics - Well yeh graphics are important but no one can say the PS3 or Xbox 360 is better than the other. A game can have absolutely amazing graphics but have complete and utter shite gameplay etc. Such as ive been bored recently and have been playing final fantasy VII because its probably the best final fantasy game out, yet would have no chance in competing with graphics nowadays. Games - You cant really say one is better than the other because one has better games, because you dont know what sort of games other people like you will obviously have your own preferences that other people will think are crap games. But to be really honest, PC is where its at for online gaming atleast! There both good consoles but PS3 all the way
  10. I think my college course is a pile of wank and if i had known it was going to be anything like it was i wouldnt have went there, therefore im leaving and having to join the 'decent' college next year (Y)
  11. 25 mins on level 1 difficulty :) isnt 80rpm the speed you have to maintain with the annoying flashy red light though? i havent been on a bike machine in a while so i dont know
  12. It's also made for lots of things not just toothbrush bristles. >_< Coal, air and water when cleverly put together by the uber scientists and what not, they get the synthetic fibre 'nylon' which coincidentally enough is what the toothbrushes are made from.
  13. Although its actually right about that.
  14. no, not my college, its the biggest doss ever, i wish i had never gone there now (Y) random fact - toothbrush bristles are made up partly of coal....
  15. woop woop big fish little fish cardboard box (Y)
  16. Bondy

    Google Wack

    just read through parts of that thread and cant believe how stupid some people are on here (Y) About 20 times people were posting things saying oooh ive found one ive found one, when theyve either spelt a word completely wrong or as 'mink' put in his first few posts both words must be underlined and have turned blue and not be in bold for it to count. So people kept carrying on posting things when there not underlined etc asking if these were ok, got to love this forum (Y)
  17. Well you see, if they got caught, when you are hung or hanged whatever its called the general idea is for you to die...soo it would be hard for them to carry on doing it :P
  18. I'm more hardcore because I can run with safety scissors.
  19. If that was a reply to my post i didnt mean for it to sound like a bitchy post, i was just curious on how important they are now? :) It just seems a bit of a waste for some people at secondary school to put soo much work in, to get the grades they want, then in a year or two's time to find out it was all pretty pointless and you hear about all these crazy people who take there gcse's uuber seriously and stop themselves from having a social life for it :P But to be honest the gcse's were easier than the teachers make them out to be anyway, i got the grades i wanted anyway so i was happy :P
  20. Talking of which, for those who have been through college and maybe into Uni and or are starting there chosen careers do your gcse's actually even matter after you have got your A Levels etc from college? I mean now ive gotten into college with my gcse's how important are my gcse's now?
  21. Bondy

    Funny Games

    noice :( looking cooooooooool :sleeping:
  22. Bondy

    Random Fact

    oooh can this be a new random facts thread then? Youre Sternocleidomastoid is one of your neck muscles :) bet you can all sleep better knowing that :P We were doing about muscles in college today so i thought id make some use of it
  23. Bondy

    The Army

    My dad was in the Royal Engineers for 22 years and said it was pretty good, it just got a bit...well crappy to him as he got closer to his 22 years he said, he is glad he is out of it now but enjoyed it at the beginning as it was something he wanted to do and keeps you fit, although he was only posted to 2 places i believe, we lived in Germany for a while then came back to be based at Colchester.
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