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Everything posted by l33th3tr33

  1. Yeah, sorry, forgot to mention it's a tv not a monitor. It is 1080p, yes.
  2. I'm currently building a black DD mod, was gonna have black rims but I'm more swayed towards the white now. That looks awesome! What's the 180 rear disc like?
  3. I had this with my drive, it turned out to be a shit load of music and other stuff (downloads etc) in Computer>Local disk (C:)>Windows old>users> (user name) This was with an upgrade though, So probably doesn't apply. On another note: I've just got myself a nice new monitor LG 32LD450 and got a DVI to HDMI cable. I'm running 1920x1080 Resolution and all the writing is choppy, and Watching HD films is definitely NOT HD. Basically it's a really crap picture. Any insight? Drivers, cable, etc?
  4. Don't know how no-one has mentioned this yet, but Terminator salvation is IMMENSE! Such a good film in HD.
  5. QFT. Sign up to a piercing forum and post this EXACTLY how you have here, you'll get a lot of let's say 'different' replies. If you didn't stretch properly then who are you to be telling people not to do it in the first place? If you do it right, then you'll have healthy looking ears, not minging looking fruit loops.
  6. Not a hge tech problem but when I scroll down through my browser (firefox) Using the click wheel ( not rolling the wheel but clicking it in and pulling the page up or down) it's really choppy and laggy. It's really REALLLLY annoying! Any thoughts?
  7. Ok, a new one from last night, with the missus's listick all over me chops........
  8. 30-E No, not a really old pic, about 2 months old........
  9. I've done it before, I posted a pic explaining how I did it, if you have a search you'll find it somewhere.
  10. You might find rise bars a bit more comfortable, but other than that, it looks sweet! Any idea on weight?
  11. What website/s would you recommend looking at to buy from?
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