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onza pro series guy

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Status Updates posted by onza pro series guy

  1. wanna win an awesome, uber, super sick, dope, one-off prize? Go post a video of you falling off a bike to the trials memes facebook page, heres a link and everything https://www.facebook.com/TrialsMemes?hc_location=stream

  2. anyone know where I can get my hands on that starchem synstrip?

    1. trialsiain
    2. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      thanks, i did google it but it only showed up forums where it had been mentioned, no shops :)

    3. trialsiain
  3. wish someone would hurry up and buy my mini... need a skid car now

  4. god knows why but it's all kicking off over at trials memes, 25 new 'likes' this evening alone. i'm so stoked that we're nearly at 300! Thanks to everybody who has given us a quick like and supported us :)

  5. Looks like im gonna have to take a shit on Darren's neighbours doorstep. Douches.

  6. *puts petrol in car* *scrapes all the way to school*

  7. good ride with Macaulay, even if i did get the cinnamon challenge farts :L

  8. new likes: Damon Watson, well I guess that means i cant post the meme mocking the shit out of him :/

    1. Revolver


      What happened to the days when a meme was a trend, rather than a picture?

    2. Blake


      Those days died a long time ago

    3. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      good point guys, guess its evolved... I dunno maybe the following of the page that posts the pictures is/could be a trend???

  9. finally put an order in with industry clothing co. :)

  10. right, i've posted about it elsewhere so here goes, why not like my page 'trials memes' on facebook if you like bikes and have a sense of humour? If you only have one of those qualities you should keep your filthy likes to yourself, bitch.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      its me and another guy, a load are sent in too, so i'm gonna pretend none of the naff ones are mine ;)

    3. Danny00135


      The ones I sent in were a thing of beauty ;)

    4. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      haha, but it means i cant post my ebay one for ages now ;)

  11. Dear people of the internetz, i have yo shit in ma hooose! I haz; a ipod docking bay, a skirt, some shoes and some wings! I am keeping the un-opened alcohol cos im that kinda guy ;) comment if you want to see your stuff again before i hit it with hammers for fun.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. g1nge@trials


      i think he has been on the alcohol that the interwebz left him :)

    3. HippY


      thats alright but where does he get the docking bay, skirt shoes and wings?

    4. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      facebook auto-imports my statuses!!!

  12. thanks to everyone who helped me to get 'slightly tipsy' for my 18th. Espically liz dot and indy b for organsing a dope night, Dom for forcing me to drink from the moment i finished work till the moment i cried on my patio, and Darren for being a top lad and letting a group of us shave his eyebrow off :) MUCHLOVE!!!!

    1. showurcolours


      haha, oh my god sounds like a hectic night!

    2. Martin Reynolds

      Martin Reynolds

      to be honest, if theres no vomit or police involved, it's a good night :P

  13. thanks for the b-day messages people

  14. want a dirty drift slag to smash into walls. FWD sucks.

    1. Pashley26


      No, FWD rules. Learn to lift off before you buy RWD. Having a RWD car means nothing if you haven't a clue how to control it.

  15. A pack of randoms, the biggest can of red bull, rockstar and a bag of haribo. Lets get this ucas shit done.

  16. Life's short and hard like a body-building elf

    1. Danny00135
    2. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      ahh the pills came through the post alright then?

  17. Just manged to park in the smallest space in the world :) i love my mini :D

    1. Danny00135


      Must.. resist.. urge.. to.. type.. innapropriate.. comment..

    2. dann2707
    3. onza pro series guy
  18. can't stop listening to the prodigy :/

    1. isitafox


      Funny you should say that, I've just stuck Fat of the Land and Music for the Jilted Generation back in the car. Need to dig Prodigy Experience out though

  19. the world is full of miserable c**ts today....

  20. well I met her in a disco and she was 41....

  21. just bought myself a de-seemed mini, good day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      Haters!! ;) I don't like them fully de-seamed but this one still has the roof seem :) whats not to like about a smooth mini? ;)

    3. Martin Reynolds

      Martin Reynolds

      They just don't look right. The seams are a part of the mini' character

    4. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      I like the way it looks different to most others though, more unique. Plus most people don't even notice, I like that, it makes me happy that it looks how I want but people still see it as an understated mini. Plus this way I do avoid some mini characteristics; RUST!

  22. Another day, another train trip, another innertube.

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